250816 "Fasting and Restriction don't work"

While perusing the internet on the topic of dieting I am lead to two types of 'weight loss' solutions; Fasting and Caloric Restriction. The two are unique and yet very similar  when it comes to your metabolic physiology. I will lay my cards on the table and tell you that Neither work for long term plans for optimal health OR Athletic performance.

Intermittent fasting is about as old as the Human species itself. Paleo man would go from times of great abundance to times of severe starvation depending on the time of year and what game was in season. Physiologically the human species adapted to these large swings by what we now call "Insulin Resistance" or "Insulin Sensitivity". What happens is quite simple. Think of your body as a machine. Important parts of the machine need fuel Constantly! This is your brain and to a lesser extent, your heart. When there is stress on the machine, certain accessory parts get shut down to conserve power for the important ones.

During Intermittent fasting the liver, pancreas, brain, blood, and your FAT (adipose tissue) talk to each other and start shutting things down and our cels become givers... giving up all glucose to the system to feed the brain. Where this runs into the problem in modern humans is that once you begin eating again your body will crave and drive you to eat more sugar laden foods to replenish its stores and prepare for more stress. This wasn't the case with Paleo Guy but it is for us. Our world is bombarded with crappy food and there is a very high probability that those who fast for health tend to just run their metabolism up and down!

We talked at length about how dumb caloric restriction is for optimal health during our challenge a couple months ago. Limiting calories creates swings in metabolic resiliency that lead to prolonged health risks and an overall outcome of .... 'more of the same"...

Calorie restriction is based on antiquated thinking that if you just eat less then you will lose weight.. Simple yet totally misses the mark. In fact, the opposite is true. By eating MORE Protein you will actually loose fat and gain muscle!. Muscle fibers gained through athletic training and eating properly stabilize and feed the hormonal balance in the body. By eating less and restricting your body, you throw your entire hormonal balance into a mess.

I hate to use this example but I have seen many women and men who do calorie restriction diets and then begin a running regiment (by running I mean jogging). About a month after beginning they notice that not only have they not lost any weight, but they seem to be getting fatter around the hips and waist. Plus they feel tired and run down.

Why is this?

Fat tissue is just like any other organ. In fact it has dominance over other organs since it is in control of feeding the body in times of need. Since calorie restriction has been occurring, the fat tissue has been holding onto all extra energy for brain use. This means that the muscles have been working overtime to release glucose for the body resulting in reduced muscle tone and super fatigue.

Simply put. Calorie Restriction doesn't work! So... Grab your favorite protein and go to town. Don't cut back, rather eat more and exercise more. This is the true way to attain optimal health and the body you want.


400m Run
20m Duck Walk
20m Bear Crawl
20m Spiderman Crawl
20m Reverse Lunges

Wrist Stretch
Arm Circles
Tricep Stretch
Bully Stretch
Hip Swivel Kicks
Hip Capsule Stretch
Squat Therapy

Midline Work :
Dead bug Series

Skill Development:
7 Rounds Not for Time
5X False Grip Ring Rows
5X Muscle Up Pull Through
5X Dips
:20 L Sit on parallette
10m HS Walk

14 Minute EMOM
4 Pistol Squat
6 Pull Up
8 Box Jump 24/20

240816 "Kale, Quinoa, Chicken Salad"

Arguably the hardest part of the day for me is dinner time. My wife works at night, the kids have after school sports, homework needs to get done, laundry needs starting and the Blog needs to get written.

You have 90 minutes to get it all done before the kids need to go to bed.... GO!!

Needless to say making the most nutritious dinner for my family is very important. Minding the macros is huge for me at this time for the sake of my kids who have eaten well but have been snacking all afternoon so I feel it important to fuel them with good stuff before dinner.

I have a go to Protein, Carb and Fat salad that has easily become a go to in our house. It combines nothing fancy, rather just items from Costco and Kukui'ula market. Simple and effective.

Begin with 2-3 chicken breasts. Grill 'em.. If you want so extra protein either for lunch mañana or in other meal prep ways, err on the high side.

Now for the Quinoa. Before I cook it up in some water, I like to lightly toast it in the pan with a little oil before. Coconut oil that is! After it has been heated in the pan and I've moved it around a bit, Ill finish it in water until ready. I use about 3/4 Quinoa which may not look like a lot but it will once its all cooked. Same as the chicken, if you want to have some for a future meal... cook more.

For the Kale Salad. The kale can be straight from the garden but Aunty sells bunches that will work good for this meal. I chop the heck out of this stuff, down to little shreds as my kids like it better that way. Don't go overboard on the Kale. It is better to chop it as you go meal by meal instead of cutting the whole bunch at once. For this salad, use 5 cups.

In the salad I will put;
-fresh pressed garlic, 2 Cloves.
-Oregano, I use the dry stuff so I'll say like 8 shakes!
- Honey. Local! I use this as a dressing and put in a tablespoon.
- Lemons. Cristin always has lemons.. I juice 1 lemon.
-Sunflower seeds or Pine Nuts or Pumpkin Seeds. Put in about 1/2 cup.
-Hawaiian Sea Salt. 2 Teaspoons
-Black Pepper to taste.
-Olive Oil. Drizzle on or combine with honey and Lemon to make a dressing. Either way, don't use so much that the salad gets all watered and oiled down!
-Parmesean Cheese. I use the cheap stuff and shake it on the top of the salad but by all means, use the fresh stuff.

