
130720 'The TOP 5 Pieces of Equipment you Need for your Home Gym"

We are riding the wave of gyms opening and closing. Stores are allowing you to come in one day and the next we are fully shut down again. Wether you like it or not, this is the new reality for the time being. And I get it… you are frustrated because you want to jump in on ZOOM classes but you feel like you dont have the right weights (or any at all) or you are bummed because a killer workout you see on this site or on your friends feed feels just out of reach because you lack equipment. Well here is a definitive guide to everything you will need to stay up on your fitness at home.

250520 "Why Heros are Important to Our Psyche"

When I was young I loved Waterskiing. It was all that I cared about for many years and my aspirations to become a professional in the sport dominated my thoughts. I read every magazine and idolized figures like Andy Mapple and Wade Cox. These guys were bigger than life to me. They represented what I thought to be a 'heroic' figures in the world. As I grew up my idea of 'heroic' shifted to writers like Longfellow, activists like Edward Abbey, and Warriors like Michael Murphy.

260420 "5 Kettlebell Exercises That Will Make YOU a Better Athlete"

Kettlebells are uniquely Russian. The geometrically simplicstic and rudimentary tools were adopted over 300 years ago by Russian Strongmen who wanted to build absolute strength. Originally used as weights for feed and grain sales, the tool has become one of the most important tools in training. Today, we swing them, press them, throw them, and carry them in hopes of tapping into our strongest self. My passion for this tool is clearly displayed in the Tough Mudder bootcamp Methodology, where we do a lot more with them than the average gym. I wanted to give you some exercises that are staples in my training and can help you break out of the monotony and into real athleticism. So grab your Bell and lets play fitness!

200420 "Programming Explained; Endurance Exposure Cycle and Lactic Acid Buffering"

If you make it, you gotta clear it…. Or else you will hit the wall. This is the name of the game when it comes to going farther longer in sport. Unless you are a Olympic Weightlifter or Thrower in Track and Field, you need to perfom work for more than :20. And while doing Tabata programming s one way we can have some fun with “threshold training’ or ‘Lactic Acid Buffering’, there is a lot more to it. If you follow my programming, we are in a Muscular Endurace Cycle at the moment. This cycle is formulated to develop your bodies ability to produce more work for longer… Follow along to understand a bit more behind the thinking and where we are going.

130420 "Drink WINE, Its and Exercise for the MIND"

As you settle down in from of your computer to read the latest and greatest Fitness and Nutrition blogs from your truly, there is a high probability you have already done a bit of fitness today. You have exercised to relieve stress, clear out the pent up energy and generally feel good about your life. The combination of Mind, Body and Spirit in your daily practice are essential , I agree. Well what if I told you that there is some new science out that shows Moderate Drinking can actually be a part of your daily exercise routine?! Its all physiology baby! In the same way we spark our metabolism to cleanse the body, a little drinking can actually do the same for the mind.

200120 "Programming Specific Fitness for the Brain"

I have written extensively about what foods you need to be eating to help maintain and boost brain function. But what about Fitness routines? First off Fitness in General OF ANY KIND is pretty good for blood flow and pascticity but new data is coming out about the frequency and type of exercise you can be doing to help the brain grow long into your golden years. As our population grows older and older, there is no better time to discuss this exciting topic.

091219 "Give the Gift of Fitness; My Top 4 Gifts for the Christmas"

Santa is on his way and hopefully you've been a good boy or girl this year. With the arrival of the Holiday season it's time to do some serious wish list making. Now, you can go with the boring old jewelry or bathrobe… but why not think bigger and better. Living a life where Health and Wellness take center stage is more fulfilling and so are the gifts and gadgets that come with it. I've got 4 of the best fitness related items to either gift a loved one this holiday season or to put on your list.

230919 "The Top 5 Best Unilateral Exercises for Hip Health"

Without even being aware of it, you favor certain things in your life. From your favorite coffee cup to the leg you balance on, we form habits and those habits form dominant lifestyle habits. Habits in our movement and posture create imbalances in our strength and no where is this more visible than in the main fulcrum of our body , the Hips . At the intersection of our body lives the connection between some of the most important pieces of our independent living. maintaining good hip health means you are able to create a hedge against injury, pain and long term deterioration. Unilateral Movements are one solution. Lets explore the Top 5 best exercises for Hip Health.

160919 "3 Reasons why Meal Delivery is a Win"

Ill admit that I live in a bit of a bubble. Meal Prepping, Farmers Markets and Nutritional Awareness is kind of my thing and Its so engrained in my lifestyle that there really is little to think about each week. When I engage with y’all in and out of the gym this confidence in my meals and nutrition is certainly not the norm. Nerves, Fear, Confusion and Wishful Thinking are just some of the topics that come up when we talk about feeding ourselves correctly. Thank goodness we live in the most efficient time in history because I have 3 Reasons why Meal Delivery Solutions are right for you.

290719 "A Brief Explanation of why we age"

Without sounding too morbid; When you woke up this morning, you were one day closer to dying. Im sorry but its a reality. While I could easily spin this conversation to dive through the cultural and philosophical relationship we have with “Death” and “Aging” my goal today is to give you some real insight into the physiology of your cells and how aging is happening. As we thirst for the Fountain of youth thru Diet and Exercise this Natural Process continues to move along in our lives just as it has throughout the history of our species. So Here is your 3 Minute Read on why we age.

