For as long as I have been researching an studying Micronutrients, Vitamin D has always stood out as the most intriguing. Classified technically as a “vitamin’ , this essential nutrient functions more like a hormone on our bodies. Ive written extensively about its effect on Hormone regulation which is vital to training and performance, but new science is out now about its very important effects on immune system regulation. Specifically, Vitamin D buffers the immune response to pathogens, virus’ and bacteria. And the timely research shows, that we need Vitamin D levels to be good in our bodies more than ever.
NorthWestern University has compiled data from countries around the world, analyzing all the mortality numbers. The research began by trying to make sense out of why specific populations were having more deaths than others. Was it the health care systems? Was it the economics of the population? Was it diet? Was it underlying conditions or even environmental factors???
What the Study found was that populations with broadly lower levels of Vitamin D, had higher mortality rates. And this didn’t surprise anyone.
Now.. Let me introduce you to Cytokines.
Cytokines are proteins or peptides inside cells that are intrinsically linked to immune health. A “Cytokine Response”, (something we have been hearing a lot about right now) , is a natural reaction to some harmful invader taking over a cell in the body. As a natural defense mechanism, these proteins signal the infected cell to kill itself (Apoptosis) in order to save the other healthy cells around it and in the tissues.
Normal Cytokine signalling is a very healthy and natural way of immune function. In todays COVID-19 pandemic, thousands are not dying from the Virus per se, they are dying because the immune system is attacking itself with what has been labeled a “Cytokine Storm”. This is where the signalling mechanism in the cells have gone bonkers and the result is an overblown immune response. If you or someone you know has an auto-immune disease, the symptoms they display is essentially a Cytokine Storm where the body overreacts to a specific stimulus.
So what does Vitamin D have to do with this??
Vitamin D, as I have written about many times, is more than just an aid to help you build strong bones and muscles. Vitamin D has an invaluable effect on your endocrine system which (as you may guess) is very much linked to your immune system. This essential “Hormone” regulates the production of cells responsible for immune function. Additionally, Vitamin D acts as a buffer in your immune system from preventing Cytokine Storms!
The study from Northwestern University followed the trail of mortality and found that populations with Vitamin D Deficiency were dying more than others because they did not have the protection against their own immune systems! Northern Italy for instance has a good healthcare system but has higher than normal death rates due to a population with systemically low Vitamin D levels… Crazy right?
Nutrition is key to Vitamin D Levels.
I am sure you have heard media hosts, science experts and maybe government officials talk about maintaining a healthy immune system during this pandemic. Optimal and balanced nutrient intake is key to helping our acquired immune system keep us healthy and thriving. Before looking to supplementation, we need to look to our food;
-egg yolks
-… and the host of fortified cereals and foods with Vitamin D added.
This new study is very telling and you dont need a ton of data points to see that the findings have a lot of validity. Just as this Virus has DNA instructions which sends it to attack the respiratory system, so does your immune system to defend itself. What we can do with this study is help us to be vigilant about our nutrition and diet. Eating good, managing stress and sleeping well are all important to keeping us healthy and safe. Appreciate and be conscious of everything that has an effect on your body and health. In a time when so much seems out of our reach, this IS something we can control. Ill be here to support you the entire way.
Programming Notes 5/11-5/15 *** This is week 8 of the Endurance/ Power Cycle. Next week we will retest . Wednesday and Friday this week have a good deal of Hinging so monitor your hips with stretches and moiling correctly before each session. Tuesday is a repeat and Friday is DT!!! So get stoked for this programming week.
400m Run
10 Banded Pass Thru
10 banded Trunk Circles
10 Banded Overhead Squat
10 Hollow Rocks
Squat Flow: Squat Flow: Kang Squat, Internal Rotation, Ankle Roll Out, Bootstraps, PNF Stretch, Squat W/ T Spine Stretch
Muscular Endurance:
5 Rounds;
1:00 Tempo Front Squats (2,2,1)
1:00 Back Rack Lunges
-:90 Rest In Between Sets-
Anaerobic Conditioning:
3 Rounds for time;
24 Lunging Thrusters 75/55
12 Cal Bike
200m Run
12 Deadbug Ipsilateral Reach
12 Side Plank Knee To Elbow
12 Lateral Tuck Jump rebounds
Mono-structural Conditioning:
21-18-15-12-9 Row For Calories
+ 12 Lateral Line Touch After Each Segment.
-Rest :45 Between Each set. -
Strength Workout:
5 Rounds , Rest as needed Between rounds.
100’ Sandbag Carry 150/100#
100 Double Unders
*Carry should be unbroken.
4X:30 @ Each
-Bow/ Bend
-Burpee Pull Ups
-Elbow To instep Lunges
-Tuck Jumps
-Divebomber Push Ups
Shoulder Prep W/ 5# Plates:
-Bent Scarecrow + External Rotation
-Bent Reverse Flys
-Bent Scarecrow + Press
-Bent Supermans
-Standing Corkscrews
-standing front Raises
-Standing Lateral Raises
-Standing Y Press
-Standing Cross Over Presses
4 Sets
12 Seated Dumbbell Press
30 Banded Pull Aparts
12 Plank Rows
For Time
30 Power Snatch 75/55
30 Box Jump Overs
30 Chest TO Bar Pull Ups
25 Power Snatch 95/65
25 Box Jump Overs
25 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
20 Power Snatch 115/75
20 Box Jump Overs
20 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
15 Power Snatch 135/95
15 Box Jump Overs
15 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
200m Run
12 Lateral Line Touch @ 12’
12 Kip Swings
12 Cherry Pickers
A) 12 Ring Dips
B) 12 Burpees
C) 200m Shuttle Run (50m X 4)
D) 12 Toes TO bar
E) Assault Bike 12 Cals
30 High Knee Rope Skips
8 Barbell Good Mornings
8 Barbell Roll Outs
8 Barbell Presses
8 Barbell Deadlifts
Clean Warm Up:
7 @ Each
-Barbell Good Mornings
-Barbell Romanian Deadlift
-Barbell Muscle Clean
-Hang Power Clean
-Front Squat
-Pausing Squat Clean
Clean Complex:
-High Hang Power Clean
-Hang Power Clean
-Power Clean
-Squat Clean + Jerk
12 Deadlift 155/105
9 Hang Power Clean
6 Shoulder TO Overhead.