When the chicken and Quinoa are complete, let them cool a bit. To keep the salad more appealing and better tasting, don't dump hot ass chicken and grain on a cold salad. The Kale will wilt and look crappy.

My favorite part is that it is a one bowl dinner. Not too many dishes to clean!

The kids may not want to just eat salad so I entice them many time by making it a dipping salad where they take the Miltons Gluten Free Crackers and scoop the Quinoa, Kale and Chicken up and eat it that way.

By all means try this recipe and let me know how it works for your family!


Jump Rope Warm Up
-75 Single under
-25 Single Leg L/R
-25 High Knees
-25 Butt Kickers
-50 Straight Leg Shuffles
-25 High Jump Singles

Banded Mobility Sequence:
15 Reps @each
Banded Good Mornings
Banded Hip Activation
Banded Squats
Banded truck Circles
Banded Samson W/ Pass Thru
Banded Press
Banded Pull Apart

'Tabata Your Face Off'

8 Rounds @ Each Movement before moving onto next.
-Deadlift @185/135
-HandStand Push Up
-Double KB Front Squat
-Double Unders

230816 "GRACE"

200m Row
18 Alternating Knee To Elbow

Rotator Cuff Drills W/ 2.5-5#

Thoracic Mobility:

10X S Waves
10X Blackburns
10X W Press
10X Dive-bomber Push Ups

Clean and Jerk Prep:

7 x hang clean high pull
7 x hang muscle clean + 3 x strict press
7 x tempo front squat @ 53X1+ 3 x push press
7 x hang power clean to FS (hold PCln receiving position each time, each rep little deeper)
7 x clean pull under + 3 x push jerk
7 x hang (squat) clean + 3 x split jerk

Skill Development:

In 5 Sets, build to heaviest Load
*preferably above your workout weight for the day..

5 Power Cleans
5 Front Squat
5 Jerks

30 Clean and Jerks for Time

220816 "Dehydration Makes you FAT"

Ever since you were in middle school you have heard that "The Body is 75% Water". Our bones, our blood, our muscles and our brain are reservoirs of fluid and the building block for that fluid is the good clear stuff that HOPEFULLY you are getting enough of.

Hydrating correctly is essential for a host of bodily functions. As you may recall during the Whole Food Challenge that took place a few months ago, making sure that 4 liters of water were drunk per day was important enough to put within the diet challenge. Water detoxifies the body through allowing the skin, the kidneys and the cells to process waste and flush it through the gut or out of the skin itself.

But did you know that dehydration could be making you fat??

As I was saying about your cells processing waste... It takes a constant stream of water to flush out inflammation and toxins. When toxins back up inside the cells there is a depletion of energy and the body kicks on the natural response to stress and energy levels.... hunger. When people get dehydrated they get hungry. If you know friends or loved ones that survive on sugar sweetened beverages, juices, or anything but straight up water; you need to let them know that they are starving their bodies of such an essential element of survival. Along with the cells, the Gut needs water to process out all the toxins as well as bacteria and other unnecessary shit that ends up in your gut.

High Cholesterol is also another byproduct of dehydration. Your cells are machines with survival in mind. As a response to a lack of water inside the cell, it will produce more cholesterol (literally a waxy FAT -called a lipid) to stop the water from leaving the cell. So not only are people who are dehydrated getting fatter, but they are also suffering from high cholesterol which can have a direct effect on the function of the heart!

On the plus side... It has been shown that when you drink 1-2 glasses of water before each meal your body will not require so much food to be full and can aid in weight loss. Also, your digestive system will run more efficiently with water already priming the system . But before you go on an all water diet though, be sure that the food you are consuming is of the highest quality and should match your activity levels!


Lunge Flow + ROM Drills

Agility Ladder Drills + Agility Warm Up

Partner Skill Work:

As a Team of 2, each partner completes 3 rounds, alternating

6 Strict T2B
50m Buddy Pull

* each round should be completed as fast as possible before switching.

Partner WOD:

Complete 10 Rounds for total time W/ a Partner.
P1- Hold Front Rack @185/115
P2- 150m Shuttle Sprint
8 Chest To Bar Pull Up
5 KB Swing

*If partner drops the bar before P2 completes round, the pair will complete 40 Partner Over Burpees at the end of the 10th round.

190816 "Prepping for Competition"

This Weekend is the Garden Island Box Wars. I am so excited about the response from all of you about this event. Now it is crunch time.

Here are a couple givens that you should know prior to going in...
1) Stressing over your performance does nothing but hurt you in the long run. The programming, the determination you have displayed, your desire to be better has been and WILL be enough to carry you through a good performance this weekend.

2) Between now and Saturday you will not get any more conditioned or stronger.. I have seen it for many years. Athletes try and 'cram' for competition like it is a history test.. Doesn't work. Your abilities are forged over time and beating yourself down the week out does nothing but hurt your performance.

3) Don't plan on changing anything drastic on the day of competition. Eat, sleep and do exactly what you would do on your normal training day. Your body will not freak out!

There are a few things that you can do to help you in the short term run up to competition.

1) Mind your protein. Your body will be needing to replenish its stores and eating high quality protein prior to competition is important.

