saturated fat

0040520 "Which Butter is Better? Almond of Peanut.."

SNACKS!!! Oh man if there is one thing that I do a lot of in this time of quarantine.. its snacking. A great way to kill some time and satisfy my hunger in-between the many workouts Im doing every day; snacking has become a real part of my routine. One item that both myself as well as my two teenagers have been ferociously consuming is Peanut Butter and Almond Butter. Each has their place but which is better for me ?

240220 "5 FAT Facts You Need to Know"

We have spun a 180 in the past decade from FAT Fearing to FAT Indulging. Yes the tables have turned because of new science which shows that you NEED fat in your diet. The 70’s through the 90’s saw rapid decline in health due to the Food Industry promoting the Low Fat diets which heavily emphasized processed foods and sugars. But, while we may have a better hold on what the current science says, there is still some outstanding myths and "Unknowns” around FAT that YOU NEED TO KNOW!.

231018 "3 Truths that are debunking the 'Cholesterol is BAD' Myth"

Its now fall, chilly mornings and certainly there is the possibility of some rain or even snow. Now, you wouldn’t leave the house without a jacket right? Your jacket, protects you from the elements, allows you to thrive in an otherwise uncomfortable climate. Well, this is cholesterol in a nut shell. Cholesterol in your body is like a Jacket around each and every one of your billion cells. Cholesterol protects it, allows it to thrive and increases its functionality no matter the conditions. Cholesterol has been falsely vilified for many years as a killer in our bodies. As I will show you there are more dangerous truths lying just beneath the surface.