
180520 "3 Signs you May have LEAKY GUT "

Our GUT is a true magical place. Engineered perfectly to break down and distribute Nutrients to the body as well as neural connections to the entire body which make it our ‘Second Brain’ . From your Mouth down to your Anus, there is roughly 4000 square feet of surface, all with unique roles to play in our health. Like our skin, the tight cell structure creates a barrier from the bad and specifically designed to allow in the good stuff. When the integrity of this structure is broken down anywhere, all hell can break loose. This condition is called LEAKY GUT and here are 3 prominent signs that you may have some degree of it.

110520 "New Science: Vitamin D and COVID-19 Mortality Rates"

For as long as I have been researching an studying Micronutrients, Vitamin D has always stood out as the most intriguing. Classified technically as a “vitamin’ , this essential nutrient functions more like a hormone on our bodies. Ive written extensively about its effect on Hormone regulation which is vital to training and performance, but new science is out now about its very important effects on immune system regulation. Specifically, Vitamin D buffers the immune response to pathogens, virus’ and bacteria. And the timely research shows, that we need Vitamin D levels to be good in our bodies more than ever.

020320 "You are What You Eat... AND What You Don't"

The Scientific Community has largely agreed for many years and across many studies that there are benefits to watching what you eat. Limiting saturated fat, not eating processed grains, and ensuring that your veggies are the color of the rainbow. Along with a balanced diet, the amount of what we eat is also indicative of how our cells age and how disease happens. This is the focus of todays editorial.

100220 "Ice Baths; Why you may be freezing your Butt off for Nothing "

XPT, Wim Hof, even instagram… everyone is pushing it.. Ice Baths. The Post Workout or Lifestyle trend happening now by many top athletes and influencers where you submerge your body in a trough of ice and water and love it. If you haven’t tried it, chances are you know what i’m talking about. You’ve probably taken a cold plunge in a lake or river at some point, quickly losing all feeling in your limbs and jump out with a renewed sense of love for warm clothes. The trends now are pushing mental fortitude (which is a real thing) and recovery. But a new study has come out which may disprove some of the benefits that are being touted. Lets dive in !

270120 "Not too Cold, Not too Hot.. Just Right.. 3 Reasons why your Body Temperature is So Important."

Do me a favor... Take the back of your hand and place it on your forehead.. How do you feel? Do you feel warm? Feel cold? Does this remind you of what your Mom used to do to you when you complained about going to school because you thought you were sick??? Our body temperature is something we use as a metric to judge how well we are doing? But why and how was this standard developed? A new study recently came out which links your body temperature to a host of evolutionary and physiological attributes . Read on and find out some things that may get you paying closer attention to that thermometer!

301219 "3 Overlooked and Healthy Greens You Should be Eating"

Colorful, dense, Nutiritious… this basically sums up your Vegetable Value System right? Well.. I hope if you are reading this you have put SOME kind of value on the food that goes in your mouth? Irregardless, The grocery isle and farmers market abound with Vegetables that will help nourish and sustain your body and mind, but there are some hidden gems that you probably are overlooking! Leafy Greens lie in grey area for most cooks and shoppers because A) you dont know how to look for them B) You dont know how to cook with them. Lets break down a couple today and get you on the right track.

251119 "New Science; Low Carb Diet Helps Keep Flu Away"

Nature has a funny way of providing all we need to live healthy… right in the foods that we eat. With Shots and Pills being the Modern Day ‘go-to’, a group of researchers at Yale University are showing that if we eat correctly; we can ward off Viral attacks of the dreaded Flu. The solution is simply food. Well, Eating the right foods that is.

"Fish Oil; The Secret Sauce Behind a Better SEX Life"

If you haven’t figured it out yet, Hormones Run the show. Your body is simply reacting to the stimulus acted upon it by the chemicals flowing through. No matter what it is you are doing, your endocrine system is responsible…. Walking, Thinking, Talking, and Especially SEX. We all know that a good diet and healthy living are important for maintaining the machine but there is growing research which shows that Fish Oil could have farther reaching benefits than just controlling triglyceride levels. Your Sex life (and performance) is a key indicator of overall health. Fish Oil may just be what you need to optimize this important aspect of existence!

290419 "5 Ways to Detoxify your Liver and Improve Performance"

Take a moment right now and place your hand just below the diaphragm. Inhale deeply, exhale and take a moment to thank your Liver. This little guy has been working hard for you all your life, a thankless job but one that is essential for your life as you know it. No matter what you have thrown at it, the Liver works hard to keep you on track. If you are like me, you and your liver could share some stories! Well today we are going to give thanks to our livers and Im going to give you 5 EASY DETOXIFYING TIPS to help you keep your Liver at Peak levels and boost your performance as an athlete. Given all that you two have been through, its time.. and probably overdue.

010419 "Top 2 Reasons why you should ditch your Cheat Day"

Popular dietary antics pervade our Nutritional Landscape. There are binges, fasting, liquid only, Vegan, you name it… someone is selling you on it. Maybe its commercialism or maybe its just us Humans always wanting to confuse the shit out of things and creating drama in our lives. To me, nutrition fads and social hashtags are ‘First World Problems’, created to dumb down aspects of our existence. BUT.. they could also be harming our health. While a good dose of entropy is beneficial for our health , the Cheat Day may be doing us more harm than good. Today Im going to dig into new research and lay out some not so new ideas as to why you should cut it out.

