190816 "Prepping for Competition"

This Weekend is the Garden Island Box Wars. I am so excited about the response from all of you about this event. Now it is crunch time.

Here are a couple givens that you should know prior to going in...
1) Stressing over your performance does nothing but hurt you in the long run. The programming, the determination you have displayed, your desire to be better has been and WILL be enough to carry you through a good performance this weekend.

2) Between now and Saturday you will not get any more conditioned or stronger.. I have seen it for many years. Athletes try and 'cram' for competition like it is a history test.. Doesn't work. Your abilities are forged over time and beating yourself down the week out does nothing but hurt your performance.

3) Don't plan on changing anything drastic on the day of competition. Eat, sleep and do exactly what you would do on your normal training day. Your body will not freak out!

There are a few things that you can do to help you in the short term run up to competition.

1) Mind your protein. Your body will be needing to replenish its stores and eating high quality protein prior to competition is important.

2) Vitamin D. Vitamin B12. Magnesium. Omega 3's. Probiotics. While you should already be supplementing your diet with these important items, if you can double down on them prior to competition.. you will be in a better position.

3) SLEEP! There is nothing more badass then sleeping before a busy day of competition. Your mind will be fresh, your body will be recovered and you will be ready to perform like a champion. 8 hours are preferred although whatever you can get is essential.

4) Prepare your food for the day of competition. If you eat burritos on days you train, pack 3. Never run out of food. Also make sure you have food that you will want to eat when you are just finishing a gnarly workout. SO.... if Rice Krispies sound good... go for it. If you like sweet potato and chicken... there ya go!

The key to success is to be prepared. Balancing what your body needs and what you want to do is key. Don't stress too much, we will have each other to push and motivate. That means more to an athlete than anything in my opinion.


Kettle bell Warm Up and Mobility

-KB Sit Up
-KB Bridge Up
-KB Windmill
-KB Trunk Twist
-KB Up And Overs
-KB Pass Thrus
-KB Snatch

Skill Development:

Weighted Pull Up

For Time
60 Cal Row
30 Burpee Box Jump 24/20
30 Pull Up
-Rest 1 Min
40 Cal Row
20 Burpee Box Jump
20 Pull Up
-Rest 1 Min
30 Cal Row
15 Burpee Box Jump
15 Pull Up