
180520 "3 Signs you May have LEAKY GUT "

Our GUT is a true magical place. Engineered perfectly to break down and distribute Nutrients to the body as well as neural connections to the entire body which make it our ‘Second Brain’ . From your Mouth down to your Anus, there is roughly 4000 square feet of surface, all with unique roles to play in our health. Like our skin, the tight cell structure creates a barrier from the bad and specifically designed to allow in the good stuff. When the integrity of this structure is broken down anywhere, all hell can break loose. This condition is called LEAKY GUT and here are 3 prominent signs that you may have some degree of it.

020320 "You are What You Eat... AND What You Don't"

The Scientific Community has largely agreed for many years and across many studies that there are benefits to watching what you eat. Limiting saturated fat, not eating processed grains, and ensuring that your veggies are the color of the rainbow. Along with a balanced diet, the amount of what we eat is also indicative of how our cells age and how disease happens. This is the focus of todays editorial.

200120 "Programming Specific Fitness for the Brain"

I have written extensively about what foods you need to be eating to help maintain and boost brain function. But what about Fitness routines? First off Fitness in General OF ANY KIND is pretty good for blood flow and pascticity but new data is coming out about the frequency and type of exercise you can be doing to help the brain grow long into your golden years. As our population grows older and older, there is no better time to discuss this exciting topic.

011018 "CANDIDA GUT, WHAT it is and WHY you should avoid it"

From Aches and Pains to Cancer, Inflammation is what we as Human Beings are in constant danger of succumbing to. As Athletes we strive to mitigate unnecessary inflammation through diet and exercise. Understanding what is going on in our GUT, taking a snapshot if you will, is impossible to do from day to day and our natural immune response can be out of order. Bacteria like Candida could be overgrown in your body, creating chronic inflammation without you easily identifying the symptoms. Lets dive in today on what Candida Overgrowth is and how to eliminate it.

020718 "Why should I take a Zinc Supplement?

The Short answer is yes. Yes you should be concerned about the amount of Zinc you are taking in on a daily basis, yes you should supplement your diet with it and YES Zinc has a lot to do with your ability to fight illness and cognitive decline. 
But Zinc? Really.... Though it may be a the bottom of the list when it comes to lining out all the necessary nutrients in your body, there is surprising evidence that this mineral plays a much bigger role than once thought.

160418 "Adaptogens could save your life"

As I write this now, I am sitting in JFK in New York City. This airport Is a microcosm of a greater craziness that is the world we live in right now. The constant hustle, the environmental pollution, and our daily training grind all has an effect on our overall longevity. The analogy of burning both ends of the candle is absolutely the truth for many of us. A byproduct of all this is adrenal fatigue and cognitive decline we could be slowly getting sick because of it. Well I have a ancient strategy to keep you living longer, training harder and thinking clearer.