vitamin D

110520 "New Science: Vitamin D and COVID-19 Mortality Rates"

For as long as I have been researching an studying Micronutrients, Vitamin D has always stood out as the most intriguing. Classified technically as a “vitamin’ , this essential nutrient functions more like a hormone on our bodies. Ive written extensively about its effect on Hormone regulation which is vital to training and performance, but new science is out now about its very important effects on immune system regulation. Specifically, Vitamin D buffers the immune response to pathogens, virus’ and bacteria. And the timely research shows, that we need Vitamin D levels to be good in our bodies more than ever.

171218 "Vitamin D Deficiency: 3 Tips to avoid Sickness"

Did You know that the “Sunshine Vitamin” is not really much a vitamin at all? Vitamin D, one of the essential Vitamins that our body produces as well as we get from Mother Nature is really more of a Hormone than nutrient. Diving into the minutiae of what it is or is not pales in comparison to the importance it has on your body, especially in Wintertime. While the ravages of training and weather take its toll on your body, here are 3 ways to guarantee Vitamin D levels remain in a good spot this winter.