250319 "Research Shows; Fitness is good for the GUT"

Stop what you are doing and listen. Your GUT is talking to you. As athletes we need to be listening to our muscles, our brains, and our GUT. One is nothing with out the other in this business. New research by Stephen Carter of the University of Indiana has just been released that ties athletic performance, specifically cardiorespritory fitness, to a more diverse and robust GUT. Now, You know me and the GUT. For many moons I have been touting its importance on your ability to perform as well as ensure a higher quality of life. Well, here is the first research Ive found that points directly to fitness and the GUT. Read on to find out more.

070119 "Food Allergies: The Truth and The Hypochondria"

Ok Here is a quick Poll.. How many of you out there have been on an airplane and heard the announcement: “We will not be serving any Peanut Products on this flight due to a SERIOUS Peanut Allergy, if you have foods which contain Peanuts, please do not eat them on this flight”. Chances are, many of you are nodding your heads now. And maybe a couple of you are those Peanut fearing folks who make your presence known in every social situation you come into. Allergies to Foods has grown in the past 50 years by a staggering amount. There are fingers being pointed and science trying to uncover the reasons. Here is the latest Science behind the phenomenon.

101218 "A New Study Finds: Your Probiotics aren't worth Shit"

Vanderbilt University has released a report this week that shook me up. The Headline Read, “GUT Microbiome differs among Ethnicities” which obviously sparked my attention but when I read into it more.. my thinking on bacteria flipped completely. It turns out that what I thought about boosting bacteria was naive and the scope of what I was trying to conceptualize is as big as the stars in the sky above us. But as we will discuss, the subsequent rabbit home I went down gave me extreme hope in the direction of Individualized medicine and our understanding of disease! Lets dive in.

121118 "Shedding light on Carbohydrates, Metabolic Function and Thyroid health"

Driven…. Would This adequately describe you? For many athletes who reach out to me and read this Blog Series, I would probably say so. The Drive you display each day needs to be tempered with healthy habits to keep you on track and your systems firing. Thyroid health is essential for overall health. This small glad and its performance dictates how fast you can get to your health goals. Thyroid health can give you a snapshot into what is happening inside your body. Lets dig into this and see how your diet and training plan are either helping or hurting your Thyroid.

291018 "The Key 3, A Simple way to View Nutrition"

I have always said that it is easier to change someones Religion than it is to change their Nutrition Habits. Nutrition Habits or rather ‘how we eat’ on a day to day basis is nothing more than refined habits that dominate our decision making process. What we understand of what is ‘good to eat’ or ‘how much to eat’ and even ‘when to eat’ is all predicated on how we live our lives through Routine. Questions come my way each week about specifics in Nutrition but also some very simple ones like, “Where do I begin this Journey?” . Today Im going to give you the KEY 3, a simple way to look at your Nutrition.

011018 "CANDIDA GUT, WHAT it is and WHY you should avoid it"

From Aches and Pains to Cancer, Inflammation is what we as Human Beings are in constant danger of succumbing to. As Athletes we strive to mitigate unnecessary inflammation through diet and exercise. Understanding what is going on in our GUT, taking a snapshot if you will, is impossible to do from day to day and our natural immune response can be out of order. Bacteria like Candida could be overgrown in your body, creating chronic inflammation without you easily identifying the symptoms. Lets dive in today on what Candida Overgrowth is and how to eliminate it.

240918 "4 Kitchen Oils, 4 Smoke Points and 4 Unique benefits you need to Know"

I have to admit that when I am in your kitchen, I am totally judging you by the type of oils you use to cook with. Why? The reason is that not all oils are created the same and therefore cannot be used across all types of cooking. Some go on salads, some for sautéing , and some for frying. So Im sorry for judging but Im not sorry for bringing this up. Diversifying the oils in your kitchen should be as divers as the herbs you cook with. The differences bring out flavor, and can even keep you healthier. In our pursuit of optimal health, lets take a look at this important fat source.

070818 "5 Reasons Why; Vital Proteins Sports Greens"

If you are like me, the hunt is always on for the 1 whole food supplement that can capture all the benefits without shaking up multiple concoctions or swallowing heaps of pills. The Vital Proteins Brand has consistently been a brand that I use because of #1 the Collagen and #2 the Beef Liver. Well I now have a #3... The Sports Greens. Today on the 5 reasons WHY, we are going to deconstruct this killer supplement and show you why you need to keep it on your counter. 

160718"The TOP 2 ways you can BEAT the Summer Heat Naturally"

Question of the day...
What is your favorite Summertime beverage or food? 
Chances are, you are thinking of something cold. A iced tea, ice cream, or a cold salad... Probably not a hot tea or spicy lamb curry. The intuitive sense of cooling your body off with cold foods is truly something that Americans take as the surest way of relief. But... (you know there has to be a but) what if I told you that the real physiological relief comes in the way of herbs?! Lets take a look at the common misconceptions of icing your body down and the natural way your body can beat the heat. 

250818 "Drink Wine, Its an exercise for the Mind"

As you settle down in from of your computer to read the latest and greatest Fitness and Nutrition blogs from your truly, there is a high probability you have already done a bit of fitness today. You have exercised to relieve stress, clear out the pent up energy and generally feel good about your life. The combination of Mind, Body and Spirit in your daily practice are essential , I agree. Well what if I told you that there is some new science out that shows Moderate Drinking can actually be a part of your daily exercise routine?! Its all physiology baby! In the same way we spark our metabolism to cleanse the body, a little drinking can actually do the same for the mind.