211215 "Don't Lapse"

This week marks the beginning of the self-control gauntlet that is the Holiday season. Parties, get-togethers, drinks with friends; if it is all going to hit at once... it will be this week. What I am here to remind you is that self control is very important as you don't want to waste all the gains that you are making.

Only a couple days of gluttony can lead to fat storage in the liver. Even within 4 hours of eating, the body begins to store calories to fat. To hedge against your storage capability is; first and foremost, eating consciously. Eating consciously is one part planning and 3 parts implementing good judgement. Secondly, you need to keep working out and being active. The community and the gym are here to have your back if you need to get a quick training session in or just want to go for a run during the holidays .

CrossFit can cue your body to keep the fat burn going long after the workout is over so obviously I say, "Do More Fitness"... But simply cutting carbs and sticking to whole food proteins and Fats which decrease the likelihood of insulin spikes and even fat storage.

Either way, do not fall off over the next couple weeks. Keep hitting it hard and go into 2016 strong and healthy!


Lat Band Mobility/ Banded Hip External Rotation

6 Min Quality AMRAP
10 KB Swing
8 KB Overhead Lunges
10 Windmills


Aerobic Conditioning:

10X :90 Work/:90 Rest
30 Double Unders
10 DB Snatch 45/30
Max Rep Push Up *Record total Reps

Rest 6 Mins

For Time
Power Snatch 95/65
*Sprint 200m Between Each Round

Rest 3 Mins

Plank Hold :80,:70,:60, :50, :40,:30,:20,:10

Perform a :10 L-Sit on Rings after each plank hold