
200420 "Programming Explained; Endurance Exposure Cycle and Lactic Acid Buffering"

If you make it, you gotta clear it…. Or else you will hit the wall. This is the name of the game when it comes to going farther longer in sport. Unless you are a Olympic Weightlifter or Thrower in Track and Field, you need to perfom work for more than :20. And while doing Tabata programming s one way we can have some fun with “threshold training’ or ‘Lactic Acid Buffering’, there is a lot more to it. If you follow my programming, we are in a Muscular Endurace Cycle at the moment. This cycle is formulated to develop your bodies ability to produce more work for longer… Follow along to understand a bit more behind the thinking and where we are going.

100220 "Ice Baths; Why you may be freezing your Butt off for Nothing "

XPT, Wim Hof, even instagram… everyone is pushing it.. Ice Baths. The Post Workout or Lifestyle trend happening now by many top athletes and influencers where you submerge your body in a trough of ice and water and love it. If you haven’t tried it, chances are you know what i’m talking about. You’ve probably taken a cold plunge in a lake or river at some point, quickly losing all feeling in your limbs and jump out with a renewed sense of love for warm clothes. The trends now are pushing mental fortitude (which is a real thing) and recovery. But a new study has come out which may disprove some of the benefits that are being touted. Lets dive in !

170918"3 Key Reasons why your Heart is a Special Muscle"

I can’t help but trip out on the Beating of my Heart. Like all Scientists I like to hypothesize, test, and qualify my findings. With my heart, there are all kinds of stimulations I produce which allow me to dive in on the quality of my beats, quantity of the beats and so many questions about how and why my heart is the way it is. This incredible muscle is sometimes underreported on in Sport because we focus often times on skeletal muscle and its value to producing work for our achievement. Your HEART Muscle is different and really special. What are its needs? How can I boost its performance? Lets take a look under the hood and check out some reasons why???

130818 "Mobility Vs. Flexibility; The Big Difference you Might Be Missing."

Without going any further.... Which would you be? Flexible? OR Mobile? 
As an athlete and Gym owner I hear the two Terms Flexibility and Mobility used with very little regard for differences. But there IS a huge difference and today I am going to shed light on this so YOU can change the way you think about your daily training. This under appreciated distinction is literally the linchpin of athletic performance. Have I peaked your interest? Lets get bendy today and develop a greater understanding of what it actually means to be a functional athlete.