
291120 "3 Flavanoid Rich Foods for Cardiovascular Health"

Stress from the Pandemic has dug itself into our minds and bodies deeper than we think. It is common knowledge that the prolonged effects of stress on the metabolic system can have detrimental effects to hormone production and can cause cognitive decline. But did you know that the vascular system, veins and arteries, are also just as susceptible? A new study from the University Of Illinois was just published that sparked my interest again in the vital nature of flavonoids and the foods with the highest amounts. So lets check a few of these in todays health tip.

070920 "Your MicroBiome is not made by Design, but by Adaptation"

Last weekend I got pretty Rowdy on my Mountain Bike and ended up getting injured. The injury sent me to the Emergency Room where the (not so gentle) nurses had to scrub and scrape all the foreign bodies out of my wounds. After this fun experience, the first thing they Did was give me a shot of antibiotics and a vial of them to go home with. While I do want to keep the bad bacteria out of my wounds, I also know that antibiotics can absolutely decimate your GUT BACTERIA. So… Ive been passing on the meds.

100820 "Dissecting Grip Strength and What you Need to Increase It"

It has been Hard During COVID lockdown to truly train pull ups. Most of us do not have ready access to a pull up bar and have grown quite tired of doing the bent over rows. So now, as gyms open back up and we realize our lack of strength, we should break down one of the key components of the Pull Up; Grip Strength. Just like all other exercises, there is more than one way we need to view our Grip Strength and Of Course… multiple ways to train it.

030820 "5 Summer Fruits that Boost Your Immune System"

I love the long and hot days of summer; suntans, warm nights, and a significant change in what I crave to eat. I dont know about you but Im downing a Watermelon a week right now! And in general my fruit consumption levels have gone Richter. Rather than feel guilty like Im eating too much sugar, it is important to realize that with the warm weather our diets naturally should change. In respect of ‘Eating With the Seasons’, we need to strategize about which fruits are the best for us and our immune systems at this time.. After all we are still in a Pandemic and need to be vigilant about our immune systems.

200720 "Lets Get Real About Wearing Masks During Fitness"

States are opening.. States are closing… Like it was a huge surprise, the Virus hasn’t gone away. The reality of the moment is that we will be working through this together for some time so I really want to drop some knowledge on the masks you are wearing to the gym. Ive seen a full gamut of styles and seen what works good and which ones are super uncomfortable.

290620 "Sweat Analysis; A New way to See Whats going on Under the Surface."

Summer Time is highlighted by warm nights, grilling and sweaty workouts. In fact, depending on where you live, sweating is pretty much just a fact in the summer no matter what you are doing. Your sweat glands are essentially appendages of your epidermis and the liquid that they expel to cool your body and discharge waste can tell us a lot about what is going on deep inside your body. Scientists from Penn State have just released the smallest Sweat detection device ever so I decided to do some digging into the science of sweat and how we can use it to make us healthier as athletes and humans.

180520 "3 Signs you May have LEAKY GUT "

Our GUT is a true magical place. Engineered perfectly to break down and distribute Nutrients to the body as well as neural connections to the entire body which make it our ‘Second Brain’ . From your Mouth down to your Anus, there is roughly 4000 square feet of surface, all with unique roles to play in our health. Like our skin, the tight cell structure creates a barrier from the bad and specifically designed to allow in the good stuff. When the integrity of this structure is broken down anywhere, all hell can break loose. This condition is called LEAKY GUT and here are 3 prominent signs that you may have some degree of it.

110520 "New Science: Vitamin D and COVID-19 Mortality Rates"

For as long as I have been researching an studying Micronutrients, Vitamin D has always stood out as the most intriguing. Classified technically as a “vitamin’ , this essential nutrient functions more like a hormone on our bodies. Ive written extensively about its effect on Hormone regulation which is vital to training and performance, but new science is out now about its very important effects on immune system regulation. Specifically, Vitamin D buffers the immune response to pathogens, virus’ and bacteria. And the timely research shows, that we need Vitamin D levels to be good in our bodies more than ever.

260420 "5 Kettlebell Exercises That Will Make YOU a Better Athlete"

Kettlebells are uniquely Russian. The geometrically simplicstic and rudimentary tools were adopted over 300 years ago by Russian Strongmen who wanted to build absolute strength. Originally used as weights for feed and grain sales, the tool has become one of the most important tools in training. Today, we swing them, press them, throw them, and carry them in hopes of tapping into our strongest self. My passion for this tool is clearly displayed in the Tough Mudder bootcamp Methodology, where we do a lot more with them than the average gym. I wanted to give you some exercises that are staples in my training and can help you break out of the monotony and into real athleticism. So grab your Bell and lets play fitness!

130420 "Drink WINE, Its and Exercise for the MIND"

As you settle down in from of your computer to read the latest and greatest Fitness and Nutrition blogs from your truly, there is a high probability you have already done a bit of fitness today. You have exercised to relieve stress, clear out the pent up energy and generally feel good about your life. The combination of Mind, Body and Spirit in your daily practice are essential , I agree. Well what if I told you that there is some new science out that shows Moderate Drinking can actually be a part of your daily exercise routine?! Its all physiology baby! In the same way we spark our metabolism to cleanse the body, a little drinking can actually do the same for the mind.