2) Vitamin D. Vitamin B12. Magnesium. Omega 3's. Probiotics. While you should already be supplementing your diet with these important items, if you can double down on them prior to competition.. you will be in a better position.

3) SLEEP! There is nothing more badass then sleeping before a busy day of competition. Your mind will be fresh, your body will be recovered and you will be ready to perform like a champion. 8 hours are preferred although whatever you can get is essential.

4) Prepare your food for the day of competition. If you eat burritos on days you train, pack 3. Never run out of food. Also make sure you have food that you will want to eat when you are just finishing a gnarly workout. SO.... if Rice Krispies sound good... go for it. If you like sweet potato and chicken... there ya go!

The key to success is to be prepared. Balancing what your body needs and what you want to do is key. Don't stress too much, we will have each other to push and motivate. That means more to an athlete than anything in my opinion.


Kettle bell Warm Up and Mobility

-KB Sit Up
-KB Bridge Up
-KB Windmill
-KB Trunk Twist
-KB Up And Overs
-KB Pass Thrus
-KB Snatch

Skill Development:

Weighted Pull Up

For Time
60 Cal Row
30 Burpee Box Jump 24/20
30 Pull Up
-Rest 1 Min
40 Cal Row
20 Burpee Box Jump
20 Pull Up
-Rest 1 Min
30 Cal Row
15 Burpee Box Jump
15 Pull Up

180816 "The Art Of Focus"

Mental Focus is truly an art in modern times. There seems to be more and more distractions that are constantly making us swerve out of control. What suffers are performance, relationships, your sense of self, and a litany of other important aspects that make you great.

As any productive member of our community knows, our lives demand focus. If we want to make sure that our jobs, our kids, our relationships stay in balance, then focus needs to be paramount. I have compiled a list that will help you maintain focus and in turn... will boost your life's performance.

  1. Sleep. More and more the 8 hour a night sleep cycle is becoming ancient history. I know that I am guilty of getting no more than 6 hours on a good night most times and I truly feel it. Sleep is kind of at odds with our daily struggles. Our bodies want to sleep and recover yet our stress and thoughts can wake us and keep us restless. pay more attention to your sleep.
  2. Read and do puzzles. Clarity is a beautiful thing. By clearing the mind during a good read or keeping our focus high during a puzzle game or crossword; a lot of other shit gets blocked out. Reading has been linked to lowering blood pressure and it is now a proven fact that people who enjoy reading live longer than those that don't.
  3. Eat Right. I write, speak and coach you all on how to eat well and the subsequent benefits of doing so. Sharp Mental focus is only maintained by a properly working brain and gut. Making sure you are giving your brain enough good fat to run on and protein to rebuild the body... you will be ensuring that goals will be accomplished and life remains good.
  4. Relax and Breath. The simple act of being conscious during breath is a great way to clear the mind and also gain mental focus. As athletes we strive to prepare the body for all kinds of stresses so good deep breathing oxygenates the blood and fuels the brain with optimal goodness to keep our thinking clear. Breathing also calms the body resulting in a more focused consciousness.
  5. Be Creative. If you are into painting or writing... do  it.. If you need or see a new challenge in your life... definitely do it... If it scares you... DO IT. By opening your mind and focus to new challenges or deeper thinking you will gain better understanding of yourself and you mental abilities. Shaking up the NORM is essential for remaining sharp so be aware, be open and be curious.

Stick with these simple rules and you will keep yourself sharp. Everything that life throws at us is easily maneuvered if our minds are clear and present.


Global Extension Drills

Agility Warm Up

High Knee Pulls
High Knees
Quad Pulls
Butt Kickers
Elbow To Instep
Marching High Kicks
Plyo Step
Fig 4 Drills
Lateral Bounding

4X Banded Buddy Pulls

Barbell Roll Out
Barbell Sit Up
Barbell Bent Over Row
Barbell Press
Barbell SDHP
Barbell Romanian Deadlift
Barbel Front Squat

Skill Development:
Push Press
*Building Each Set

400m Sprint
21 Thruster 115/75
400m Sprint
15 Thruster
400 m Sprint
9 Thruster

170816 "Cirling back to Magnesium"

Over and over my nutrition conversations have been circling back to the vital mineral Magnesium. Whether it is about performance, sleep or muscle soreness there is a good chance that whatever questions you may have about how your body performs... it has to do with Magnesium.

To refresh what I have noted many times over in conversation as well as in my blog posts..
-Magnesium is as vital to bone structure as calcium.
- Magnesium works to relax muscles whereas calcium is used in contraction.
- Magnesium deficiency contributes to high blood pressure and irregular heart beat.
- Magnesium can help maintain a healthy Gut lining!

Dietary Magnesium is an essential source for a healthy diet and body maintenance. You can ensure proper dietary intake with these GREAT foods:
-Spinach (Organic and locally sourced)
-Chard (organic and locally sourced)
-Almonds (organic)
-Pumpkin Seed
- Kefir or Raw Yogurt or Raw Dairy products ( pasteurized dairy is stripped of most vital nutrients)
-Beans ( organic)
- Avocado
- Bananas (organic, apple Bananas are the best!)
- Dark Chocolate (I'm not saying grab a chocolate bar but high quality chocolate can be taken in moderation)

Supplementation of Magnesium should not be overlooked as many athletes demand more than what is delivered even in the healthiest diets. A simple test at the doctors office can let you know how your levels sit on a normal basis. I suggest taking a magnesium specific supplement or one that combines Zinc or Calcium as those are other minerals that should be taken on a 1:1 basis with magnesium.