030619 "New Science, Common Knowledge.. Food is better than supplements"

If you are a long time reader of my Content, there is no mistaking my love for research studies. Im absolutely crazy for the latest published study because two things usually happen; 1. The wide variety of research being done is inspiring and it gives me deep faith in the last bastion of objective virtue . 2. The Complex Research Reaffirms a lot of the simple thinking that we already know to be true! This week, Food Vs. Supplementation in regards to probiotics. The real truth that could save you money and time.

280519 "How Quick do you Absorb Water?"

I swear that as Both a Firefighter and an Athlete, I have heard every colloquialism about hydration you can think of.
”Hydrate today so you are good tomorrow”
”Drink Before you are Thirsty”
”1 Quart Gatorade to 2 Quarts Water for the Best hydration”
If it has to do with drinking for Performance, there is no myth I have not heard. But I have always wondered about the real Science behind liquid absorption. And with a little digging, I found that there is some really interesting Research on it that you should know about. So how fast do you think you absorb water?

060519 "Are you Peaking? The 'WHY' behind Seasonal Training"

What do you think your favorite sports stars are doing when they are not in season? Are they laying on a beach soaking up the sun? (Probably at some point) Are they buying expensive shit and dodging Paparazzi? (Most certainly). No matter what, I damn sure am certain that they are not playing their sport! This is because the ravages of professional athletics take a toll on the body and the last thing that needs to happen is more of the same.

290419 "5 Ways to Detoxify your Liver and Improve Performance"

Take a moment right now and place your hand just below the diaphragm. Inhale deeply, exhale and take a moment to thank your Liver. This little guy has been working hard for you all your life, a thankless job but one that is essential for your life as you know it. No matter what you have thrown at it, the Liver works hard to keep you on track. If you are like me, you and your liver could share some stories! Well today we are going to give thanks to our livers and Im going to give you 5 EASY DETOXIFYING TIPS to help you keep your Liver at Peak levels and boost your performance as an athlete. Given all that you two have been through, its time.. and probably overdue.

220419 "5 Reasons Why Isometric Exercises Will Make You A Better Athlete"

Success in Sport is defined by not just speed or strength. Underlying athleticism is in Position and Posture. The best athletes are those that can seamlessly perform a given task no matter the circumstances. Often this means having the utmost control over the position of the body in space. Isometric Training is crucial for developing the strength and flexibility necessary for optimal body control. The following are 5 Proven facts about Isometrics and why you need to be putting them in your training.

180319 "5 Facts about your DNA you should Know"

Im going deep today.. Real deep inside your cells to educate you all on the building blocks of who you are. DNA or Dioxyribonucleic Acid is the genesis of all living things on this earth. The macromolecule is anything but simple. Some speculate that the arrangement is as close to proof of a GOD as anything that science can offer. Think about it. Out of all the space junk floating around the universe Nature has found a way to carefully group nucleotides (Amino Acids) together to form the instructions for LIFE! If this doesn’t flip your lid, you gotta get with the program. Lets dive in on 5 amazing facts about your DNA.

280219 "3 Reasons why your Yogurt is lying to you"

While the vast majority of the critique on the food and beverage industry is currently focused on Soda and Sugar sweetened beverages, there is still dangerous sugar levels lurking in your refrigerator. At no other time in history have we seen such a epidemic emerging around metabolic disease and sugar has everything do do with it. But the fact is that SUGAR SELLS PRODUCTS. We have a sweet tooth in this country and the food products industry knows just how to exploit it. The addiction and the disease are going to overtake our health care system unless we stamp it out by paying close attention to what goes in our mouth. Even the ‘Healthy’ stuff needs to be questioned, so here are some key Red Flags that you should watch out for in your “Healthy” Yogurt.

140119 " How and when to use Caffeine to Boost your Training "

In 2004 the Olympic governing Body took caffeine off the banned substances list. This supplement and naturally occurring component of some foods, finally got buy off at the highest level. Caffeine is the most studied performance substance that we take as athletes. The history of use in athletics has a long lineage, going back over a hundred years ago. But Im not here to give you a History lesson. I want to help you with your training TODAY! Caffeine supplementation in your diet is truly a science so read on to see how to maximize its benefits.

241218 " 3 P's to Success: How to Establish Goals and Live the Best Life"

Each year in December I like to round up my thoughts, reestablish my center and focus on the short, medium and long term goals for the next year. In doing so I re-vist my 3 P's for success. I don't know exactly where or how I came up with them but If you ask anyone who has known me for a while they will likely tell you that I am as concerned with developing mental toughness as much as I am about Nutritional Health. That is what these three 'cornerstones' of success represent; a better grasp on who you are is the first step in developing true mental toughness!

121118 "Shedding light on Carbohydrates, Metabolic Function and Thyroid health"

Driven…. Would This adequately describe you? For many athletes who reach out to me and read this Blog Series, I would probably say so. The Drive you display each day needs to be tempered with healthy habits to keep you on track and your systems firing. Thyroid health is essential for overall health. This small glad and its performance dictates how fast you can get to your health goals. Thyroid health can give you a snapshot into what is happening inside your body. Lets dig into this and see how your diet and training plan are either helping or hurting your Thyroid.