240918 "4 Kitchen Oils, 4 Smoke Points and 4 Unique benefits you need to Know"

I have to admit that when I am in your kitchen, I am totally judging you by the type of oils you use to cook with. Why? The reason is that not all oils are created the same and therefore cannot be used across all types of cooking. Some go on salads, some for sautéing , and some for frying. So Im sorry for judging but Im not sorry for bringing this up. Diversifying the oils in your kitchen should be as divers as the herbs you cook with. The differences bring out flavor, and can even keep you healthier. In our pursuit of optimal health, lets take a look at this important fat source.

Oils are processed from a host of different sources. The Sources of Oils that I am going to be covering today are ones that sit next to my own stove top; Flax, Avocado, Coconut and Palm Oils. Each of these oils has unique processing and uses. Though it may be slightly overwhelming to think that you may have to go out and buy a few types of oils, I ask you; Do you wipe up your counter tops with Toilet paper or Paper Towels? Do you cook both seltzer water and flat water? How many salad dressings do you have in your refrigerator? Diversity is essential and one of the most important MACRO NUTRIENTS should be separated by how you use it.

The 4 types of Oils are derived from their particular SMOKE POINTS. Smoke Points of oils are the temperature limits that each oil has where the chemical makeup begins to break down. When the Chemical structure of the oil breaks down, there are potential health risks to us as users. Some oils can be heated to levels exceeding 350 degrees whereas some become unstable at just over 100 degrees. Burning oils in cooking and microwaving your foods have been linked to an increase in cancer risk. Therefore, options are imperative.

FlaxSeed Oil,
-Flax Seed Oil is one of the most important oils that the educated nutritionist can have in their kitchen. The reason is that you get the ‘most juice for the squeeze’ when you use it. Flax Seed has been used for millennia because it is high in Omega-3’s , antioxidants and vitamins.
-FlaxSeed oil should not be heated during cooking. The smoke point of Flax oil is very low and therefore should be used POST-grilling and especially on salads. As the balance of Omega-3 and Omega-6 fats is even better than Olive Oil, I suggest using it easily on all your foods for added taste.
-Want to Lower your Blood Pressure? The monounsaturated fats found in Flaxseed oil are proven to lower your blood pressure through balancing your HDL/LDL. Having good cholesterol levels also helps with your insulin sensitivity and that can help you lose weight if a healthy whole food diet is eaten.

Avocado Oil,
-Avocado oil is probably my newest favorite oil and truly is a wonder oil that you should have in your kitchen. After Studying the nutritional ‘GUTS’ of the oil I truly put it in the same Superfood category as Kale and Salmon for its overall effectiveness on your health. Avocados themselves are rich in thiamin, riboflavin and vitamin A, and in some varieties the meat contains as much as 25 percent unsaturated oil.
-The coolest thing about this oil is that it can be used as a cold oil or heated in cooking. The density and chemical structure of the oil keeps it stable enough for many different styles of cooking but I would refrain from frying foods with it.
-Avocado Oil is a Powerful ANTI-INFLAMMATORY. The benefits have been shown to help with Arthritis that is caused by swelling and pain in the joints. As athletes we need to manage the wear and tear on our joints and Avocado Oil is a great way to prevent that damage. FRANCE has even regulated the prescription of Avocado oil a clinical remedy for Osteoporosis!

Coconut Oil,
-Of all Oils that have gotten a major Boost in the last 10 years it is the Tropical Oil found in Coconuts. Coconut oil has also been labeled a ‘SUPERFOOD’ because of its high levels of MEDIUM CHAIN TRIGLYCERIDES or (MCT) fatty acids. The benefits of these types of saturated fats Is that your body does not readily store them as in fat tissue but rather uses them for FUEL!
-Coconut oil has to be the perfect kitchen oil to use for many light cooking styles. I use Coconut Oil for everything from greasing a pan to cook my eggs in, to baking muffins on the weekends. The Smoke Point of Coconut Oil is relatively high, around 300 degrees. Because it works well at temperature, it can be less than tasty as room temperature. For this reason, it works as an addition to foods, not a main ingredient.
-Coconut oils help synthesize nutrients. Vitamin A,C,D, E all benefit from having Fats to deliver them into the blood stream. When you have more nutrients being delivered to the blood, your immune system is able to fight off bacteria, viruses and yeast infections.