I am stoked to hear all of you talking about this and getting fired up on your health. Lets keep the conversations going and I will make myself available whenever you need me!!!!


Lat Band Mobility/ Bully stretch/ Deltoid Mob

Ring Rows
Jump Lunges
Flute Bridge W/ Reach

*Between Each Round, do 2 passes through Agility Ladder

Skill Development:
Bar Muscle Up/ 12 Min/ Quality
*practice Each Movement
Australian Pull Ups
Australian Dips
Kipping Muscle Up


4oom Barbell Carry
50 Lateral Box Jumps 20/18
40 Hollow Rocks
30 Power cleans 115/75
20 Bridge Ups
10 Rope Climbs / Rope Lowers
400m Barbell Carry

120816 "Get some"

Against a 5 minute Clock,

60M/50F Wall Ball Shots,
Max Calorie on the Erg.

Clean and Jerk Warm Up
6 x hang clean high pull
6 x hang muscle clean + 3 x strict press
6 x tempo front squat @ 53X1+ 3 x push press
6 x hang power clean to FS (hold PCln receiving position each time, each rep little deeper)
6 x clean pull under + 3 x push jerk
6 x hang (squat) clean + 3 x split jerk

As Far as you can get in 20 minutes...

Clean and Jerk 135/95#
Hip Extension
-Rest 1:00
Clean and Jerk 155/105
Wall Ball
-Rest 1:00
Clean and Jerk 185/115
GHD Sit Up

110816 "Important Connections between Calcium and Magnesium"

Calcium and Magnesium are essential for the serious athlete. In fact, these two essential minerals are vital for the human body.. Period... These two are the best of friends and you need to find a balance with both to ensure that your muscles, heart and brain are functioning properly .

Calcium has a direct effect on how your neurological system, muscle contraction, and bone health operate. without enough calcium you can put yourself at risk for anything from head aches to osteoporosis. Calcium is touted in milk products although you never know since the pasteurization process kicks out all the good stuff in the product. Coconut Milk and Almond Milk both have high calcium levels if you want to drink your calcium but so does Kefir, Leafy Greens, and beans. If you are diligent about eating a diverse plate, there should be no problem in getting the daily allotment of calcium.

Magnesium on the other hand is something that most americans are lacking in.

Magnesium works in conjunction with calcium, helping with absorption and adding to potency. Magnesium helps muscles to be loose and supple whereas Calcium helps muscles have the ability to fire and activate on command. Like a Perfect YIN/YANG!

Magnesium deficiency comes on strong and we don't even know what hit us. If you are someone with chronic soreness in muscles after training (especially Calves), don't sleep that soundly, have bad PMS symptoms... then you probably have a magnesium deficiency. For years I have told athletes to supplement magnesium. I encourage this supplement even more than protein. Magnesium helps keep your heart strong and beat correctly. That is much more important than muscle growth!

Magnesium and Calcium should be taken in a 1:1 ratio. The good thing is that when you eat green leafy veggies, you consume both vital minerals. Beans are also chalked fun of both as well.

Since most are deficient I would encourage you to all think before you eat. There are also some great Magnesium and Calcium supplements out there like the XEndurance Pills. You will many times see Black Pepper added as well. This is to encourage absorption. Bottom line is to eat and supplement.. kick ass and stay healthy.

5 Mins Lacross ball Mob (Chest)

ROM Drills Then,

50 Double Unders
20 Renegade Rows
20 Mtn Climbers

Skill Development:
Kipping Ring Dips
*Spend 10 Mins working the Kipping Ring Dip

- Ring Support Bottom
- Hip Flexion (knee to chest)



7 Hang Snatch 95/65
9 V UPs

100816 "The Olympic Paradox"

There is some very clear emotional commercials being broadcast during the olympics. Right after USA kicks ass in an event, NBC breaks to a Coca-Cola Clerical or a McDonalds commercial where food and drink are propped up against a backdrop of hard work and perseverance.

I mean... one classic shot on the Coca-Coal commercial is a girl drinking Coke while out in the water surfing... Really?? Drinking Coke while surfing.. These folks are so full of shit.. But it gets me sometimes.. I'll admit it.

What kills me is that the American Olympic Committee allows such a blatant commercialization of athletic performance to prop up shitty food products??!! The truth is that everything is for sale. The Olympics is truly a chance for the worlds best to prove themselves, but it is a sporting event that is driven by marketing dollars. The funding that companies from hollywood to food give to the Olympic sports really keep US at the top of the worldwide food chain.

So enjoy the success that the US athletes are putting forth. WE have some of the greatest athletes and coaching programs on the planet. What you should be wary of is the shit that is being sold to you while you watch. This is truly the paradox of the olympics. We are slaves to those who fund us. All whores to the check book.

I know as a financially sponsored athlete that when dollars are flaunted in front of me to allow me to train and do what I love... I bend in ways that would normally not be like me. It is sad but true.

The best thing to do is just enjoy and don't buy. Hoot and holler for our athletes because they have worked their asses off. Just mute the commercials....


