GUT Health

011018 "CANDIDA GUT, WHAT it is and WHY you should avoid it"

From Aches and Pains to Cancer, Inflammation is what we as Human Beings are in constant danger of succumbing to. As Athletes we strive to mitigate unnecessary inflammation through diet and exercise. Understanding what is going on in our GUT, taking a snapshot if you will, is impossible to do from day to day and our natural immune response can be out of order. Bacteria like Candida could be overgrown in your body, creating chronic inflammation without you easily identifying the symptoms. Lets dive in today on what Candida Overgrowth is and how to eliminate it.

240918 "4 Kitchen Oils, 4 Smoke Points and 4 Unique benefits you need to Know"

I have to admit that when I am in your kitchen, I am totally judging you by the type of oils you use to cook with. Why? The reason is that not all oils are created the same and therefore cannot be used across all types of cooking. Some go on salads, some for sautéing , and some for frying. So Im sorry for judging but Im not sorry for bringing this up. Diversifying the oils in your kitchen should be as divers as the herbs you cook with. The differences bring out flavor, and can even keep you healthier. In our pursuit of optimal health, lets take a look at this important fat source.

210518 "Top 5 Veggies for Detoxification and Cellular health"

How often are you questioning Normalcy? Do you look at your life, your routine, and truly examine how it can be given a boost? Not surprisingly, the benefits begin with your nutrition. There is a class of vegetables you should be eating daily called "Crucirferous" (cru-sif-erous) vegetables that can do more to detoxify your organs, and reduce the oxidative stress associated with training and lifestyle. These vegetables are ones that your probably pass by in the store because its not potatoes, or spinach but I am encouraging you to do a double take and do your health a favor. As Ill explain you can be creating big hedge against cancer and the silent killer, Dementia. Lets get into it!