
070920 "Your MicroBiome is not made by Design, but by Adaptation"

Last weekend I got pretty Rowdy on my Mountain Bike and ended up getting injured. The injury sent me to the Emergency Room where the (not so gentle) nurses had to scrub and scrape all the foreign bodies out of my wounds. After this fun experience, the first thing they Did was give me a shot of antibiotics and a vial of them to go home with. While I do want to keep the bad bacteria out of my wounds, I also know that antibiotics can absolutely decimate your GUT BACTERIA. So… Ive been passing on the meds.

250520 "Why Heros are Important to Our Psyche"

When I was young I loved Waterskiing. It was all that I cared about for many years and my aspirations to become a professional in the sport dominated my thoughts. I read every magazine and idolized figures like Andy Mapple and Wade Cox. These guys were bigger than life to me. They represented what I thought to be a 'heroic' figures in the world. As I grew up my idea of 'heroic' shifted to writers like Longfellow, activists like Edward Abbey, and Warriors like Michael Murphy.

180520 "3 Signs you May have LEAKY GUT "

Our GUT is a true magical place. Engineered perfectly to break down and distribute Nutrients to the body as well as neural connections to the entire body which make it our ‘Second Brain’ . From your Mouth down to your Anus, there is roughly 4000 square feet of surface, all with unique roles to play in our health. Like our skin, the tight cell structure creates a barrier from the bad and specifically designed to allow in the good stuff. When the integrity of this structure is broken down anywhere, all hell can break loose. This condition is called LEAKY GUT and here are 3 prominent signs that you may have some degree of it.

020320 "You are What You Eat... AND What You Don't"

The Scientific Community has largely agreed for many years and across many studies that there are benefits to watching what you eat. Limiting saturated fat, not eating processed grains, and ensuring that your veggies are the color of the rainbow. Along with a balanced diet, the amount of what we eat is also indicative of how our cells age and how disease happens. This is the focus of todays editorial.

260819 "Want to Lose Weight?? Get to Know your Sleep cycle"

Before the Gates of Performance open up for you ; you need to stand upon a foundation of good health. Good Health is predicated upon your ability to maintain a healthy weight. Therefore if you are beginning or feeling Plateaued in your Journey, it is time to start taking a hard look at the pieces of you life that make up the complete package of health and wellbeing. When we sleep, how well we sleep should be in balance with our Nutritional Timing and of course, quality of food we are eating. Lets talk today about how we can link those two important pieces together.

040219 "6 Habits of Healthy and Fit People"

There Is not secret pill . There is no 1 way to get there. Health , Fitness, and by extension… Happiness is a thoughtful and deliberate choice that results from small actions and a mind fixated on optimal life experience. Studying the ways of people who have seemed to ‘crack’ the code on being healthy and fit, I have come up with a short list that will help you reflect on your own life and maybe even give you a couple key benchmarks to begin to live by. Read on to discover the 6 habits of Healthy and Fit People.

280219 "3 Reasons why your Yogurt is lying to you"

While the vast majority of the critique on the food and beverage industry is currently focused on Soda and Sugar sweetened beverages, there is still dangerous sugar levels lurking in your refrigerator. At no other time in history have we seen such a epidemic emerging around metabolic disease and sugar has everything do do with it. But the fact is that SUGAR SELLS PRODUCTS. We have a sweet tooth in this country and the food products industry knows just how to exploit it. The addiction and the disease are going to overtake our health care system unless we stamp it out by paying close attention to what goes in our mouth. Even the ‘Healthy’ stuff needs to be questioned, so here are some key Red Flags that you should watch out for in your “Healthy” Yogurt.

130518 "When In Greece, Eat Like a GREEK"

Traveling is the most prized wealth that we have as mobile and capable humans. This week I find myself traversing the deep blue waters and craggy seasides of Greece. I am stricken with an innate curiosity that has me researching and analyzing everything as it passes through my consciousness . And so there is food... The nourishing fuel that here in Greece is almost a prehistoric routine. Greek eating has spawned many trends in food culture but none more popularized than the "Mediterranean diet". Now I think diets are bullshit but I will dig in today on a few key aspects of this lifestyle which align well with healthy living,  longevity and performance.