
080620 "Caffeine, Cortisol and Getting Back to the Gym"

The feeling of ‘Losing Your Mind’ is normal. Especially these days. We have not even made it through one worldwide crisis when all of a sudden the entire world has busted loose (rightfully so) into next level social upheaval. While we maintain civility both in our homes out in public, there is something that has been brewing and festering in our bodies for months now… stress. Yes, stress. The silent killer, the scourge of performance, the strainer of relationships, the most deadly symptom of the COVID. But yet we carry on, maintaining our nutritional routines; often to the detriment of our health.

060519 "Are you Peaking? The 'WHY' behind Seasonal Training"

What do you think your favorite sports stars are doing when they are not in season? Are they laying on a beach soaking up the sun? (Probably at some point) Are they buying expensive shit and dodging Paparazzi? (Most certainly). No matter what, I damn sure am certain that they are not playing their sport! This is because the ravages of professional athletics take a toll on the body and the last thing that needs to happen is more of the same.

030918 "Fact OR Fiction: Sex and Athletic Performance"

I vividly Recall one of my Head instructors at Fire Academy. He always gave it to us straight, whether it was techniques on popping a door or how to angle my hose for optimal knockdown on flames. Another piece of advice he gave me was to 'never have sex the night before a practical exam, it will kill your aggression'. I dont know why but this has always stuck with me and today im going to dig into the research behind sex and performance, because we ALL want both!