endocrine system

130120 "3 Harmful Effects of High Intensity Training on the GUT"

Everything in Moderation right?! For many of us that were around (and undereducated) 10+ years ago, we were sold on CrossFit being the end-all be-all fitness solution that we can do for the rest of our lives. SO we bought in hard, doing 1-3 workouts per day, leaving wrecked but getting really frickin fit! Even today I travel around and see how many gyms still push the same talking points and training modalities. High Intensity Fitness prescribed 5-6 days per week because it is whats popular and sells. But what is going on in the GUT can be very different from what is showing in your lean muscles and aerobic capacity…

121118 "Shedding light on Carbohydrates, Metabolic Function and Thyroid health"

Driven…. Would This adequately describe you? For many athletes who reach out to me and read this Blog Series, I would probably say so. The Drive you display each day needs to be tempered with healthy habits to keep you on track and your systems firing. Thyroid health is essential for overall health. This small glad and its performance dictates how fast you can get to your health goals. Thyroid health can give you a snapshot into what is happening inside your body. Lets dig into this and see how your diet and training plan are either helping or hurting your Thyroid.