171215 "Snatch Your Face Off"


4X 200m Row
Rest =Work 1:1

Banded Good Mornings
Banded Hamstring Pulls
Banded Pass Thru
Banded Trunk Twist
Banded Row

Snatch Complex
Power Snatch +Squat Snatch
*Work Up to heaviest load in 15 mins

Rest 5 Mins

Barbell Conditioning:

Take 70% of your total from Snatch Complex,

Do 33 Power Snatch For Time (Jonah's Birthday)!!!!
*Every Time You break, do 5 Chest to bar Pull Up...

Fitness WOD: ( To Be done in Lieu of Weightlifting)

15 Min EMOM
Odd- 20/15 Cal Row
Even- 12 Alternating KB Snatch

Rest 5 mins

100 KB Swing 53/35
* Every time you break, do 5 Pull Ups.