
130420 "Drink WINE, Its and Exercise for the MIND"

As you settle down in from of your computer to read the latest and greatest Fitness and Nutrition blogs from your truly, there is a high probability you have already done a bit of fitness today. You have exercised to relieve stress, clear out the pent up energy and generally feel good about your life. The combination of Mind, Body and Spirit in your daily practice are essential , I agree. Well what if I told you that there is some new science out that shows Moderate Drinking can actually be a part of your daily exercise routine?! Its all physiology baby! In the same way we spark our metabolism to cleanse the body, a little drinking can actually do the same for the mind.

071019 "Heart Rate Monitors; Fact or Fiction

Data Driven Performance testing is no new thing in fitness. From High School weight rooms to the Olympic Fields, we look to measure performance. As a Sports Science Student there are a number of variables that I can point to; from blood markers, muscle biopsies, and the most prevalent... Heart Rate Variability. Monitoring your heart rate has always been the gold standard for cardiovascular fitness assessment and training programs.

010419 "Top 2 Reasons why you should ditch your Cheat Day"

Popular dietary antics pervade our Nutritional Landscape. There are binges, fasting, liquid only, Vegan, you name it… someone is selling you on it. Maybe its commercialism or maybe its just us Humans always wanting to confuse the shit out of things and creating drama in our lives. To me, nutrition fads and social hashtags are ‘First World Problems’, created to dumb down aspects of our existence. BUT.. they could also be harming our health. While a good dose of entropy is beneficial for our health , the Cheat Day may be doing us more harm than good. Today Im going to dig into new research and lay out some not so new ideas as to why you should cut it out.

250419 "New Science; High Fructose Corn Syrup Boosts Cancer Risk"

In case you missed it this week, a unique study came out that was picked up by all the major new outlets. I always get excited when this happens as News agencies are concentrated on reporting the low hanging fruit when it comes to science. Studies are often used to give us information that is clearly obvious like, ‘Drinking Round-up is bad for you’ and ‘Exercise is good for you’. But there is also glimmering hopes that the population is getting smarter through persistent reporting on emerging topics. High Fructose Corn Syrup is a sweetener which has garnered lots of attention because of the Diabetes epidemic. Several studies are underway which will help to educate the population about its harmful effects and the prevalence in so many of our processed foods. Lets dive in today on this study, what it says and how it is going to be part of a trend in our health consciousness.

280219 "3 Reasons why your Yogurt is lying to you"

While the vast majority of the critique on the food and beverage industry is currently focused on Soda and Sugar sweetened beverages, there is still dangerous sugar levels lurking in your refrigerator. At no other time in history have we seen such a epidemic emerging around metabolic disease and sugar has everything do do with it. But the fact is that SUGAR SELLS PRODUCTS. We have a sweet tooth in this country and the food products industry knows just how to exploit it. The addiction and the disease are going to overtake our health care system unless we stamp it out by paying close attention to what goes in our mouth. Even the ‘Healthy’ stuff needs to be questioned, so here are some key Red Flags that you should watch out for in your “Healthy” Yogurt.