230320 "Positive Vibrations... Its a REAL Thing Bro!"

Nature loves balance. Nature loves harmony. Nature loves synchronicity. Just look around the world we live in. When balance is achieved, ecosystems flourish, life seems at peace. When disorder or entropy is added to a system, we see it spiral into chaos and eventually death. Well death, this seems like a pretty serious jump from the title which is about Positive Vibrations ; but as I will lay out, a great many researchers have found that 1. Positive Vibrations are really a thing. 2. If we can’t find a way to keep those vibrations in sync, systems collapse.

Lets first dive into the underlying premise of why even consider the concept of ‘Vibrations’. This concept comes form the study of both Physics and Neurology…. and a bit of Philosophy. What is the nature of Consciousness ? This question strikes at the hear t of what it means to be human and have subjective thought. Researchers in the world oh Physics see this from a material level.

Physical Scientists, especially those now in the quantum theory arena, study how matter emits electromagnetic vibrations and this has a lot to with how we interact with the world and how nature stays in balance.

Neurologists study the brain and its complex processes. Our Mammalian Brains have multiple parts that all communicate with each other through neuronal connections. The more Electrochemical connections we have, the more intelligent we tend to be and therefore the more “Conscious” we are.

So there is your VERY basic introduction into the study of why Positive Vibrations are a real thing. Nature has dictated that our mass is simply a gyrating electromagnetic field and scientists have proven that those electromagnetic waves are what make us the humans we think we are.

Let us now bring in the Concepts of Resonance and Syncronicity.
Have you ever walked into a room ,perhaps at a party where many perfect strangers surround you? You casually take a lap, quickly dipping in to introduce yourself to groups and people. Gradually, you tend to land in groups or with certain people that you seems to inherently just “Sync” up with??.. This is what psychologists and neurologists study in Resonance and Sync. If our brains are producing electromagnetic waves that connect our different lobes in the brain; These waves, not being limited by our cranium, have the ability to travel across space to potentially other humans.

Now stay with me, some of you are already rolling your eyes.

The waves that we send out have the ability to Resonate with others around us, creating a connection that is truly unique and existential. Through our bodies ability to rapidly shift our hormones, these connections can evolve into deep connections and in the case of work production, the best possible scenario for productivity. This process is called the “Resonance Theory of Consciousness”, studied and coined by Johnathan Schooler of the University of Santa Barbara.

Let me review briefly before I continue with the Point Im making with Positive Vibrations.
1. Nature Loves balance.
2. We are nothing more than mass of vibrating matter.
3. Our neurons vibrate to connect the lobes of our brains as well as connect us as humans.
4. If all matter is vibrating , then all matter is Conscious??? (this one Ill leave to you to ponder)
5. So then, it would be reasonable to say that if our electromagnetic vibrations have an effect on our consciousness, then they should also have the same effect on the other Conscious beings around us.

We are living through one of the strangest times in our human existence. A point where our interpersonal relationships are tested daily. Whats more, the prolific nature of Social Media has a massive effect on our collective and personal mood. Our brain waves are all over the place with each news headline, our hormones are going bonkers because we are trapped inside with each other!. The pressure is on.

And at no time is it more important to understand that Positive Vibrations; the unique signals that our brains are sending throughout the world around us matter more than ever!. I implore you to consider what Buddhists call, intentionality, or the process of staying ever present on the the moment before you. We must try to keep the highest goals for collective well being at the forefront of the mind and avoid slipping deeper into disfunction, paranoia, anxiety. The media is wonderful at pointing out pandemonium but I encourage you to look just across the dinner table or at your neighbors on your street to see that our spirits are more transcendent.

Positive Vibrations are real. Keep the mind focused on this fact and the energy you spread throughout the world around you will be a better place for it. Stay healthy, and keep your mind right. Ill be her the entire time to support. You.