400m Run
2X Agility Ladder
4 Turkish Get Up Complex

Skill Development:

With a Partner Complete 14 Mins,
Odd- Both Partners Complete 5 Floor Press @ 225/135#
Even- Both Partners Complete 7 Knees To Elbow

4 Rounds For Time,

15 DB STOH @45/25
25 DB Lunges
200m Farmer Carry

090816 "HGH isn't just for winning in the major leagues"

The first time I heard of HGH or Human Growth Hormone it was when I was a teenager and I saw Jose Canseco and Mark Maguire of the Oakland A's get frickin HUGE over the course of a year! As I saw them crush home runs the MLB administration was getting wise to their supplementation.

What was going on was kind of cheating and also kind of Boosting the body of Human Growth Hormone. These boys were getting shots and taking pills to make themselves bigger and hit more homers and it was working. What I didn't know and would take years to find out was that HGH is not something that should be avoided or thought of as bad... rather it is essential to human development and optimal health.

HGH is responsible for a lot of youth development. Kids that are active, outside and healthy produce adequate amounts of HGH to spur growth. If you see kids with abnormally weak bones, skin, bad teeth, struggle to grow hair, fat stores in stomach in face.... they are lacking in HGH production. Too much TV, bad diet, and lack of sun exposure can contribute to this sad state of affairs.

As adults we can boost our HGH production through natural ways to keep us healthy. First is simple... High Intensity Workouts. CrossFit is perfect for that. By producing hormone bursts in our type of workouts, our endocrine system responds by producing HGH as it adapts to our lifestyle. Second is through supplementation. By taking your BCAA (Branch Chain Amino Acids) before you work out you can ignite HGH production within your body. Third is keeping up on your Vitamin C. Vitamin C consumption from vegetables and fruits has been linked to optimal HGH absorption.

HGH has been proven to decrease cardio-vascular disease and help you live longer. HGH helps you preform better and defeat depression and high cholesterol. You and I may never hit Home Runs like Canseco and Maguire but the benefits of keeping HGH high in our bodies cannot be understated.



Lat Band Mobility/ Bully Stretch

18 Plyo Lateral Jumps
12 Glute Bridge W/ Reach
6 Jumping Pull Ups

Skill Development:
Gymnasty 10

-10m Handstand Walk or 2 Wall Climbs
-2 Skin the Cats or 2 kicks to Inverted Hangs
-10 Candlestick to Pistol Jump or 2 foot narrow jump


Thruster 95/65
Pull Up
*Compare to 4/7/16

050816 "Beef Bones... A secret treasure"

As I sit here right now, house smelling like I have been cooking a Beef Roast all day.. I am almost forced to remind you of some of the good stuff that lies inside beef bones. As I have written about many times before, extracting minerals and nutrients from beef bones is extremely good for your health. Moreover, here on kauai, we are blessed to have some of the best Organic, Non-GMO, and grass Fed beef in the world.

CrossFitters should be all over this stuff. Beef broth is full of Collagen. Collagen is a protein that makes up the cartilage, skin and tissues of our body. Beef Collagen from organic bones helps strengthen your bones, muscles, tissues, and ligaments because it is absorbed in your Gut and forms a natural for m of Creatine that is foundational for fueling cells throughout the body.

GUT HEALTH>>> You know me and you know my passion for optimal Gut health. If you take medications, have been sick, take antibiotics, or just have an upset stomach, then Bone Broth can be a natural cure and healing element. As we get older, our body does not produce it nearly as much as when we are young. A good sign of this is skin wrinkles in people over 30. Collagen, like hormone production, changes as the years go by so absorption through food in the gut becomes essential!!

So crack a bone and enjoy. Boil it, cook it down and you will immediately feel the effects. Your sleep will improve, your stomach and gut will not be so upset, and you will fight off sickness much faster.


3 Mins Jump Rope Freestyle

Shoulder Rolls
Neck Rolls
Arm Circles
Across Chest Swing
Up Back Overs
PVC Pass Thru
PVC Trunk Twist
Side Lunge
Berry Pickers
Elbow To Instep
Dive-bomber Push Ups

Tribute to the "31 Heros"

8 Shoulder to Overhead 185/115
6/2 Rope Climbs
11 Burpee
31 Box Jumps 24/20

Rest 3:00 Between Rounds

030816 "What is NeuroKinetic Therapy"

In the 1980's David Weinstock moved around Central and South America after finishing Pre-Med at John Hopkins University. What he learned and adapted was a Natural Therapeutic way of pain relief and muscle testing to see where imbalances lie in each person.

NKT is a series of muscle tests that can be administered to help the brain 'reset' itself after there has been some sort of injury or muscle imbalance. Because our brains are creatures of habit and our balance, coordination and strength are linked to this guy mass; sometimes it can misfire muscles and movement patterns that can inhibit us from optimal health.

Muscles that shut down after injury make other muscles work extra hard to compensate and keep the body upright. This system helps to diagnose and treat that imbalance.

As I have found in my many years of training athletes, even though you may feel weakness or sometimes pain in a certain area it does not necessarily mean there is an injury. It could just be muscle misfiring! This is why I am particularly precise about how you move to ensure we get optimal muscle engagement for each movement!

