
231219 "Goal Setting is Easy When you Understand the Three P's for Success"

Each year in December I like to round up my thoughts, reestablish my center and focus on the short, medium and long term goals for the next year. In doing so I re-vist my 3 P's for success. I don't know exactly where or how I came up with them but If you ask anyone who has known me for a while they will likely tell you that I am as concerned with developing mental toughness as much as I am about Nutritional Health. That is what these three 'cornerstones' of success represent; a better grasp on who you are is the first step in developing true mental toughness!

060519 "Are you Peaking? The 'WHY' behind Seasonal Training"

What do you think your favorite sports stars are doing when they are not in season? Are they laying on a beach soaking up the sun? (Probably at some point) Are they buying expensive shit and dodging Paparazzi? (Most certainly). No matter what, I damn sure am certain that they are not playing their sport! This is because the ravages of professional athletics take a toll on the body and the last thing that needs to happen is more of the same.

241218 " 3 P's to Success: How to Establish Goals and Live the Best Life"

Each year in December I like to round up my thoughts, reestablish my center and focus on the short, medium and long term goals for the next year. In doing so I re-vist my 3 P's for success. I don't know exactly where or how I came up with them but If you ask anyone who has known me for a while they will likely tell you that I am as concerned with developing mental toughness as much as I am about Nutritional Health. That is what these three 'cornerstones' of success represent; a better grasp on who you are is the first step in developing true mental toughness!