
081018 "5 Foods That Boost Circulation and Performance"

Take a deep breath, bring yourself to a calm place, and take this moment right now to be present. Feel your body, all the contentment, from your toes to your eyelashes, and most importantly your Heartbeat. Your heart is an amazing organ that keeps the vessel in which you inhabit, running smooth. So important is the process of circulation for us as athletes that we need to be constantly working to improve the quality of each and every beat. Just like exercise, Nutrition is so very important to keeping the plumbing and fluid working for all the systems that depend on it.

210518 "Top 5 Veggies for Detoxification and Cellular health"

How often are you questioning Normalcy? Do you look at your life, your routine, and truly examine how it can be given a boost? Not surprisingly, the benefits begin with your nutrition. There is a class of vegetables you should be eating daily called "Crucirferous" (cru-sif-erous) vegetables that can do more to detoxify your organs, and reduce the oxidative stress associated with training and lifestyle. These vegetables are ones that your probably pass by in the store because its not potatoes, or spinach but I am encouraging you to do a double take and do your health a favor. As Ill explain you can be creating big hedge against cancer and the silent killer, Dementia. Lets get into it!