060420 "5 Reasons How the 12 STEP Program Can Help Us Right NOW"

Qaurantine Life makes me want to get drunk….All the time. Like many of you, I haven’t left my house in over 2 weeks and the repetition of days makes me go mad. The result is that Cocktail hour gets earlier and earlier and I scour the house for every pain killer I can take to numb my mind and body. While I do not think Im sinking into a situation where my drinking will lead to life altering effects; I have been thinking about those of us who do struggle with Addiction. So I took a deep dive into the Al-Anon 12 step process and found that the principles that help my friends, can also help ALL of us right now in a time of high anxiety, fear and potential self-harm.

300320 "Truth Vs. Myth about COVID-19 Immunity"

Remember in High School when your Sex-ed teacher said to you, “The Best way to not get an STD is to simply abstain from Sex”. We all snickered and got red but he/she was right. Now, in the case of this virus, we are faced with the same reality…. The best Route to not getting it is to simply stay the hell away from each other! But what can we do while in Self -Qaurantine to keep our immunity up? The media is swirling with information so Ive decided to give you the definitive guide to dispelling myth and healthy habits you can (and should) be implementing.

230320 "Positive Vibrations... Its a REAL Thing Bro!"

Nature loves balance. Nature loves harmony. Nature loves synchronicity. Just look around the world we live in. When balance is achieved, ecosystems flourish, life seems at peace. When disorder or entropy is added to a system, we see it spiral into chaos and eventually death. Well death, this seems like a pretty serious jump from the title which is about Positive Vibrations ; but as I will lay out, a great many researchers have found that 1. Positive Vibrations are really a thing. 2. If we can’t find a way to keep those vibrations in sync, systems collapse.

090320 "This is How You Should Wash Your Hands"

The Corona Virus is spreading. Literally we are so slow on knowing how much it has spread in the US that it could be carried by the next person you come in contact. Conveniently it comes at the height of the Regular Influenza season, creating more problems for Health Care Providers and putting more emphasis on the most basic of habits that cn keep you from getting sick, Hand Washing! But according to the CDC (center for disease control) , many of us are doing it wrong. SO here ya go, a tutorial on how to wash your hands…

020320 "You are What You Eat... AND What You Don't"

The Scientific Community has largely agreed for many years and across many studies that there are benefits to watching what you eat. Limiting saturated fat, not eating processed grains, and ensuring that your veggies are the color of the rainbow. Along with a balanced diet, the amount of what we eat is also indicative of how our cells age and how disease happens. This is the focus of todays editorial.

240220 "5 FAT Facts You Need to Know"

We have spun a 180 in the past decade from FAT Fearing to FAT Indulging. Yes the tables have turned because of new science which shows that you NEED fat in your diet. The 70’s through the 90’s saw rapid decline in health due to the Food Industry promoting the Low Fat diets which heavily emphasized processed foods and sugars. But, while we may have a better hold on what the current science says, there is still some outstanding myths and "Unknowns” around FAT that YOU NEED TO KNOW!.

100220 "Ice Baths; Why you may be freezing your Butt off for Nothing "

XPT, Wim Hof, even instagram… everyone is pushing it.. Ice Baths. The Post Workout or Lifestyle trend happening now by many top athletes and influencers where you submerge your body in a trough of ice and water and love it. If you haven’t tried it, chances are you know what i’m talking about. You’ve probably taken a cold plunge in a lake or river at some point, quickly losing all feeling in your limbs and jump out with a renewed sense of love for warm clothes. The trends now are pushing mental fortitude (which is a real thing) and recovery. But a new study has come out which may disprove some of the benefits that are being touted. Lets dive in !

030220 "Say AHHHH... 3 Reasons why Being Vegan Can Be Harmful for Your Mouth"

So there I was , a place that well al know quite well. Mouth agape, laying flat on my back, beaming light shining down my gullet. And, dont forget about those stylish shades they make us wear now.. Just in case our spit goes flying or some of that super tasty tooth polish gets in our eyes! You guessed it, Im in the dentist chair. While in my meditative state, one in which I throughly enjoy, I got to thinking about… of all things.. Vegans. As science is always coming out linking one part of our bodies to the other, I got thinking about the Vegan diet and tooth decay. This is what I found out after a rousing conversation with my Dentist.

270120 "Not too Cold, Not too Hot.. Just Right.. 3 Reasons why your Body Temperature is So Important."

Do me a favor... Take the back of your hand and place it on your forehead.. How do you feel? Do you feel warm? Feel cold? Does this remind you of what your Mom used to do to you when you complained about going to school because you thought you were sick??? Our body temperature is something we use as a metric to judge how well we are doing? But why and how was this standard developed? A new study recently came out which links your body temperature to a host of evolutionary and physiological attributes . Read on and find out some things that may get you paying closer attention to that thermometer!

060120 "Digging into Food Allergies. Fact VS. Hypochondria"

Ok Here is a quick Poll.. How many of you out there have been on an airplane and heard the announcement: “We will not be serving any Peanut Products on this flight due to a SERIOUS Peanut Allergy, if you have foods which contain Peanuts, please do not eat them on this flight”. Chances are, many of you are nodding your heads now. And maybe a couple of you are those Peanut fearing folks who make your presence known in every social situation you come into. Allergies to Foods has grown in the past 50 years by a staggering amount. There are fingers being pointed and science trying to uncover the reasons. Here is the latest Science behind the phenomenon.