
290620 "Sweat Analysis; A New way to See Whats going on Under the Surface."

Summer Time is highlighted by warm nights, grilling and sweaty workouts. In fact, depending on where you live, sweating is pretty much just a fact in the summer no matter what you are doing. Your sweat glands are essentially appendages of your epidermis and the liquid that they expel to cool your body and discharge waste can tell us a lot about what is going on deep inside your body. Scientists from Penn State have just released the smallest Sweat detection device ever so I decided to do some digging into the science of sweat and how we can use it to make us healthier as athletes and humans.

080620 "Caffeine, Cortisol and Getting Back to the Gym"

The feeling of ‘Losing Your Mind’ is normal. Especially these days. We have not even made it through one worldwide crisis when all of a sudden the entire world has busted loose (rightfully so) into next level social upheaval. While we maintain civility both in our homes out in public, there is something that has been brewing and festering in our bodies for months now… stress. Yes, stress. The silent killer, the scourge of performance, the strainer of relationships, the most deadly symptom of the COVID. But yet we carry on, maintaining our nutritional routines; often to the detriment of our health.

100220 "Ice Baths; Why you may be freezing your Butt off for Nothing "

XPT, Wim Hof, even instagram… everyone is pushing it.. Ice Baths. The Post Workout or Lifestyle trend happening now by many top athletes and influencers where you submerge your body in a trough of ice and water and love it. If you haven’t tried it, chances are you know what i’m talking about. You’ve probably taken a cold plunge in a lake or river at some point, quickly losing all feeling in your limbs and jump out with a renewed sense of love for warm clothes. The trends now are pushing mental fortitude (which is a real thing) and recovery. But a new study has come out which may disprove some of the benefits that are being touted. Lets dive in !

130120 "3 Harmful Effects of High Intensity Training on the GUT"

Everything in Moderation right?! For many of us that were around (and undereducated) 10+ years ago, we were sold on CrossFit being the end-all be-all fitness solution that we can do for the rest of our lives. SO we bought in hard, doing 1-3 workouts per day, leaving wrecked but getting really frickin fit! Even today I travel around and see how many gyms still push the same talking points and training modalities. High Intensity Fitness prescribed 5-6 days per week because it is whats popular and sells. But what is going on in the GUT can be very different from what is showing in your lean muscles and aerobic capacity…

251119 "New Science; Low Carb Diet Helps Keep Flu Away"

Nature has a funny way of providing all we need to live healthy… right in the foods that we eat. With Shots and Pills being the Modern Day ‘go-to’, a group of researchers at Yale University are showing that if we eat correctly; we can ward off Viral attacks of the dreaded Flu. The solution is simply food. Well, Eating the right foods that is.

160919 "3 Reasons why Meal Delivery is a Win"

Ill admit that I live in a bit of a bubble. Meal Prepping, Farmers Markets and Nutritional Awareness is kind of my thing and Its so engrained in my lifestyle that there really is little to think about each week. When I engage with y’all in and out of the gym this confidence in my meals and nutrition is certainly not the norm. Nerves, Fear, Confusion and Wishful Thinking are just some of the topics that come up when we talk about feeding ourselves correctly. Thank goodness we live in the most efficient time in history because I have 3 Reasons why Meal Delivery Solutions are right for you.

260819 "Want to Lose Weight?? Get to Know your Sleep cycle"

Before the Gates of Performance open up for you ; you need to stand upon a foundation of good health. Good Health is predicated upon your ability to maintain a healthy weight. Therefore if you are beginning or feeling Plateaued in your Journey, it is time to start taking a hard look at the pieces of you life that make up the complete package of health and wellbeing. When we sleep, how well we sleep should be in balance with our Nutritional Timing and of course, quality of food we are eating. Lets talk today about how we can link those two important pieces together.

290719 "A Brief Explanation of why we age"

Without sounding too morbid; When you woke up this morning, you were one day closer to dying. Im sorry but its a reality. While I could easily spin this conversation to dive through the cultural and philosophical relationship we have with “Death” and “Aging” my goal today is to give you some real insight into the physiology of your cells and how aging is happening. As we thirst for the Fountain of youth thru Diet and Exercise this Natural Process continues to move along in our lives just as it has throughout the history of our species. So Here is your 3 Minute Read on why we age.

220719 "3 Things you didn't know about Training In the HEAT"

New York is great in the Summer. Unlike the Winter time everyone has smiles on their faces. Even on the hottest day in the gym, I love that New Yorkers take it in stride. And, just like Winter Time, New York weather is extreme. Mid nineties on the thermometer with 60-75% humidity can literally make your skin burn. Im not joking when I say its hot. So what are the limits of our training when it gets this hot outside? When is training in the heat too much. I have dug around and found some surprising things about High Heat Training that might surprise you.

240719 "Timing is Everything; Especially Supplements"

If you care about your health and performance enough to supplement with Vitamins and Minerals, then you should be paying attention to when and how to take them. Lets face it, Supplements are expensive and most of us take them without REALLY knowing the What, Why and How for each. Because the marketing machine behind supplement sales is strong, we just buy and consume. So lets put all of our bottles on the table and dive in on some important timing aspects to your daily SUPP game.