Programming Notes 3/23-3/27 ** This week roll into Spring with Muscular Endurance Testing on Wednesday and mile repeats on Thursday. What we will be doing over the coming weeks is building our capacity through longer domains and working 75% of max for many lifts. Mind the recovery times and practice breath control to maintain performance over the longer bouts of work.
250m Row
10 Single Leg Toe Touches
8 Kip Swing
6 Wall Squats
4 Divebomber Push Ups
:10 Chin Over Bar Hold

Bar Muscle Up Progression:
7@ Each
-Bar Dips
-Chest to Bar Pull Ups
-Jumping Bar Muscle Ups
-Bar Muscle Up + 2 Bar Dips

Row Conditioning:
3 Rounds;
:90 Row
:60 Rest
:60 Row
:45 Rest
:30 Row
-2:00 Rest Between Rounds_
*Each Row Set Should be Powerful and full force

Gymnastic Conditioning:
For Time
21 Dumbbell Thrusters
9 Bar Muscle Ups
15 Dumbbell Thrusters
15 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
9 Dumbbell Thrusters
21 Strict Pull Ups

Assault Bike For 5:00 @ Moderate Pace. Perform 3X :15 Sprints at any time during the 5:00.
10 X Elbow To Instep + Reach
10 X Hamstring Pulses
10 X Bow /Bend
10 X Side Lunges
10 X Trunk Twist
10 X Jump Lunges
10 X Vertical Jumps *Ballistic

Clean Warm Up:
7 @ Each
-Barbell Good Mornings
-Barbell Romanian Deadlift
-Barbell Muscle Clean
-Hang Power Clean
-Front Squat
-Pausing Squat Clean

Clean Complex:
5 Sets of
3X Clean Deadlift
2X Hang Power Clean -Below Knee
1X Squat Clean
*Bar may not be put down once picked up
*Rest as needed between sets

20 Minute AMRAP
50 Double Unders
5 Clean @ 185/135
15 Push ups

200m Run
8 X Single Leg Med Ball Up and Over
8X Med ball Squats
8X Med Ball Squatting Halos
8 X 2ct Med Ball Toe Touches

Squat Flow: Squat Flow: Kang Squat, Internal Rotation, Ankle Roll Out, Bootstraps, PNF Stretch, Squat W/ T Spine Stretch

BackSquat Test Day:
20 Rep Max
*Be smart and test only once. We will retest for baseline again next week.
*No Belts, no sleeves, no shoes!!!!

5 Rounds EMOM
A- Barbell Front Rack Split Squat (Switch legs @ :30 Mark// go light)
B- Assault Bike @ Consistent RPMs M=70//F=55
C- 12 Lateral Line Shuffles @ 10’ distance
D- Full Rest

Agility Warm Up @ 10m Each
Elbow To instep Lunge
Heel Walk
Toe Walk
High Knee Pull 
Quad Pull + Up Onto toes
Squat 180 **stepping the leg high over hip, swing opposite leg to 180, squat
High Knees
Butt kickers
Marching High Kicks
Straight leg shuffles
A Skip
B Skip
Fig 4 Drill
Lateral Shuffle 
Lateral Bounding
Sprint W/ Change of Direction

Aerobic Testing:
1600m Run
-Rest 5:00 Between
-Goal is to stay within :20 of first attempts, preferably beat first attempt

Russian Kettlebell Swing
Weight Plate Sit Up (See the Lights) 25/10

500m Row
8 @ Each
-Banded Pass Thru
-Banded Trunk Circles
-Banded Good Mornings
- Banded Press + Rip
-Banded Bent Rows
-Banded Pull Aparts

1X :30 @ Each Arm
-Bully Stretch
-Lat Band Stretch
-Scapula Distraction Stretch

Primal Strength:
3 Rounds
12 Seated Dumbbell Press
16 Dumbbell Plank Row
*In Seated DB press, keep legs locked and feet in dorsiflexion

5 Rounds FOR Time
7 Push Jerk 155/105
9 Dumbbell Burpee Box Step Over 20/18”
12 Cal Row