Are you guys fired up on CrossFit? I sure as hell am. Every day I wake up totally stoked on the opportunity to challenge you and test myself with the best fitness method ever, Couple that with living our healthy lifestyle and we have a lot to be thankful for.
CrossFit is unlike anything that has come before it. No, it is not reinventing the pull up, setting world records on olympic lifting, but what it is doing is changing lives. Daily. CrossFit is the most open sourced and peer reviewed method of training and education that I have ever studied. Beyond that, this sport has united the world through garage gyms, parks, internet, and everywhere one of us sees another crossfitter (and its hard to miss us) and gives that smile of acknowledgement. Special.
You have all accepted the challenge and proven to yourself that your health is worth working hard for. CrossFit gives you the emotional backing and physical education unrivaled by anything else in fitness. You are a piece of the movement, the family that is forging a new path in this country. Thank you and get fired UP!!
5 minutes on A.A. Bike
5 Pull Up Negatives +:03
5 Ring Push Up Negatives +:03
12 KB SDHP 53/35
Skill Development
Weighted Pull Up
After Each Set, preform a max set of Ring Dips.
85 KB Swing For Time For Time @ 53/35
EMOM 9 Wall Ball
Cool Down:
35 Hip Extentions