
291120 "3 Flavanoid Rich Foods for Cardiovascular Health"

Stress from the Pandemic has dug itself into our minds and bodies deeper than we think. It is common knowledge that the prolonged effects of stress on the metabolic system can have detrimental effects to hormone production and can cause cognitive decline. But did you know that the vascular system, veins and arteries, are also just as susceptible? A new study from the University Of Illinois was just published that sparked my interest again in the vital nature of flavonoids and the foods with the highest amounts. So lets check a few of these in todays health tip.

160718"The TOP 2 ways you can BEAT the Summer Heat Naturally"

Question of the day...
What is your favorite Summertime beverage or food? 
Chances are, you are thinking of something cold. A iced tea, ice cream, or a cold salad... Probably not a hot tea or spicy lamb curry. The intuitive sense of cooling your body off with cold foods is truly something that Americans take as the surest way of relief. But... (you know there has to be a but) what if I told you that the real physiological relief comes in the way of herbs?! Lets take a look at the common misconceptions of icing your body down and the natural way your body can beat the heat.