Palm Oil,
-Palm Oil is the most Stable Oil you Should have in your pantry. This Tropical Oil has been used in Southeast Asian and South American Cooking for a very long time because it is highly nutritious and aids in keeping flavors full even at very high heat. The chemical make up of the oil can coat vegetables and meat to seal in flavor unlike many other oils.
-The Smoke Point Of Palm Oil is nearly 400 degrees. For this reason it is used in our kitchen for frying foods and creating rubs for the meats that go on the grill. All it takes is one try and you will see the difference in flavor and you can be certain that the risk of producing burned and CARCINOGENIC foods will be minimized.
-Like Other Tropical oils, they have a good mixture of Fats as well as being nutrient dense. The unique aspect of Palm Oil is that it maintains its high level of Vitamin E at high temperatures.

Moving beyond the overly processed and Cancerous CANOLA OIL is very important and by all means you should use this post as a guide to move away from your current habits if none of these oils are in your repertoire! The health of your GUT, Brain, and organs is at stake. Fat is an essential Macro Nutrient and Oils are a major part of your daily intake. You have the ability to OWN your Health and time is of the essence. I believe in your diligent efforts to move the dial towards healthy. I will continue to bring you a weekly dose of nutrition advice that is meant to help guide your decisions.

With all the LOVE,
Programming Notes 9/24-9/28 **This is week 5 of 8 of unilateral exposure work and adductor training. To recap, we have build strength on the the last cycle and now we are building the adductor that is intergal for hip stability and  lateral agility. The work on Tuesday and Friday will reflect this weeks training

500m Row
50’ Overhead Plate Lunges
20 KB Side Bends (10 Each Side)
15 Broad Jumps

Lunge Flow:
-ankle Roll Outs
-Hamstring Flossing
-Elbow To Instep Lunge
-Samson Lunge
_Pigeon Stretch

Clean Warm Up:
7 @ Each W/ Barbell
-Romanian Deadlift
-muscle Clean + Strict Press
-Hang Clean above knee  + Front Squat
-Hang Clean Below Knee + Push Jerk
-Clean + Push Jerk

8 Min EMOM
-2 X Squat Cleans


20 Min AMRAP
5 Squat Clean 225/135
10 Cal Bike
100’ Stone Carry


800m Run,
10 Single Leg Med Ball Up And Overs
10 Reverse Lunges
10 Squat Therapy

Squat Flow: Squat Flow: Kang Squat, Internal Rotation, Ankle Roll Out, Bootstraps, PNF Stretch, Squat W/ T Spine Stretch

Unilateral Work:
Bulgarian Split Squat
*Hold Kettlebells in Front Rack Position
3X 5 On Each Leg

5 Rounds For Time
20 Cal Row
20 Pistol Squat

Cool Down:
Pigeon Stretch
Banded Lateral Distraction

4X :30
-Jumping Pull Up
-Kettlebell swing (light)
-Push Ups
-Sprinter Sit Ups
-Samson Lunges

Gymnastic 16 MIN EMOM:
A- :30 Handstand Hold *walk walk your way into this
B- 8 Supine Ring Pull Ups
C- 8 Ring Muscle Up transitions + Ring Dip
D- Rest / Flexibility

In A 5:00 Window complete,
30 Kettlebell Swing 53/35
20 handstand Push Ups
5 Ring Muscle Ups
*scale Handstand to a Pike HSPU or Box HSPU
*Scale Muscle UP to a Ring Transition + Ring Dip

W/ PVC Pipe
20 Pass Thru
20 trunk Rotations
20 Good Mornings
20 2 Foot lateral hops over PVC
20 1 Foot lateral hops over PVC
20 Burpee

Core Development:
3X Not For Time
:60 Stone Hold (unbroken)
10 GHDHip Extension

3 RFT,
20 Toes To bar
30 Box Jump 24/20”
40 Slam Ball
Rest :90 Between Rounds

Cool Down:
Lat Band Stretch
Bully Stretch
Scapula Distraction

20 @ Each
Banded Hamstring Flossing
Banded Squats
Banded Monster Walks
Banded Rows
Banded Press and Rip

400m Run After completed>

A-Single Leg Dumbbell Deadlift
B- Dumbbell Front Rack Step Ups
*alternate between the two exercises>
*rest as needed

Dumbbell Thruster 50/35
Chest To Bar Pull Up
**Run 400 m Between Rounds**