The Scientific Community has largely agreed for many years and across many studies that there are benefits to watching what you eat. Limiting saturated fat, not eating processed grains, and ensuring that your veggies are the color of the rainbow. Along with a balanced diet, the amount of what we eat is also indicative of how our cells age and how disease happens. This is the focus of todays editorial.
As a Scientist, there are so many different variables that you cannot control and so the method of legitimacy is to report on what you can control. A landmark study came out this week from the SALK INSTITUTE which reports on the largest and most comprehensive cellular level study of one aspect that science can control, food intake. But we must ask, “Are all the answers to our mortality and gene expression in caloric restriction?”
Lets start with a brief synopsis of the study;
-The study was on Lab Rats.
-The study isolated 168,703 cells from 40 cell types
-Cells of the Liver, kidneys, aorta, skin, bone marrow,, and muscle were studied
-The rats were given 30% fewer calories than the control group.
The results were profound;
-57% of age related issues found in the control rats were not present in the calorie restricted rats
-brown adipose tissue (good fat) expressed fewer inflammatory markers
-Immunity went up in calorie restricted rats
The results are very promising and there is much to be excited about in terms of legitimizing caloric restrictive lifestyles. But…. as I stated above, we already knew this and the proof is right in front of us. AMERICANS ARE FAT! In the coming years when the Reeper comes to cash in on the glutinous lifestyles that we have been living, you will see the effects of what an unlimited caloric diet looks like in the long run. We think the Corona Viris is bad… just wait until we go broke trying to keep all the unhealthy people alive.
Where you, the informed and concerned human should be looking is in the 99 other ways we interact with our environment that also can decrease aging besides just eating less. Remember that science is truly the last Virtuous entity in our society, only giving us a narrow factual claim backed up by specific data. This study, while truly insightful, stops at the lab rat data and it is up to us to finish the story with the other science out there. Im referring to the data that you should have about;
A) what is going on in your blood
B) how you time out your daily nutrient intake
C) How much stress you carry from day to day
D) What is your daily fitness routine
E) what are the genetic factors in your family which can predispose you to disease
This is a massive Bucket of things to digest and when a study comes out that says, “Just eat less and you will live longer” we glue ourselves to it and begin starving ourselves in hopes of a better future. Believe me its going to happen.. This study will get picked up by the main stream news media in about a week and plastered across headlines with little else besides a glimmering headline about how caloric restriction is the holy grail.
And dont let me get you thinking that Im just being a Debbie downer about the findings. 100% we Americans need to be eating less, wasting less food and putting a stop to obesity. This should be a public issue more than it is because our economy is about to be severely hindered because we will be getting very sick in the next 20 years. Trust me.
What I do want to close on today is that;
1) Read the Article and start doing some research on caloric resticition
2) Really look at your lifestyle and see how you can cut down on inflammation
3) Look into genetic factors that could increase your probability of disease as you age (cancer, Alzheimers)
4) Live consciously, peacefully and dont stress on the small stuff..
We are mortal beings who can do our best to live the healthiest life we can while we are alive but, the end will come for all of us. That is a guarantee. So enjoy the time with your family, give love without expectation, and try and leave as little of a mark on this planet as you can. Ill be here to love you the entire time.
Programming Notes 3/2-3/6 ***This week we work on Lactate threshold with active recovery. The premise is, you should crush the work Ive programmed and then use the mono structural exercise (run/bike) to allow for active recovery of heart rate. Look for this specifically Tuesday-Thursday. Squat waves are still in and we test Muscle Ups this week.
10 Shoulder Rolls
10 Arm Circles Forward
10 Arm Circles Backward
10 banded Pass Thru
20 Banded Pull Aparts
10 Banded Bent Row
10 Banded Press and Rip
20 Banded Supinated Pull Aparts
5 Strict Toes to bar
5 burpee Tuck Jumps
4X 10
Weighted Pull Ups
Weighted ring Dips
*Use Dumbbells and rest in between exercise as needed.
1-10 Toes To bar
10-1 Dumbbell Snatch 70/50
500m Row
20 Banded Good Mornings
20 Banded Monster Walks
:45 Side Plank Hold (Each Side)
20 Banded Bent Row
20 Side Lunges
Lunge Flow:
-Ankle Roll Outs
-Hamstring Pulses
-Elbow To Instep W/ Reach
-Samson Lunge + Reach
-Pigeon Stretch
Clean Warm Up:
7@ Each
-Clean Deadlift
-Clean High Pull
-Muscle Clean
-Front Squat
-Hang Squat Clean
-Tempo Power Clean from Mid Shin
Clean Complex,
Every 2 Minutes for 10 Minutes (5 sets)
-Power Clean + Hang Power Clean Below Knee
Power Intervals:
5 Sets , On the 3:00.
:30 Power Clean (you call the weight)
:30 Burpee Over Bar
100m Run
-Rest Remaining Time-
*The game is, you have 100m to run, how fast you do it in the time you have is your call.
200m Run
8 Elbow To instep Lunge + Reach
10 Squat Therapy
8 Side Lunge
10 Hip Swivel Kicks
Squat Flow: Squat Flow: Kang Squat, Internal Rotation, Ankle Roll Out, Bootstraps, PNF Stretch, Squat W/ T Spine Stretch
Build Up To 87% of 1RM Front squat .
Odd- 1 Front Squat
Even- 2 Back squats
Power intervals:
5 Sets , On the 5:00;
-4 Lateral Cone Touches @ 5 Meters apart
right into,
-100m SPRINT (All Out)
right into,
-20 cal bike (easy pace)
30 High Knee Rope skips
10 PVC Pass Thru
10 PVC Trunk Twist
10 PVC Overhead Squat
Gymnastic Skill Work:
Muscle Up Complex.
A) :20 Ring Support Top
B) 8 Hips TO Rings Pull Ups
C) :20 Ring Support Bottom
Strength Workout:
Not For Time
7 Muscle Ups / 100 Double unders/ 7 Muscle Ups
6 Muscle ups / 80 Dubs/ 6 Muscle Ups
5 Muscle Ups / 60 Dubs/ 6 Muscle Ups
4 Muscle ups/ 40 Dubs/ 4 Muscle Ups
*rest as needed Between sets, but hit each one all out
4X :30 @ Each
-Jumping Jacks
-Trunk Rotations
-Cherry Pickers
-Reverse Side Step Lunges
-Piked Push Ups
-Lateral Line Touches
Shoulder Primer:
W/ Light Dumbbells 5-15#
20 Reverse Flys
20 Bent Scare Crows
20 See-Saw Press
20 Front Raises
20 Lateral Raises
*Across All Sets
Box Jump Overs
Front Squat 115/75
Push Press