
211019 "Nutrition Breakdown; Micronutrients and their Function"

Deep down, beyond the crunch, when the teeth have chewed and the small intestine has broken down your food…. are the essential vitamins and minerals needed for your tissues, organs and cells need to survive. These bits, elements and enzymes are the Micronutrients that have so much to do with the Balance that is necessary to make all things go in the body. But what are they and what are they responsible for is a mystery that I hope to unlock for you today.

180319 "Top 5 Most Nutritious Dried Fruits"

Shrivelled up like a 75 year old French Dude on a beach in August, Dried Fruit might not be much to look at but I bet it has one hell of a story! Sweeter than its fresh form, Dried fruit is an amazing alternative to Sugar laden snacks and add a surprisingly powerful nutritional element to all foods that you pair them with. Im going to break down my top 5 most nutritious dried fruits, so you can Thrive on to a full life.

041218 Save Money, Time and Perform well: 5 Holiday Meal Prep Ideas

It is no surprise that fitness and training can fall off the rails during the holidays. If you are like 90% of us, I feel like the days are busier now than they were when we chased every minute of summer. Much of the problem is not only the race to get ready for the upcoming holiday but we also have less hours of daylight which really can mess up your schedule and drive. But, we can always get a win if we plan our Nutrition. Here are 5 of my top tips you should use to be successful.

191118 "The New Finding that is Stoking out Canadians"

Beyond the Pride that Canada has for Hockey and their kind disposition, they also have quite a passion for Producing Maple Syrup. This gooey sap that comes from…. you guessed it.. Maple Trees, is a favorite of Sunday morning Pancake fests all over North America. There is new data out that shows Maple Syrup far exceeding any of it sweet competition (except honey of course) in the area of health benefits. It seems that teams of Researchers have uncovered unique antioxidant properties in the brown stuff that helps ward off inflammation and neurodegeneration.

121118 "Shedding light on Carbohydrates, Metabolic Function and Thyroid health"

Driven…. Would This adequately describe you? For many athletes who reach out to me and read this Blog Series, I would probably say so. The Drive you display each day needs to be tempered with healthy habits to keep you on track and your systems firing. Thyroid health is essential for overall health. This small glad and its performance dictates how fast you can get to your health goals. Thyroid health can give you a snapshot into what is happening inside your body. Lets dig into this and see how your diet and training plan are either helping or hurting your Thyroid.