immune system

110520 "New Science: Vitamin D and COVID-19 Mortality Rates"

For as long as I have been researching an studying Micronutrients, Vitamin D has always stood out as the most intriguing. Classified technically as a “vitamin’ , this essential nutrient functions more like a hormone on our bodies. Ive written extensively about its effect on Hormone regulation which is vital to training and performance, but new science is out now about its very important effects on immune system regulation. Specifically, Vitamin D buffers the immune response to pathogens, virus’ and bacteria. And the timely research shows, that we need Vitamin D levels to be good in our bodies more than ever.

090320 "This is How You Should Wash Your Hands"

The Corona Virus is spreading. Literally we are so slow on knowing how much it has spread in the US that it could be carried by the next person you come in contact. Conveniently it comes at the height of the Regular Influenza season, creating more problems for Health Care Providers and putting more emphasis on the most basic of habits that cn keep you from getting sick, Hand Washing! But according to the CDC (center for disease control) , many of us are doing it wrong. SO here ya go, a tutorial on how to wash your hands…

270120 "Not too Cold, Not too Hot.. Just Right.. 3 Reasons why your Body Temperature is So Important."

Do me a favor... Take the back of your hand and place it on your forehead.. How do you feel? Do you feel warm? Feel cold? Does this remind you of what your Mom used to do to you when you complained about going to school because you thought you were sick??? Our body temperature is something we use as a metric to judge how well we are doing? But why and how was this standard developed? A new study recently came out which links your body temperature to a host of evolutionary and physiological attributes . Read on and find out some things that may get you paying closer attention to that thermometer!

130120 "3 Harmful Effects of High Intensity Training on the GUT"

Everything in Moderation right?! For many of us that were around (and undereducated) 10+ years ago, we were sold on CrossFit being the end-all be-all fitness solution that we can do for the rest of our lives. SO we bought in hard, doing 1-3 workouts per day, leaving wrecked but getting really frickin fit! Even today I travel around and see how many gyms still push the same talking points and training modalities. High Intensity Fitness prescribed 5-6 days per week because it is whats popular and sells. But what is going on in the GUT can be very different from what is showing in your lean muscles and aerobic capacity…