170820 "3 Reasons why you should Never Eat an Egg White Omelette"

Can you believe that Egg White omelettes are still a thing? With overwhelming scientific evidence and studies over the past decade about the benefits of healthy fats and cholesterol in eggs; the public perception is still that the golden yolk its the devil. Today I wanted to give you a quick piece of my mind about why the entire egg should be enjoyed and how eating just egg whites is a huge miss for everyone. Cutting it down to 3 reasons is hard but Ill Try!

1. Cholesterol is GOOD for you.
With a HUGE amount of Americans on statins today to LOWER their cholesterol, it is no wonder why eggs are still looked on as anti-healthy. There are two different kinds of Cholesterol, LDL and HDL. HDL is good for you because of its shape and how the body uses it. The yolk of the egg AND the Egg white have cholesterol in them . The form of cholesterol in eggs is HDL, the good stuff. Along with properly forming EVERY cell in the body, cholesterol from eggs is vital for brain function and hormone function. In the brain cholesterol acts as an antioxidant, keeping the tissue healthy. Testosterone, Estrogen and Progesterone are also products of cholesterol consumption.

2. Allergies are a non issue.
One thing that Americans are keen to talk about is their damn allergies. While this is an extensive topic to take on, I want to address the egg yolk fallacy and allergies. According to THE STUDY published by the Pediatric clinicians of North America, the part of the egg with the most prevalence of histamines is the EGG WHITE! While egg allergies are becoming more common along with dairy and nuts, blaming the yolk for the issues is really not well founded. Acute Dermitits is a common symptom of egg allergies as well as IBS. Both inflammatory diseases that may be somewhat linked to low cholesterol levels.. just sayin.

3. Nutrient makeup of the Complete Egg is best.
An egg contains approximately 7 grams of protein, 3 from the yolk and 4 from the white bit. To get the most amount of protein then would be to eat the whole damn thing. But beyond the protein content and the low saturated fat in the egg… it must be noted that it is a complete food with a ton of micronutrients. In fact, in most underdeveloped nations and poor communities in this country, the WHOLE FOOD make of of the egg is often the healthiest thing that most get in their daily diet. Eggs are rich in calcium, potassium, iron, zinc and manganese.

I could go on and on about the amino acids that are found in the egg yolk and that the consumption of whole eggs has been linked to delaying Alzheimers, but Ill stop there. Remember that nature gives us precisely what we need and in the purest form (organic) the health benefits are concentrated. SO go and THRIIV my friends and Ill be here to support you the entire way!

Programming Notes 8/17-8/21 *** This week we work our way back into goal setting for the fall. Pick something, a comp a nutrition challenge… whatever. Fixate on it and lets go.

4X ;30 @ Each
-Side Plank
-Jumping jacks
-Divebomber Push ups
-Single Leg Toe Touches
-Iron Cross

Hamstring Primer:
3X 8 @ Each
-Deficit (Tempo)Romanian Deadlift 135/95
-Pendlay Rows

**Take 7 Minutes to build to a Heavy Deadlift

30 Minute EMOM
A- 15 hollow Rocks
B- 30-50’ Handstand Walk
C- 5X Heavy Deadlift

Row 750m
12 Squats
10 Jump Lunges
8 Inchworm Push Ups
6 Single Leg Burpee
4 Tuck Jumps
2 Lateral Shuffle to 20’ cone Touch

Lunge Flow:
-Ankle Rolls
-Hamstring Pulses
-Elbow TO instep Lunge + Reach
-Samson Lunge +Twist
-Pigeon Stretch

Skill Dev:
4 Rounds
-5 Seated box Jumps 42/30#
-10 Bulgarian DB Split Squat 50/35

4 Rounds for Time
27 Box Jumps
20 Burpees
11 Squat Clean 145/100#

400m Run
50’ Bear Crawl
50’ Crab Walk
50’ Lateral Bounding
50’ Lunges
50’ Broad Jump

Odd Object Training:
3X 100m @ Each with Kettlebell
-(L) arm Overhead Carry (R) Farmers Hold
-(R) arm Overhead Carry (L) Farmers Hold
-Front Rack Carry
-Overhead Carry

Row Conditioning:
3X 27 Calorie Intensity Row (Rest 1:00)
4X 21 Cal Intensity Row (Rest :45)
5X 15 Cal Intensity Row (Rest :30)

50 Single under Rope Skips
10 DB Halos 5#
50 High Knee Rope Skips
10 DB Single Arm Press + Windmill
50 BackWard Rope Skips
10 DB Lateral Raises
50 Double Unders
10 DB High Pulls

Shoulder Primer W/ 5# Plates
-Scarecrow + Press
-Bent Over Row
-Bent Over Reverse Flys
-Bent Over Superman
-Bent Over Overhead Press
-Standing Y Presses
-Standing Cross Over Presses

Vertical Primal Pressing Complex:
4 X, @ Casual Pace
3 Back Rack Push Press
2 Front Rack Split Jerk
6 Strict Pull Ups

Aerobic Work:
2 Rounds
100 Double Unders
60 Cal Bike
40 Diamond Push Ups

30 Cal on Air Runner
10 Box Pistol Squat (5 Each Leg)
12 Lateral KB Goblet Lunge
5 Inchworm Push Ups
20 Cal on Air Runner
10 Box Pistol Squat (5 Each Leg)
12 Lateral KB Goblet Lunge
5 Inchworm Push Ups
10 Cal on Air Runner
10 Box Pistol Squat (5 Each Leg)
12 Lateral KB Goblet Lunge
5 Inchworm Push Ups

Core Dev:
3 Rounds
100’ Dumbbell Overhead Carry
100’ D Ball Carry

Dumbbell Front Squat 50/35
Dumbbell Devils Press
-400m Run on Ai Runner Between each set.