If you suffer from ;

  1. Shoulder Pain
  2. Low back pain
  3. Plantar Faciitis
  4. Tendonitis
  5. Muscle Strain

.... then Neurokinetic Therapy might be what you are interested in. Please read up on the treatment and tests HERE In the mean time, if you have injury or are concerned about muscle imbalance please grab me and we can devise a plan to help you get back on track through my own knowledge.



Tabata Row; 8X :20 on :10 off

Squat Flow

3 x hang clean high pull
3 x hang muscle clean + 3 x strict press
3 x tempo front squat @ 53X1+ 3 x push press
3 x hang power clean to FS (hold PCln receiving position each time, each rep little deeper)
3 x clean pull under + 3 x push jerk
3 x hang (squat) clean + 3 x split jerk

Back squat


For Time
21 Thruster 95/65
400m Sprint
15 Front Rack Lunges
500m Row
9 Squat Clean

010816 "10 Reasons why CrossFit Gets you HIGH"

When you walk in the Door each day for your daily dose of CrossFit goodness, some cool shit happens to you. Immediately its is hard to contain a smile as you see your friends and get a little puckered up when you look at the workout for the day.

Now, what is happening to you in that special hour of your day is emotional and physical. There is a reason why you hold your head a little higher when you leave class and get stoked to come back the next day. You are on a high! This high is what makes CrossFit so unique and special as an activity. Lets look at a few reasons why..

  1. You Boost Your Endorphins. Stress, tension, anger, fatigue all fade away once your class starts. Happiness and excitement replace these damaging daily problems. By training physically, your boost yourself emotionally!
  2. Your Entire Body is getting worked. Because CrossFit is very comprehensive and all about the Functionality of movement, all muscles are engaged including your brain.
  3. Your Bones get stronger. Through exercise you build yourself from the inside out. Its not just muscles that get stronger and bigger, your bones are able to regrow new cells after each workout. As someone over 30 years old, this is very important as we slow down dramatically in bone cell growth if we don't work out.
  4. Dat Booty Giggle!! Men and women can both appreciate a nice Butt! Since CrossFit training builds the backside (and my programming tends to like squats) you are going to walk (or hobble) your way out the gym each day knowing that your legs, calves and booty are strong, firm, and look A-OK!
  5. CrossFit is High Intensity Interval Training. Studies have shown for some time that this method of fitness BURNS MORE FAT than any other. You love CrossFit because when you combine it with optimal lifestyle choices, you leave each day more trim than the day before.
  6. CrossFit keeps you MENTALLY sharp. In fact, regular bouts of intense exercise have been PROVEN to cut your risk for Alzheimers, Dementia, and other neurodegenerative disease in HALF!! That my friends.. is badass.
  7. Your Heart is happier. Along with lowering your stress, your resting Blood Pressure drops when you do CrossFit on the regular. Having a healthy blood pressure keeps the entire blood supply system in you functioning properly and drops your risk of heart disease... especially in men.
  8. Get your 12 pack on!! No I don't mean drinking. I mean your abs. CrossFit is all about Core to Extremity Training so you are getting an ab workout each time you come in; regardless if it is a strength day, gymnastic day, or conditioning day!!
  9. Your balance improves. I see this daily. By coming and doing my warm up drills, running, jumping, lifting, sprinting; your body is building neural connections that keep you agile like a PUSSY CAT!
  10. YOU ARE LIVING YOUR LIVE TO THE FULLEST. CrossFit  provides you with an amazing challenge  each day that you can push yourself to accomplish and  feel damn good about it. CrossFit also provides you with an amazing and supportive community that reminds us that we are human, important and damn special.. You can't help from feeling a little high from that!!


Banded Squat Flow

Banded Tricep Stretch

Banded Pitchers Stretch


2 Pass Thru Agility Ladder
5 Muscle Up Pull Through
10 Sandbag Zercher Squat
15 Double Unders


5 Rounds for time

20 Wall Ball
30 Double Unders
10 Ring Dip

290716 "Sitting is killing you"

I will admit that I am scared. I am scared of having a job that keeps me sedentary. As I think back to my early days as a kid I was always the one ready to run, express my energy, and get outside. Today is no different. What I have noticed over the course of my 36 years now is that even though I am moving, there is a big portion of society that has begun to sit still....

Only a generation ago there were a lot more jobs that required movement. From farmers to factory workers, people would wake in the morning and be on their feet until cocktail time around 5:00. Obesity as we know it now did not exist. In the 1970's things changed a bit. Our diets changed ( a topic for another lengthy discussion) and our work changed. Automation, computers, EFFICIENCY happened!. And that these things are good. Business is more streamlined, our economy runs somewhat easier but we are taking the brunt of this overall change.

It is widely know and mainly seen that sitting for longer periods of time during our day is killing us. Sitting has been likened to the new epidemic that smoking was just 20 years ago. It is now said that sitting can be cutting up to 15 years off your life ! This especially scares me as I fly a lot and am determined not to bug my seat mate for an occasional bathroom break! But it is a reality and it must be addressed. Plopping down in your seat each day at work and not getting up until your blood sugar crashes or your eyes start hurting is not a way to keep yourself healthy OR happy...

