041119 "Creatine Q&A; The Good, The Bad, The Misinformed"

If I could put my finger on one thing, one question, one supplement, that I have been asked about and spoken about at length over my time as a Trainer and Coach, it would be Creatine. It is at once elusive and yet vital to our performance not only as Athletes but as Humans. This Naturally occurring chemical in the body has been studied in labs for years, argued over, and tested in athletes of all different levels. Yet we are still in wonder; will it help me? Will it hurt Me? How Much Should I take? What does it actually do? Today we will Q &A this mystical substance and hopefully bring some clarity to some, if not all, your burning questions.

300418 "2 facts about Magnesium that BLEW my mind"

There are few things that get me more excited than learning something new. My dorky excitement is elevated when new findings occur right in front of my eyes, on products and nutrients that I may be taking for granted. Well my friends, this is exactly what has happened when I simply turned one of my supplement bottles over and looked closer at the contents! Magnesium has just stoked me out and today we are going to dive in on 2 little known facts about this VITAL mineral.