200m Row
18 Alternating Knee To Elbow
Rotator Cuff Drills W/ 2.5-5#
Thoracic Mobility:
10X S Waves
10X Blackburns
10X W Press
10X Dive-bomber Push Ups
Clean and Jerk Prep:
7 x hang clean high pull
7 x hang muscle clean + 3 x strict press
7 x tempo front squat @ 53X1+ 3 x push press
7 x hang power clean to FS (hold PCln receiving position each time, each rep little deeper)
7 x clean pull under + 3 x push jerk
7 x hang (squat) clean + 3 x split jerk
Skill Development:
In 5 Sets, build to heaviest Load
*preferably above your workout weight for the day..
5 Power Cleans
5 Front Squat
5 Jerks
30 Clean and Jerks for Time