030820 "5 Summer Fruits that Boost Your Immune System"

I love the long and hot days of summer; suntans, warm nights, and a significant change in what I crave to eat. I dont know about you but Im downing a Watermelon a week right now! And in general my fruit consumption levels have gone Richter. Rather than feel guilty like Im eating too much sugar, it is important to realize that with the warm weather our diets naturally should change. In respect of ‘Eating With the Seasons’, we need to strategize about which fruits are the best for us and our immune systems at this time.. After all we are still in a Pandemic and need to be vigilant about our immune systems.

Today in America we have polarization in our food environment. Either you live in a food desert where there is no fresh food and vegetables or you live in supermarket land where all food is ALWAYS available year round. Both have their disadvantages so lets dive into exactly which 5 fruits you should be searching for on your next outing.

1. Watermelon.
My beautiful round beauty leads the list not only because I love it so much but because of the nutiriotnal properties. Starting with the obvious, it contains a ton of water which is good for hydration. There is a reason why just looking at a watermelon in the summer is so appealing, your body knows that hydration is a bite away. But another important factor is Lycopene. Lycopene is a carotenoid which acts on the body just as Vitamin A does. This powerful phytonutrient is what gives watermelon its Red color and it has been shown to do everything from help with EYE health to preventing cancer.

2. Strawberries.
The second Red fruit on our list is also packed with polyphenols that help to guard against cancer and oxidation in the cells. Additionally these tiny powerhouse fruits have a ton of Fiber. Fiber is good in the GUT to help clear all manner of pathogens and bacteria. Improving the lining of the GUT is also good for the Blood Pressure as well. Strawberries have been shown to help lower Bad cholesterol (LDL) and increase Good Cholesterol (HDL). If you have a sweet tooth then these are also perfect for you as the fructose is higher than other berries but is off set by the amount of fiber in the berry itself!

3. Apricots.
Probably the highest ranked Immune Boosting Fruit is the Apricot. The reason is the ZINC levels in the fruit. Zinc is utilized by all cells particularly in the prevention and absolution of viruses and bacteria. As you can well guess, this is about as important as anything right now. If you spend a lot of time in the sun during the summer, then boosting Zinc levels helps the skin deal with the harmful effects of UV rays. So keep your skin Radiant by eating 2 Apricots per day. And Oh Yeah…. they are chalked full of Vitamin C And E which are important for the tissues of the body and damage from inflammation.

4. Avocado.
Yes… Its. A Fruit. Avocados are the undisputed heavyweight of monounsaturated fatty acids which are SO DAMN IMPORTANT to cells fighting off infection and inflammation. The outside of all cells are composed of a fat layer and the type of fat that Avocadoas are made of is synthesized well in the body and readily available for uptake. This fatty structure around the cell is important to shield it from infection from Virus’ and to ensure that the structure is sound for electrolyte transfer. They also have a lot of Vitamin E which means smooth skin and optimal organ health.

5. Cantaloupes.
There really is nothing better than a juicy cantaloupe on a hot day. I often prefer these to peaches in many regards to their mild acidity and texture. Plus!! They are packed with Immune boosting Vitamin C. As we all know, Vitamin C has Long been touted as a hedge against inflammation and sickness (ie oranges in the winter). They are said to have as much beta-carotene in them as a carrot and more potassium than a banana. That makes this sweet summer fruit a definite on my top 5 list for summer fruits.

Circling back to the perennial nature of our food environment; it is not orange season anymore. If you see oranges or other fruits that dont seem right, ready the packaging. Because of open borders and food moving around the world, you may be consuming fruits from South America and even Asia. We want to eat close to home and we want to eat in season. Despite all that is going on, I know for a fact that there are still farmers markets going on so please do yourself a favor and go support local farmers and buy what they produce.

Immune health is as important now in Summer as it is in winter. We like to go hard in sport and play which means that inflammation is right there with us. Be smart, wear a mask and spread love where you can.

Programming Notes 8/3-8/7 **This week we Re using out capacity on Monday for some track work. If using a treadmill, adjust the timing slightly to produce more power and intensity. 2 Couplets on Tuesday and Thursday will be spicy so make sure you hit these properly and dont blow out in the first 2 mins.
Agility Warm Up @ 10m Each
High Knee Pull 
Quad Pull 
Squat 180 **stepping the leg high over hip, swing opposite leg to 180, squat
High Knees
Butt kickers
Marching High Kicks
Straight leg shuffles
A Skip
B Skip
Fig 4 Drill
Lateral Shuffle 
CariocaLateral Bounding
Sprint W/ Change of Direction

Running Workout:
in 5 Min window 1X 800m Run
Every 3 Mins 3X 400m Run
Every 2 Mins 5X 100m Run

Skill Development:
3 Rounds Not For Time
200m Double KB Front Rack Carry
20 Double KB Swing
10 Turkish Get Ups

250m Row
10 Leg Swings
10 Deadbug Contra lateral Reach
10 Single Leg Toe Touch
10 Kip Swings

Hamstring Primer
Romanian Deadlift 135/95
Pendlay Row

Snatch Complex:
Every 2 Mins X 5
2 Snatch Deadlift
1 Pausing Snatch Pull Below Knee
2 High Hang Power Snatch

5 Power Snatch 135/95
7 Toes TO bar

5:00 Easy Biking
12 Hip Swivel Kicks
20m Lateral Monster Walk
12 Trunk Circles
20m Duck Walk
12 Wall Squats

Squat Flow: Squat Flow: Kang Squat, Internal Rotation, Ankle Roll Out, Bootstraps, PNF Stretch, Squat W/ T Spine Stretch

Strength WOD:
In a 5:00 Window,
A. 50 Cal Bike // Max Rep Overhead Squat 115/75
-Rest 3:00-
In 5:00 Window,
B. 40 Cal Bike // Max Rep Back Squat 135/95
-Rest 3:00-
In a 5:00 Window,
C. 30 Cal Bike // Max Rep Thruster 155/105

8 Divebomber Push Up + Calf March
8 Banded Pass Thru
8 Banded Press
8 Banded Row
8 Banded Pull Aparts

Gymnastic Skill:
Double Unders
1:00 Handstand Hold

12 Min AMRAP
6 Ring Dips
6 Hang Power Clean 155/105

500m Row
25 Squats
25 Push Ups
:15 Chin Over Bar Hold

Strength :
3 Rounds Not For Time
6 Weighted Pull Ups
12 DB Seated Press
18 Seated V Tucks

For Time
1000m Row
30 DB Snatch // 15 Burpee Box Jumps
750m Row
20 DB Snatch // 10 Burpee Box Jumps
500m Row
10 DB Snatch // 5 Burpee Box Jumps