
021219 "The Top 5 Ways You Can Take Charge of Insulin Sensitivity"

You may not be able to change certain things with which you were born. Your genes, your body type, even parts of your microbiome.. are all things you are kinda stuck with. But you can control, to a very large degree, a whole lot else with proper lifestyle choices. The more research I read, the more it all circles back to one specific factor, your sensitivity to insulin. Controlling the sensitivity to this hormone can have lasting effects that compound as you age . There are a host of ways to become sensitive to insulin and today we will explore my top 5. As we dive in, understand that this is truly a marathon and not a sprint. Your health is tied to your longevity and vice versa.

250419 "New Science; High Fructose Corn Syrup Boosts Cancer Risk"

In case you missed it this week, a unique study came out that was picked up by all the major new outlets. I always get excited when this happens as News agencies are concentrated on reporting the low hanging fruit when it comes to science. Studies are often used to give us information that is clearly obvious like, ‘Drinking Round-up is bad for you’ and ‘Exercise is good for you’. But there is also glimmering hopes that the population is getting smarter through persistent reporting on emerging topics. High Fructose Corn Syrup is a sweetener which has garnered lots of attention because of the Diabetes epidemic. Several studies are underway which will help to educate the population about its harmful effects and the prevalence in so many of our processed foods. Lets dive in today on this study, what it says and how it is going to be part of a trend in our health consciousness.

180319 "Top 5 Most Nutritious Dried Fruits"

Shrivelled up like a 75 year old French Dude on a beach in August, Dried Fruit might not be much to look at but I bet it has one hell of a story! Sweeter than its fresh form, Dried fruit is an amazing alternative to Sugar laden snacks and add a surprisingly powerful nutritional element to all foods that you pair them with. Im going to break down my top 5 most nutritious dried fruits, so you can Thrive on to a full life.

291018 "The Key 3, A Simple way to View Nutrition"

I have always said that it is easier to change someones Religion than it is to change their Nutrition Habits. Nutrition Habits or rather ‘how we eat’ on a day to day basis is nothing more than refined habits that dominate our decision making process. What we understand of what is ‘good to eat’ or ‘how much to eat’ and even ‘when to eat’ is all predicated on how we live our lives through Routine. Questions come my way each week about specifics in Nutrition but also some very simple ones like, “Where do I begin this Journey?” . Today Im going to give you the KEY 3, a simple way to look at your Nutrition.

070818 "5 Reasons Why; Vital Proteins Sports Greens"

If you are like me, the hunt is always on for the 1 whole food supplement that can capture all the benefits without shaking up multiple concoctions or swallowing heaps of pills. The Vital Proteins Brand has consistently been a brand that I use because of #1 the Collagen and #2 the Beef Liver. Well I now have a #3... The Sports Greens. Today on the 5 reasons WHY, we are going to deconstruct this killer supplement and show you why you need to keep it on your counter.