Here are three PROVEN outcomes to sitting for more than 6 hours per day:

  1. Heart Disease. More precisely it is the literal shutdown of your hearts function because of lack of use and the rate of perfusion to the tissues and organs. Weak heart=Early Death.
  2. Diabetes. Metabolic disease is the first sign of poor health when you are a sitter. As your sitting periods get longer, your insulin sensitivity gets worse and your fall into the cycle of highs and lows much more frequently than if you were constantly on the move.
  3. Obesity. This is linked closely to our metabolic diseases and even diabetes. Imagine a Bear during hibernation; the body stores fat to run on and it falls into a rhythm or 'set point' which allows it to burn just enough to keep all the systems running.

As many of you know, when you have sat for long periods of time your food choices tend to change as well. You get tired from sitting and need a 'pick-me-up' more often which is usually a processed and highly sweetened food product that is the worst thing for you!

Taking the time to move throughout your day should be as imperative as being a good employee. Your health is linked to your productivity. So get up and jump around. Show the folk in your office how to squat correctly or how to do some jumping jacks. Who knows, you might just start and office revolution???!!

Get up and get going, your life depends on it!!


Agility Work and Banded Buddy Pulls X 4

Snatch Warm Up

3 x romanian deadlift
3 x snatch high pull
3 x muscle snatch
3 x tempo overhead squat @ 23X1
3 x snatch balance
3 x power snatch to OHS (hold PSn receiving position each time, each rep little deeper)
3 x snatch pull under
3 x hang (squat) snatch


On A Running Clock, Complete as many reps as possible.

0-4 Mins;
750m Row/ Max Power Snatches 135/95

Rest 1 Min

750m Row/ Max Clean and Jerks 135/95

Rest 1 Min

10-14 Min;
750m Row/ Max Back Squat

270716 "Milk, it does a body Dirty"

Last night I wrote about the benefits of Coconut Milk as an alternative to Dairy or COWS milk. What I though would be a good pre-text to that discussion is why we should be considering other sources for calcium and protein in the good old white stuff.

First, if you are consuming Milk, yogurt, butter and cheese from normal commercial brands; you are consuming what are called 'conventional' dairy products. These products are from cows that live almost their entire lives on a steady stream of antibiotics. These antibiotics dwell within the cow and then are passed onto you when you eat or drink them . What this means is that you are susceptible to the same antibiotic resistant strains of 'bad bugs' that hit the dairy industry and kill millions of cows per year. Fortunately, Humans are valued more than our furry friends and we are placed in hospital with a nuclear dose of antibiotics when this type of thing happens.

But mark my words, the anti-biotic resistance is happening more and more... Just ask any nurse...

You have a higher chance of getting fat and unhealthy from Conventional cows milk. Because the pasteurization process kids all the essential 'good bugs' (bacteria) and enzymes... we are left with morphed and modified and even mutant versions that can get us sick and alter our metabolism to make us retain fat!!

Pasteurization oxidizes fats which creates a situation where we have 'free radicals' floating around our blood which can cause cancer! In fact, this process injects upwards of 20+ chemicals into our milk that taken over many years can equal serious health risks.

The bottom line is that organic and RAW milk is the way to go but is very hard to find. Since it is as easy to grab an alternative milk source for your family, you should weigh the benefits and make a switch. Milk is one of those things though... you were raised on it... it can't be bad right? Well times have changed and no-one has told you about it....Breaking habits are hard but necessary sometimes for the future of your health and your families health.


Banded Hip Distraction/ Roll Out Calves

3 Min Jump Rope * Freestyle

Skill Development:

12X Depth Jump Linear *At deficit
12X Depth Jump Lateral
12X Triple Jumps
5 Attempts at max Height Box Jump

3 Rounds For Max Reps
1 Min Max Push Up
1 Min Max KB Swing
Rest :30
1 Min Max Toe To bar
Rest :30
1 Min Max Wall Climbs or Handstand Walk (Meters)
Rest :30

260716 "Milk the Nut"

Pasteurized and homogenized dairy milk is not something that I will ever tell you to bet your health on. The chemicals involved in making that 4-7$ gallon of milk is pretty scary and you end up injesting all of it!!!

What I want you to get excited about is the prevalence of Coconut milk in our grocery stores as of late. Coconut milk is really not milk at all but the water inside blended with the 'meat' of the coconut that makes a milky and vitamin packed alternative to the commercial cow milk.

Coconut milk is silky, creamy and has a killer sweetness that doesn't need any extra sugar. Coconut milk not only give those of you with IBS or other gut issues a milk alternative with a TON of extra nutrition. One of the most important ways that Coconut Milk aids the body is through Lauric Acid. Lauric acid is a fatty acid that has naturally antibacterial, anti fungal, and antiviral properties. Most importantly, Lauric Acid in Coconut Milk protects the GUT from invaders in your diet an those free radicals roaming around your digestive system.

Coconut Milk has been shown to lower your bad cholesterol even though it is chalked full of saturated fat. Coconut Milk improves blood pressure and in turn, prevents heart attack and stroke. Coconut milk is also a great option for everyone who has shown allergic reactions to other types of milk, especially dairy.

Costco has begun to stock a great product for use as a perfect replacement for your everyday glass of milk and there is also the canned Coconut milk that I personally use in many recipes  to thicken up sauces and add extra flavor.

Reach out and milk the nut! For health, for your gut, for your kids...


