vital proteins

171218 "Vitamin D Deficiency: 3 Tips to avoid Sickness"

Did You know that the “Sunshine Vitamin” is not really much a vitamin at all? Vitamin D, one of the essential Vitamins that our body produces as well as we get from Mother Nature is really more of a Hormone than nutrient. Diving into the minutiae of what it is or is not pales in comparison to the importance it has on your body, especially in Wintertime. While the ravages of training and weather take its toll on your body, here are 3 ways to guarantee Vitamin D levels remain in a good spot this winter.

070818 "5 Reasons Why; Vital Proteins Sports Greens"

If you are like me, the hunt is always on for the 1 whole food supplement that can capture all the benefits without shaking up multiple concoctions or swallowing heaps of pills. The Vital Proteins Brand has consistently been a brand that I use because of #1 the Collagen and #2 the Beef Liver. Well I now have a #3... The Sports Greens. Today on the 5 reasons WHY, we are going to deconstruct this killer supplement and show you why you need to keep it on your counter.