
280920 "5 Strong Reasons why Coconut Water is the Best Recovery Drink"

I have missed a lot of things about living on Kauai. Family, Hiking, solitude…. and the coconut water! I used to get gallons of Coconut water from a friend on the East side who would fill up old milk jugs and glass bottles with the totally pure, totally unfiltered water . Served ice cold, there is nothing like it. Coincidentally, it was also perfect for my training. Coconut water is by far the main stop gap between out nutritional deficiencies as well as optimal recovery from training and sweating. I would go as far as to say it is the BEST recovery tool we can use.

301219 "3 Overlooked and Healthy Greens You Should be Eating"

Colorful, dense, Nutiritious… this basically sums up your Vegetable Value System right? Well.. I hope if you are reading this you have put SOME kind of value on the food that goes in your mouth? Irregardless, The grocery isle and farmers market abound with Vegetables that will help nourish and sustain your body and mind, but there are some hidden gems that you probably are overlooking! Leafy Greens lie in grey area for most cooks and shoppers because A) you dont know how to look for them B) You dont know how to cook with them. Lets break down a couple today and get you on the right track.

300418 "2 facts about Magnesium that BLEW my mind"

There are few things that get me more excited than learning something new. My dorky excitement is elevated when new findings occur right in front of my eyes, on products and nutrients that I may be taking for granted. Well my friends, this is exactly what has happened when I simply turned one of my supplement bottles over and looked closer at the contents! Magnesium has just stoked me out and today we are going to dive in on 2 little known facts about this VITAL mineral.