
0040520 "Which Butter is Better? Almond of Peanut.."

SNACKS!!! Oh man if there is one thing that I do a lot of in this time of quarantine.. its snacking. A great way to kill some time and satisfy my hunger in-between the many workouts Im doing every day; snacking has become a real part of my routine. One item that both myself as well as my two teenagers have been ferociously consuming is Peanut Butter and Almond Butter. Each has their place but which is better for me ?

301219 "3 Overlooked and Healthy Greens You Should be Eating"

Colorful, dense, Nutiritious… this basically sums up your Vegetable Value System right? Well.. I hope if you are reading this you have put SOME kind of value on the food that goes in your mouth? Irregardless, The grocery isle and farmers market abound with Vegetables that will help nourish and sustain your body and mind, but there are some hidden gems that you probably are overlooking! Leafy Greens lie in grey area for most cooks and shoppers because A) you dont know how to look for them B) You dont know how to cook with them. Lets break down a couple today and get you on the right track.

211019 "Nutrition Breakdown; Micronutrients and their Function"

Deep down, beyond the crunch, when the teeth have chewed and the small intestine has broken down your food…. are the essential vitamins and minerals needed for your tissues, organs and cells need to survive. These bits, elements and enzymes are the Micronutrients that have so much to do with the Balance that is necessary to make all things go in the body. But what are they and what are they responsible for is a mystery that I hope to unlock for you today.

040618 "Which Nut is Better for You, Almonds or Walnuts?"

Each morning as part of my daily Nutrition routine I eat a handful of Nuts with my coffee. To some that may sound quite out of the ordinary but starting the day with a good amount of fat allows me to 'break-my-fast' and get fuel my brain and body for morning training. As most of us, I am blessed with choices. Choosing which nut to fuel my morning with is sometimes a question so I thought I would dig into it a little bit more this week. Do I go with the walnut? A nut that I literally grew up on, coming from Linden CA where we lived on 12 acres of walnuts. Or the Almond? The creamy and dense nut that my grandfather and uncles grow and tend to be the kale of the burgeoning Nut business! Lets find out.