210716 "Salsa fights Cancer"

Summer is upon us and I am noticing that Avocados are now rocking!! These amazing veggies (or fruits depending on how you see it) are an amazing source of good fats and fiber. The amazing things about these healthy fats is that they help in the absorption of important vitamins, minerals and enzymes when combined with other foods.

Tomatoes are also cranking in the summer and the ORGANIC varieties are abundant in many farmers markets and in grocery stores. Tomatoes are chalked full of the powerful antioxidant LYCOPENE. Lycopene destroys the free radicals that float around in your blood and cause a host of issues including inflammation and cancer. Tomatoes are like other veggies that also help lower your LDL or 'bad' cholesterol.

When you combine the two, Avocado and Tomato, you get to harness the benefits of both. It's like a double-whamie!! The fat in the Avocado is like a sponge for all the good vitamins and enzymes in the tomato and helps absorb more than when eaten alone.

The combination is classic in mexican food, salsas and other fare. The combination is also very common as toppings on salads or just put together with some olive oil for an appetizer. Either way, no matter how you eat them; when you take them together... you are getting the most bang for the buck .

So... Make some salsa and enjoy your health.




20 Single Unders
15 Double Unders
10 Jump Lunges
5 PVC Pass Trhu
2 Overhead Squat

20 Rounds For Time

10 Double Unders
8 LSit CrossOVers
6 Wall Ball
4 MTN Climbers
2 Snatch @ 185/115