Deep down, beyond the crunch, when the teeth have chewed and the small intestine has broken down your food…. are the essential vitamins and minerals needed for your tissues, organs and cells need to survive. These bits, elements and enzymes are the Micronutrients that have so much to do with the Balance that is necessary to make all things go in the body. But what are they and what are they responsible for is a mystery that I hope to unlock for you today.
Lets start with a quick breakdown.. of the food that you eat. Macronutrients, you know these right. Protein, Fat, and Carbohydrates. The big 3 that encompass the generalities of nutrition. Like all things in life there is a specific balance of these macronutrients needed for outcomes in the body.. As athletes we pay close attention to macronutrients because the quality of these Big 3 have a lot to do with their contents. Underneath the Macro is the Micro.
Micronutrients; both quality and quantity, are determined by the type of Protein, Fat and Carbs that you eat. This is why I say “Nutrient Dense Carbs” and “High Quality Proteins” and “Healthy fats”. Its not just for syntax and to dress up the modernist food references. The better condition we receive our Macros in, the better the quality, values and DIVERSITY of our Micros we then are fed with.
So with this out of the way lets breakdown your food breakdown.
Vitamin A.
This important nutrient is found in Grass Fed Beef and Lamb, Fish (Especially Salmon), Free Range Eggs, Sweet Potato, Carrots, Spinach, Chard and Pumpkin.
Vitamin A is delivered through the breakdown of animal proteins and also "Phytochemicals” in colorful vegetables. Vitamin A is also a Fat Soluble Vitamin which means that it is best eaten with healthy fats like Fish Oil or Animal Fats.
Your Skin, Bones, Eyes, and teeth need a steady stream of Vitamin A to stay healthy. Modern Food diets do a descent job at ensuring that we have enough Vitamin A.
B Vitamins.
Unpacking the range of B Vitamins goes like this. There are 6 ket B Vitamins that we consume in our diet. All of the B Vitamins do one main job, they convert food into Energy so that you can live. Without B Vitamins, everything from your Nervous system to your Endocrine system suffer >>>
-B1 = Thiamin
-B2 = Riboflavin
-B3 = Niacin
-B6 = Pyridoxine
-B7 = Biotin
-B9 = Folate ***An especially important one because it helps create new cells and DNA structure.
-B12 = Breaks down fatty acids and helps make red blood cells… This is why energy/energy drinks tout their prevalence.
From a cellular level, it is hard to deny the importance of the entire spectrum of B Vitamins. While we may individually need a specific B Vitamin in addition to our diet, we usually look to a WHOLE FOOD diet to deliver a wide and adequate range of all B Vitamins.
We find B Vitamins in; Grass Fed Beef and Lamb, Dairy, Free Range Eggs, Leafy Greens (you take your pick, the darker the better), Pork, Whole Grains (buckwheat, bulger, Oats) , Nuts (Walnuts and Almonds), Fatty Fish.
B Vitamins are all water soluble Vitamins and therefore need less fat than others to be synthesized.
Vitamin C.
Some Vitamins provide a pathway for your body to perform work and others provide a natural defense against the tumultuous environment inside. Vitamin C is the ladder. It is an Antioxidant. Antioxidants are an immune defense force which barriers the cells in your blood and tissues against the harmful ‘oxidizing’ effects of free radicals.
Free Radicals and Oxidation are waste products and naturally occurring forces that happen because of aging. Vitamin C Also helps during the process of cell duplication and creation so its not all just defense. But, this is why Dense Vitamin C Foods are pushed during winter months when the elements both inside the body and outside are most damaging to the immune system.
Vitamin C is found in many fruits (Papaya, Oranges, Mango, Apples). Also in dense veggies like broccoli and Brussel Sprouts. Spinach and Tomatoes are easy ways to also get lost of Vitamin C .
Vitamin D.
This is an easy one. If you grew up on milk mustaches and little kids flexing their biceps on cereal boxes, then you know why Vitamin D is so important. Strong Bones and Teeth need vitamin D. But did you know that Vitamin D is really a Hormone?? Thats right, Vitamin D is an important element to ensure that your Endocrine system stays in balance. Good sleep and high performance all have their roots in Vitman D in your body.
Calcium and Phosphorus both work in conjunction with this hormone/vitmain to ensure that they are delivered into your bones. To increase the uptake of Vitamin D in the body it is best to understand that Vitamin D is a fat soluble vitamin. I recommend taking Vitamin D with a Fish Oil at night before bed.
Deducting that is is such a fat dependent Vitamin, its main sources come from animal fats; Fatty Fish, Egg Yolks, Beef Liver.
Vitamin D is also a unique Vitamin/ hormone because unlike B Vitamins which we can only get through diet; we produce Vitamin D through our exposure to Sunlight. So get your ass outside more often and FEEL BETTER.
Vitamin E.
Remember how important Vitamin C was for you Cells. Vitamin E is just as vital. This natural antioxidant helps to protect cells from all the damage we put them through because of our lifestyles but also from the natural processes that occur because of how body chemistry works. Vitamin E is actually built into the cellular membrrane of each cell like a shield of armor.
