Gut health

070818 "5 Reasons Why; Vital Proteins Sports Greens"

If you are like me, the hunt is always on for the 1 whole food supplement that can capture all the benefits without shaking up multiple concoctions or swallowing heaps of pills. The Vital Proteins Brand has consistently been a brand that I use because of #1 the Collagen and #2 the Beef Liver. Well I now have a #3... The Sports Greens. Today on the 5 reasons WHY, we are going to deconstruct this killer supplement and show you why you need to keep it on your counter. 

090718 "Food=Fuel//Fuel=Good Vibes"

It never ceases to amaze me when I travel around this great land of ours; Humans feeding themselves the worst possible nutrition and then reacting in negative ways to themselves and others. Well the prescription for a happier society, a happy existence depends almost exclusively on the food choices you make! I plead with you, you few conscious activists in the world, to help spread the message that FOOD IS FUEL and FUELING THE MIND BRINGS GOOD VIBES!

230418 "The BEST Biological benefits of being KIND"

Kindness, Selflessness, Altruism... high concepts that are touted in self help books, on the big screen, and of course in all manner of religious dogma. It is said that you should 'treat others like you would like to be treated'. So is this kindness to others really just a "bank" that we get to fill to hold our own self esteem at a certain level? Or is there really something to actually being KIND to others? What do acts of Altruism do for our health? Im interested and today will dig in on the concepts that surround the Kindness to others.