When I was young I loved Waterskiing. It was all that I cared about for many years and my aspirations to become a professional in the sport dominated my thoughts. I read every magazine and idolized figures like Andy Mapple and Wade Cox. These guys were bigger than life to me. They represented what I thought to be a 'heroic' figures in the world. As I grew up my idea of 'heroic' shifted to writers like Longfellow, activists like Edward Abbey, and Warriors like Michael Murphy.
The reason why I lead in with this is that the idea of HEROIC is important. Everyone has their own figures who they identify with their ethics and morality. From a childhood perspective to adulthood, the IDEA of a HERO is someone who has done something far beyond the normal human experience and pushed to new heights in dignity, compassion, humility, courage, and selflessness... among many other things.
I want you to pause now and reflect on your list of HEROS. Who are they? What have they done to earn that place? What does your list of HEROS say about you?
Today the HERO is grossly misconstrued. Today there are many people who idolize money, fame, and many other things that can blind them to really see what a true hero is! For instance, George Clooney is held in a very high regard for his work both on screen and as a philanthropist. Yet I still can find a GIANT difference between the actor and someone like MALALA YOUSAFZAI .
Remember, A HERO is someone who has done something that mortal man can consider immortal. Another great example is Jesus. Its pretty easy to see that this man, many years ago, checked every box in the HERO test. And why do you think most people would agree with you about this???
The story has been told; and told well.
Michael Murphy was an amazing HERO. His story has become legendary in not just the CrossFit Community but because it has been told over and over to the citizens of a grateful nation and to people around the world. The story of "Murph" begins with a MORTAL man doing his job and ends with an IMMORTAL figure who exemplified the greatness of selflessness and bravery.
If you are not familiar with "Murph" please read this article by Box Life Magazine HERE
We as human beings crave the heroic figure. Not only do they exemplify our moral code but they also revive us from a desperate state of complacency and cynicism. Limits stifle us as human beings. Watching or hearing of larger than life people which break barriers and limits, gives us hope; if even for just a moment. Collectively we honor MICHAEL MURPHY on Memorial day by doing a workout in his honor . For this brief time we get to remember that what we think is impossible really has no bounds. Through the actions of this brave man many years ago, we reflect and strive to live life HEROIC.
Programming Notes 5/25-5/29 *** This is Memorial Day Murph Week so we will start off with a good burner and then move into Interval work for the rest of the week. Aerobic Conditioning is Tuesday and Thursday with Wednesday and Friday being meant for power and anaerobic intervals.
4X :30 @ Each
-Marching High Kicks
-Shoulder Rolls
-Arm Circles
-Half Moon Stretch
-Bow/ Bend
-Side Lunges
1 Mile Run
100 Pull Ups
200 Push Ups
300 Squats
1 Mile Run
*wear 20# vest if available
20 Cal Row
15 Wall Squats
10 Jump Lunge
5 m Crab Walk
Clean Warm Up:
7 @ Each
-Barbell Good Mornings
-Barbell Romanian Deadlift
-Barbell Muscle Clean
-Hang Power Clean
-Front Squat
-Pausing Squat Clean
Clean Complex:
6 Rounds ;
-Power Clean
-Hang Power Clean
-Power Clean
*Building Each Round
*Catch and Pause each clean
250m Row
12 Dumbbell Burpee Step Over 20/18”
18 Wall Ball Shots
200m Run
8 X Single Leg Med Ball Up and Over
8X Med ball Squats
8X Med Ball Squatting Halos
8 X 2ct Med Ball Toe Touches
Squat Flow: Squat Flow: Kang Squat, Internal Rotation, Ankle Roll Out, Bootstraps, PNF Stretch, Squat W/ T Spine Stretch
2 Rounds ;
8 @ 70%
7 @ 75%
6 @ 80%
5 @ 85%
1 @ 90%
Anaerobic Conditioning
8 Rounds ;
100m Shuttle Sprint (50m out/back)
10 Cal Bike
8 Sandbag Squats 200/125#
-Rest 3 Mins Between Sets-
Agility Warm Up @ 10m Each
High Knee Pull
Quad Pull
Squat 180 **stepping the leg high over hip, swing opposite leg to 180, squat
High Knees
Butt kickers
Marching High Kicks
Straight leg shuffles
A Skip
B Skip
Fig 4 Drill
Lateral Shuffle
Lateral Bounding
Sprint W/ Change of Direction
Accessory Work:
4 Rounds Not For Time
A- 1:00 Side pLank (each Side)
B- 16X Reverse Lunge With Front Foot Elevated 6”.
**May use weight
C- 5X Bounding Broad Jump
For TIme
27 Lateral Box Jump Overs
Row For Cals
-200m Sprint In Between-
27 Lateral Box Jump Overs
8 Inch Worm Push Ups
10 Banded Pass Thru
8 Burpee Tuck Jumps
10 Banded Pull aparts
8 Banded Good Mornings
Hamstring Primer:
10 Deficit Romanian Deadlift 155/115
10 Pendlay Row
Snatch Warm Up:
7@ Each
-Snatch Deadlift
-Snatch High Pull
-Muscle Snatch
-Overhead Squat
-Back Rack Press
-Hang Power Snatch
-Squat Snatch Below the knee
Snatch Complex:
7 Sets,
-Full Snatch
-Snatch Drop
-3 Overhead Squats
*Start Light and Build
*Be careful of bring ing bar down to the neck
Interval Work:
6 Rounds;
:45 work // :15 Rest
-Snatch 155/05
-Chest to Bar
-Push Jerk
-Full 1:00 Rest-