170619 "Salty or Sweet.. The Science behind your Taste Preference"

What do you crave at the Movies? Are you a Salty Popcorn lover or a Sweet Candy person? For me, its all Popcorn. The sweet nature of anything but Chocolate or raw honey is quite distasteful to me. But why is this? What makes my brain go for one thing over the other? Well, It turns out that ‘TASTE’ is both premeditated and genetic. Where some of our taste is learned through exposure and through the make up of our GUT, there is also some imprinted tastes that are bestowed on us while we were in the womb!

290419 "5 Ways to Detoxify your Liver and Improve Performance"

Take a moment right now and place your hand just below the diaphragm. Inhale deeply, exhale and take a moment to thank your Liver. This little guy has been working hard for you all your life, a thankless job but one that is essential for your life as you know it. No matter what you have thrown at it, the Liver works hard to keep you on track. If you are like me, you and your liver could share some stories! Well today we are going to give thanks to our livers and Im going to give you 5 EASY DETOXIFYING TIPS to help you keep your Liver at Peak levels and boost your performance as an athlete. Given all that you two have been through, its time.. and probably overdue.

010419 "Top 2 Reasons why you should ditch your Cheat Day"

Popular dietary antics pervade our Nutritional Landscape. There are binges, fasting, liquid only, Vegan, you name it… someone is selling you on it. Maybe its commercialism or maybe its just us Humans always wanting to confuse the shit out of things and creating drama in our lives. To me, nutrition fads and social hashtags are ‘First World Problems’, created to dumb down aspects of our existence. BUT.. they could also be harming our health. While a good dose of entropy is beneficial for our health , the Cheat Day may be doing us more harm than good. Today Im going to dig into new research and lay out some not so new ideas as to why you should cut it out.

180319 "Top 5 Most Nutritious Dried Fruits"

Shrivelled up like a 75 year old French Dude on a beach in August, Dried Fruit might not be much to look at but I bet it has one hell of a story! Sweeter than its fresh form, Dried fruit is an amazing alternative to Sugar laden snacks and add a surprisingly powerful nutritional element to all foods that you pair them with. Im going to break down my top 5 most nutritious dried fruits, so you can Thrive on to a full life.

040219 "6 Habits of Healthy and Fit People"

There Is not secret pill . There is no 1 way to get there. Health , Fitness, and by extension… Happiness is a thoughtful and deliberate choice that results from small actions and a mind fixated on optimal life experience. Studying the ways of people who have seemed to ‘crack’ the code on being healthy and fit, I have come up with a short list that will help you reflect on your own life and maybe even give you a couple key benchmarks to begin to live by. Read on to discover the 6 habits of Healthy and Fit People.

280219 "3 Reasons why your Yogurt is lying to you"

While the vast majority of the critique on the food and beverage industry is currently focused on Soda and Sugar sweetened beverages, there is still dangerous sugar levels lurking in your refrigerator. At no other time in history have we seen such a epidemic emerging around metabolic disease and sugar has everything do do with it. But the fact is that SUGAR SELLS PRODUCTS. We have a sweet tooth in this country and the food products industry knows just how to exploit it. The addiction and the disease are going to overtake our health care system unless we stamp it out by paying close attention to what goes in our mouth. Even the ‘Healthy’ stuff needs to be questioned, so here are some key Red Flags that you should watch out for in your “Healthy” Yogurt.

070119 "Food Allergies: The Truth and The Hypochondria"

Ok Here is a quick Poll.. How many of you out there have been on an airplane and heard the announcement: “We will not be serving any Peanut Products on this flight due to a SERIOUS Peanut Allergy, if you have foods which contain Peanuts, please do not eat them on this flight”. Chances are, many of you are nodding your heads now. And maybe a couple of you are those Peanut fearing folks who make your presence known in every social situation you come into. Allergies to Foods has grown in the past 50 years by a staggering amount. There are fingers being pointed and science trying to uncover the reasons. Here is the latest Science behind the phenomenon.

311218 "New Years, New You; 2 Simple Beverages you need to put in your Morning Routine "

The New Year is upon us and there is probably an itching in your mind to start anew, change some habits, and tilt the pendulum towards better health and wellness. The path to progress is rarely laid out in massive shifts because they inherently lead to failure. Small steps and habits are the best way to make lasting changes happen. For me, it all starts with the morning Routine. Like a fresh slate every day, your morning Nutrition routine sets you up for success or failure depending on how you approach it. Here are 2 go-to breakfast beverages that swing you towards a better day.

171218 "Vitamin D Deficiency: 3 Tips to avoid Sickness"

Did You know that the “Sunshine Vitamin” is not really much a vitamin at all? Vitamin D, one of the essential Vitamins that our body produces as well as we get from Mother Nature is really more of a Hormone than nutrient. Diving into the minutiae of what it is or is not pales in comparison to the importance it has on your body, especially in Wintertime. While the ravages of training and weather take its toll on your body, here are 3 ways to guarantee Vitamin D levels remain in a good spot this winter.

041218 Save Money, Time and Perform well: 5 Holiday Meal Prep Ideas

It is no surprise that fitness and training can fall off the rails during the holidays. If you are like 90% of us, I feel like the days are busier now than they were when we chased every minute of summer. Much of the problem is not only the race to get ready for the upcoming holiday but we also have less hours of daylight which really can mess up your schedule and drive. But, we can always get a win if we plan our Nutrition. Here are 5 of my top tips you should use to be successful.