
270120 "Not too Cold, Not too Hot.. Just Right.. 3 Reasons why your Body Temperature is So Important."

Do me a favor... Take the back of your hand and place it on your forehead.. How do you feel? Do you feel warm? Feel cold? Does this remind you of what your Mom used to do to you when you complained about going to school because you thought you were sick??? Our body temperature is something we use as a metric to judge how well we are doing? But why and how was this standard developed? A new study recently came out which links your body temperature to a host of evolutionary and physiological attributes . Read on and find out some things that may get you paying closer attention to that thermometer!

180319 "5 Facts about your DNA you should Know"

Im going deep today.. Real deep inside your cells to educate you all on the building blocks of who you are. DNA or Dioxyribonucleic Acid is the genesis of all living things on this earth. The macromolecule is anything but simple. Some speculate that the arrangement is as close to proof of a GOD as anything that science can offer. Think about it. Out of all the space junk floating around the universe Nature has found a way to carefully group nucleotides (Amino Acids) together to form the instructions for LIFE! If this doesn’t flip your lid, you gotta get with the program. Lets dive in on 5 amazing facts about your DNA.