I recently watched Michell Obama’s Documentary on Netflix. She is an incredible woman and the film was profoundly moving but there was one line that stood out to me. The line came from Mrs. Obama describing her last day in the White House. A friend asked (and Im Paraphrasing), “Aren’t you going to miss all this?” . To Which Mrs. Obama Responded, “Im so happy to not have to be so Perfect ALL the Time”.
While the context of this quote is tough to decipher without you seeing the doc, I will say that her reasoning is two fold.
1. Being the First Lady is hard. All the worlds eyes are on you, from the words you say to the shoes you wear.
2. Being the First Black First Family was the most incredibly difficult job in American Culture… A place where not only the eyes of the people were on you, waiting to criticize every slip up… But also a place where every misstep or difficult decision was weighed with a sense of devaluation, for you and for your race.
This is simply unknown to those of us who are white. Plain and simple. No matter if you are sitting in front of your computer and sympathize with #BLM protestors or you are out on the street vocally denouncing Racist Culture; We all have to acknowledge that to be Black in America is to understand that a symbolic ceiling has been placed over you since birth.
Being an anti-racist is great. Having it live on your thoughts like a protest button lives on your backpack is just not going far enough. It is time to acknowledge and move the needle away from doubt, massive discrediting, and disrespect. We need to accept and have the difficult conversations about how to change this together. I have a personal understanding of this as an Environmental Activist. In the early teenage years I was the one who would wear the shirt but would never scream in the microphone. It wasn’t until I educated myself, and appreciated the full scope of the struggle, that I was able to have uncomfortable concversations with people who did not share my views on the matter. But It was only through this dialogue that common ground was found.
Currently we see large groups of Protestors all over this country who are marching in solidarity, white, black brown, it is beautiful. But we need to disperse and begin to act locally, in our homes, our places of business, and yes even churches (if you are religious). I used to have a policy of “NO RELIGION, NO POLITICS” in the gym. But fuck that!! This is the time we discuss. Yes we may share some similar views in the gym but atlas the dialogue can help flush out what we MEAN, what we BELIEVE, and how to MOVE FORWARD.
Unless you live in urban settings, the country is still very much still segregated by race and socio-economic class. Therefore the challenge for many is still going to be that proximity to other cultures and races is still going to be tough. The process will take time. For parents, This is WHY you need to send your kids away for college. For Business owners, this is WHY you need to find a way to reach across your normal marketing strategies to encourage a more diverse community involvement strategy. And for white people out there, this is the time that you have the uncomfortable conversations about the subject. If we keep wearing our buttons and never having the conversations we will never move forward.
Listening is key. I know for many, even myself, the protest chants are only small sound bites to the larger conversations and pleas. As a coach I can tell you that the virtue of empathy and a kind ear has helped more people work through issues than any cue Ive given to help someone squat better! Open your ears and close your mouth. Racial Equity begins in the mind but it becomes real when thoughts are turned into words and words into action.
Racial Equity is something that WE have the power to deliver on in our generation. It just takes diligence and;
1. Right Thoughts
2. Right Actions
3. Right Deeds.
I hope this has come out correctly. It is a dense and tough topic to put into 750 words. I am always open to keeping the conversation going and encourage you all to bring thoughts to life with appropriate action. Remember what Ive always preached, Love is the Solution… Always. Keep your heart and mind always focused on this simple thing and you will be amazed at how how world opens up in front of you.
Ill be with you always in Love
Programming Notes 6/15-6/19 **This is Week 3 of Sprint Block . As we did last week I want to build threshold with interval work and challenge your output with mixed modality work. Relatively light week except for Tuesday with heavy deadlifts.
3X 25 meters @ Each
-Elbow To Instep Lunge
-Heel walk
-Toe Walk
-Low Skips
-A Skips
-B Skips
-Jump Back and Run
-Power Skips
-Sprint Starts
Sprint Start Practice:
3 X 25m @ Each
-Striding Start
- Jump Back Starts
-Lateral Hurdle Start
-Pop Up Starts
Sprint Workout:
Every 3:00 X 4 Rounds
A) 200m Sprint + 15 Kettlebell Swing
B) 100m Sprint
C) 10 Burpee + 200m Sprint
20 Cal Bike
10 Single Leg Toe Touch
8 Bow/ Bend
6 Broad jumps
4 Trunk Circles
Hamstring Primer:
3X 8
Pendlay Row 135/95
Romanian Deadlift
Super sets;
3X8 Single Leg Deadlift DB
Super Set With;
3X8 DB Bent Row
Strength WOD:
5X Not For Time
14X Heavy Deadlifts
14X Up and Over Ball Slams + 100m Front Rack Carry *These two exercises must be back to back
20mX Handstand Walk
5:00 Easy Biking
12 Single Leg Toe Touch
12 Side Step Reverse Lunge
12 Lateral Line Touches
Squat Flow: Squat Flow: Kang Squat, Internal Rotation, Ankle Roll Out, Bootstraps, PNF Stretch, Squat W/ T Spine Stretch
Pausing Back Squat (>:02)
*Same Weight across sets
For Time
50 Overhead Squats 75/55
40 Box Jumps
30 Front Squats 115/75
20 Ring Dips
10 Clusters 135/95
300m Row
30 Squats
30 Push ups
30 Side Plank Leg Lever
Midline Strength:
20 Toes TO bar
200m Single Arm Farmer Carry
18 Minute AMRAP
20 Cal Row
10 Sandbag Clean
5 Burpee Over Sandbag
4X :30 @ Each
-Jumping Jacks
-Arm Swing
-Piked Toe Taps
-Dive bomber Push ups
- Lateral Line Touch
Banded Primer:
-Pass Thru
-Single Arm Press
-Single Arm Row
-Face Pull
Upper Body Strength:
12 Landmine Press
20 banded Pull Aparts
4 Rounds for Time
50 Double Unders
25 Pull Ups
15 Cal Bike
7 Jerks @ Bodyweight
-Rest 1:30 Between sets-