Squat Flow

800m Run
10 Squat Therapy
10 Goblet Squat
10 Squat W/ T Spine Rotation

Skill Development:
In 6 Sets,
Build to your heaviest 2 Rep Front Squat

5 Rounds For Time
5 Burpee Box Jump
15 Front Rack Lunges
200m Run

210716 "Salsa fights Cancer"

Summer is upon us and I am noticing that Avocados are now rocking!! These amazing veggies (or fruits depending on how you see it) are an amazing source of good fats and fiber. The amazing things about these healthy fats is that they help in the absorption of important vitamins, minerals and enzymes when combined with other foods.

Tomatoes are also cranking in the summer and the ORGANIC varieties are abundant in many farmers markets and in grocery stores. Tomatoes are chalked full of the powerful antioxidant LYCOPENE. Lycopene destroys the free radicals that float around in your blood and cause a host of issues including inflammation and cancer. Tomatoes are like other veggies that also help lower your LDL or 'bad' cholesterol.

When you combine the two, Avocado and Tomato, you get to harness the benefits of both. It's like a double-whamie!! The fat in the Avocado is like a sponge for all the good vitamins and enzymes in the tomato and helps absorb more than when eaten alone.

The combination is classic in mexican food, salsas and other fare. The combination is also very common as toppings on salads or just put together with some olive oil for an appetizer. Either way, no matter how you eat them; when you take them together... you are getting the most bang for the buck .

So... Make some salsa and enjoy your health.




20 Single Unders
15 Double Unders
10 Jump Lunges
5 PVC Pass Trhu
2 Overhead Squat

20 Rounds For Time

10 Double Unders
8 LSit CrossOVers
6 Wall Ball
4 MTN Climbers
2 Snatch @ 185/115

200716 "Magnesium is IMPORTANT"

In a discussion today about magnesium I could help but realize that I haven't mentioned the importance of this supplement for quite some time. Below are some very good reasons why you should SUPPLEMENT your diet with a Magnesium supplement .

1) Magnesium gives you energy. Simply put, magnesium activates the ATP in your cells and keeps you firing in a healthy way.
2) Magnesium helps you sleep by relaxing the muscles throughout the body, especially your digestive system. And we all know that when we are relaxed in our gut.. life is good!
3) Magnesium regulates the electrolyte levels in your body. If you are an athlete then muscle firing is very important. Electrolytes assist in the electrical impulses that move through the body. Along with proper muscle firing, your HEART has the largest stores of Magnesium in the body so keeping up on your magnesium levels can keep your heart running well.
4) Because Magnesium helps control the intake of calcium in the body, it has been linked to preventing osteoarthritis. Good joints and bones for many years to come.

PURE PHARMA makes a great Magnesium supplement so if you want to compare the levels with levels of other brands in your health store that is a good way to go. I will be ordering a new case soon. Totally worth it!!


Banded Hip Activation/ Banded Good Mornings/ Banded Press

Rotator Cuff Drills

3 x hang clean high pull
3 x hang muscle clean + 3 x strict press
3 x tempo front squat @ 53X1+ 3 x push press
3 x hang power clean to FS (hold PCln receiving position each time, each rep little deeper)
3 x clean pull under + 3 x push jerk
3 x hang (squat) clean + 3 x split jerk


In 6 sets, build to your heaviest 3rm Push Press.

Strength WOD:

Build to your Heaviest load in 6 sets... *without dropping the bar...

High Hang Clean + Hang Clean + Push Press +

High Hang Clean + Hang Clean + Push Jerk +

High Hang Clean + Hang Clean + Split Jerk

190716 "The CrossFit Games 2016!!"

The games are upon us. Looking at the Leaderboard today I can't believe that out of all the hundreds of thousands of participants that participated in the Opens this year... the list of athletes has been riddled down to the TOP 40 men and women.

This year at the CrossFit Games the action begins Tuesday with the Masters and the Teenagers. The best way to watch these athletes go at it will be via the CrossFit Games Site or the link via You Tube.

Now of course the Men and Women will be amazing this weekend but I would highly encourage you to check out the Teens and Masters. These athletes are amazing and inspiring for a number of reasons. Here are couple of things that make them stand apart.

  1. Most of them have full time Jobs. The Masters Athletes that are competing have families and priorities outside of the gym. Yes, many of them probably are coaches or box owners but you know that the older we get the more complicated training time can become. They have shown commitment and determination to make it this far!
  2. These teens are the next generation of the sport. I mean, talk about staying focused!! As their friends are out doing what teens do, most of these teens are pushing hard in the gym EVERY day trying to rise to the top. I know for a fact that to make it as a teen you not only need amazing abilities but you also need an amazing support system. These teens come from strong communities that support them and push them in a healthy way. Pretty damn cool!

Lets get fired up and get behind these athletes!! The physicality has been proven now we will TRULY see what they have in terms of Mental Grit!

Lat band Mobility/ Bully Stretch/ Rotator Cuff Mobility

Agility Ladder Drills

Skill Development:

Kipping and Butterfly Progression
-Work the Hollow
-Get the most out of the Push Pull
-Know the difference between hip flexion and hip extension
-Bes able to go from a kipping or butterfly swing back to hollow on command!

*if you are good on the progression, work strength..
5X5 -Alternating
Pull Up Negatives
Supin Ring Pull Ups

14 Min AMRAP
400m Run
25 KB Snatch 53/35
10 Chest TO Bar Pull Up (or 4/2 Bar Muscle Ups)