whole foods

250419 "New Science; High Fructose Corn Syrup Boosts Cancer Risk"

In case you missed it this week, a unique study came out that was picked up by all the major new outlets. I always get excited when this happens as News agencies are concentrated on reporting the low hanging fruit when it comes to science. Studies are often used to give us information that is clearly obvious like, ‘Drinking Round-up is bad for you’ and ‘Exercise is good for you’. But there is also glimmering hopes that the population is getting smarter through persistent reporting on emerging topics. High Fructose Corn Syrup is a sweetener which has garnered lots of attention because of the Diabetes epidemic. Several studies are underway which will help to educate the population about its harmful effects and the prevalence in so many of our processed foods. Lets dive in today on this study, what it says and how it is going to be part of a trend in our health consciousness.

101218 "A New Study Finds: Your Probiotics aren't worth Shit"

Vanderbilt University has released a report this week that shook me up. The Headline Read, “GUT Microbiome differs among Ethnicities” which obviously sparked my attention but when I read into it more.. my thinking on bacteria flipped completely. It turns out that what I thought about boosting bacteria was naive and the scope of what I was trying to conceptualize is as big as the stars in the sky above us. But as we will discuss, the subsequent rabbit home I went down gave me extreme hope in the direction of Individualized medicine and our understanding of disease! Lets dive in.