Vitamin E is best Found in Nuts, seeds, Whole Grains (Oats, Buckwheat, Bulger Wheat), and Avocados. And in looking at this list you can probably deduce that Vitamin E is a Fat Soluble Vitamin which means that consuming fatty foods like those listed above is a good way to keep up on your daily quota. But be ware, dont overdo it on the animal fats and think you are getting more… not the case.
Vitamin K.
Your Blood is kinda important. And our blood is actually quite a diverse fluid that needs as much attention as other organs of the body. Its structure, fluidity, and properties need to be regulated by micronutrients like Vitamin K.
Blood Clotting and the interchange of calcium and magnesium is probably the most notable benefits of Vitamin K but wait… there is more. Vitamin K helps in regulating blood pH, removing waste and helping to deliver oxygen to the tissues.
Cruciferous Veggies, probably the ones that your 2 year old needs a big serving of ketchup to eat; are the best source of Vitamin K that we can get. Broccoli, Brussel Sprouts, Chard, Kale, Beet Greens just to name a few. But Beef liver is chalked full of Vitamin K because, surprise… its where we collect it in our own bodies as well.
Food and Healthy Eating can be quickly confusing and frustrating if we focus on Micronutrients. How much are we getting? Is the Quality good enough? Where am I deficient? All good questions but I will tell you that the best way to ensure levels stay good is to mind your MACROS. If you are eating DENSE, GRASS FED, and DIVERSE Proteins, Fats and Carbs… you are doing good.
If you have mastered that portion but want to dig deeper, you can ask your doctor to provide you with a “Micronutrient Blood Panel” which is usually covered by insurance and can give you a full breakdown on what your body needs. Because, as I have found, just eating right downiest necessarily mean that your body is taking in all that you are giving it.
Go forth with this knowledge and live fully. Ill be here to support you always.
Programming Notes 10/21-10/25 **This is Week 6 of the Varied Metabolic Output work. Also this is week 3 of the Tempo Front Squat. There is a high level of output this week so take Tuesday as a very slow and controlled movement day.
500m Row
10 banded Overhead Squats
10 Med Ball Toe Touch
10 Divebomber Push Ups
5 Burpee Pull Up
Squat Flow: Squat Flow: Kang Squat, Internal Rotation, Ankle Roll Out, Bootstraps, PNF Stretch, Squat W/ T Spine Stretch
Tempo Front Squat
3X 5 @ (2,1,0)
1X3 @ Free Tempo
40 Wall Ball Shots
30 Cal Row
20 Overhead Squat 95/65
10 Bar Muscle Ups
20 Overhead Squats
30 Cal Row
40 Wall Ball
4X :30 @ Each
-Jumping Jack
-Elbow To instep Lunge
-Deadbug Ipsalateral Reach
-Push Ups
-Assault Bike
Midline Strength:
200m Double KB Front Rack Carry
200m Double KB Hi/Lo Carry
200m Double KB Front Rack/Farmer Carry
Skill Development:
7X Not For Time
12 Toes To bar
12 Cal Bike
12 Kettlebell Side Bend (Each Side)
250m Row
12 Barbell Good Morning
12 Back Rack barbell Press
12 Clean Grip Romanian Deadlift
12 Jump Lunges
Clean Warm Up:
7 Reps @ Each
-Clean Deadlift
-High Pull
-Muscle Cleans
-Front Squat
-Mid Hang Clean
Clean and Jerk Complex:
6 X Every 2 Minutes on the Minute
1 Power Clean
2 Front Squat
3 Push Jerk
*Building Each Set
Push Press 115/75
Box Jumps 24/20
500m Row
12 Piked Toe Touches
12 Kip Swings
12 Squat Jumps
Shoulder Prep W/ 5# Plates:
-Bent Scarecrow + External Rotation
-Bent Reverse Flys
-Bent Scarecrow + Press
-Bent Supermans
-Standing Corkscrews
-standing front Raises
-Standing Lateral Raises
-Standing Y Press
-Standing Cross Over Presses
Gymnastic Strength:
:20 L Sit Hold
:30 Weighted Deadhang *Scapula Distraction
1:00 Handstand Hold
Anaerobic Conditioning:
Every 3 Minutes On the Minute
15 Cal Row
15 Alternating Dumbbell Snatch 50/35
15 Chest to Bar Pull Up
1:00 Rope Skips
1:00 Air Squats
1:00 Single Leg Toe Touches
1:00 Plank Hip Touches
Varied Metabolic Output #6
5 Minutes On Assault Bike - 2:30 Jog on Runner
4 Minutes on Assault Bike - 2:00 Jog on Runner
3 Minutes on Assault Bike - 1:30 Jog on Runner
2 Minutes on Assault Bike - 1:00 Jog on Runner
1 Minute Sprint on Bike
-Rest 5:00-
For Time
100 M D Ball Carry 150/100
200m Kettlebell Farmer Carry 70/53
100m D Ball carry
-Rest 5:00-
For Time
Deadlift 385/275
Rope Climbs