090320 "This is How You Should Wash Your Hands"

The Corona Virus is spreading. Literally we are so slow on knowing how much it has spread in the US that it could be carried by the next person you come in contact. Conveniently it comes at the height of the Regular Influenza season, creating more problems for Health Care Providers and putting more emphasis on the most basic of habits that cn keep you from getting sick, Hand Washing! But according to the CDC (center for disease control) , many of us are doing it wrong. SO here ya go, a tutorial on how to wash your hands…

Gym life is punctuated by a few things outside of the strength and condfidence you develop. One of these things is that we sweat and spend our bodily fluids all over the gym floor and equipment. Over the decade plus that I have been a gym owner I have seen the full gamut from boogers to blood. Vomit to virus’. It is my duty to ensure that the cleanliness of the equipment, bathrooms and most importantly, the gym floor are clean enough to eat off of. But there is some personal responsibility you need to take on to ensure the loop of cleanliness is closed.

1. Get the tips not just the palms.
An article I have read from Renee Patterson, who is a infection control specialist , states that we miss the most important part of our hands during normal washing; the finger tips. if you think about where we usually grab, poke or touch things, it is with the finger tips and the most important part of our hand, the thumb.
Renee suggests that as you later your hands with soap you should stroke your finger tips with soap and not forget to stroke the thumb . Often we are quickly rubbing what little soap we can impatiently get out of the dispenser on our palms and then quickly rinsing off with water. take the time to get the digits and stop the spread of disease as well as keep your greasy potato chip fingers off the glass!

2. Ditch the Anti-microbial soap.
Hospitals and doctors have come to the conclusion that anti-microbial soap may be causing more harm than it is doing for the good of our health.
If you work in an environment where hand washing is very common like a restaurant or a doctors office, there is a good chance that the natural barrier of oils and skin density is slowly wearing down because of anti-microobial soap.
Harvard Press released the FDA’s findings in THIS ARTICLE..
Anti-microbial soap wipes out the good bacteria that lives on the skin and keeps the integrity of the skin surface intact. In the same way we decimate the GUT bacteria when we eat poorly and expose ourselves to disease, wearing down the skin can provide another protein of entry for disease.

3. Friction and time are key.
If you have ever watched your kids wash their hands you will see why they get sick easy.. The light rubbing of the hands under water leaves fingers and hands still very dirty. You parents know what i’m talking about because their nasty finger prints are usually all over water glasses and your car door handles. The key is friction and time under the water.
In THIS ARTICLE health care professionals make the case that it is less about the type of soap you use and more about how hard and how long you are scrubbing your hands during a wash.
Going back to the point I made in #1, we always choose the path of least resistance and quickly grind our palms together and call it good. So take the time, at least :30, and really get in there on the entire hand.

Washing hands is the low hanging fruit in terms of viral protection and contact with the skin. Other means of prevention are covering your mouth when you cough and KEEPIG YOUR DAMN FINGERS OUT OF YOUR NOSE! We should not try and isolate ourselves by not going to the gym, in fact exposure to a host of bacteria can make the immune system stronger.

And of course we need to address hysteria. Please be smart about hygiene and reduce risk in your life but please dont be one of those folks who thinks that eating Chinese food will get you sick… Thats silly. Plus, if you avoid the gym, you will lose all the gains both in the muscles as well in your immune system.. Just eat right and keep on rocking, Ill be here the entire time to support you and keep you healthy.

Programming Notes 3/9-3/13 **This week we have some should crushers. Im not going to lie, starting the week with ‘Brian’ sets the tone. As usual, we hit all the metabolic pathways and leave a little in the tank for Friday and the CFG Opens repeat. Tuesday and Wednesday are Shoulder Centric so mobilize and recover . Core and shoulder stability are what we are driving towards.
200m Run
8 Elbow To instep Lunge + Reach
10 Squat Therapy
8 Side Lunge
10 Hip Swivel Kicks

Squat Flow: Squat Flow: Kang Squat, Internal Rotation, Ankle Roll Out, Bootstraps, PNF Stretch, Squat W/ T Spine Stretch

Build Up To 90% of 1RM Front squat .
Odd- 1 Front Squat
Even- 2 Back squats 

3 Rounds for Time
5 Rope Climb 15’
25 Backsquat @ 185/145

500m Row
5 Scapula Push Ups
10 Push Ups
5 Kip Swings
10 Jumping Pull Ups

Shoulder Mobility:
1:00 Lat Band Mobility
1:00 Bully Stretch
1:00 Scapula Distraction Stretch

Gymnastic EMOM:
A) 3 Bar Muscle ups
B) 12 Single Arm Kettlebell Swings
C) 6 Overhead Step Ups

30 Cal Row
15 Ring Dip
50’ Handstand Walk

5:00 Easy Biking
15 Banded Pass Thru
15 Banded press
15 banded Bent Row

Backwards Tabata Primer:
:10 Work/ :20 Rest X 8 Rounds
-Assault Bike

15 Dumbbell Floor Press
15 Dumbbell Bent Row
20 banded Pull Aparts

Anaerobic Conditioning;
4X 3 Minute AMRAP
5 Cal Bike
7 Single Arm DB Push Press 50/35
14 Single Arm Overhead Lunge

200m Run
12 Deadbug Ipsilateral Reach
12 Side Plank Knee To Elbow
12 Lateral Tuck Jump rebounds

Monostructural Conditioning:
21-18-15-12-9 Row For Calories
+ 12 Lateral Line Touch After Each Segment.
-Rest :45 Between Each set. -

Strength Workout:
5 Rounds , Rest as needed Between rounds.
100’ Sandbag Carry 150/100#
100 Double Unders
*Carry should be unbroken.

8 Inch Worm Push Ups
10 Banded Pass Thru
8 Burpee Tuck Jumps
10 Banded Pull aparts
8 Banded Good Mornings

Hamstring Primer:
10 Deficit Romanian Deadlift 155/115
10 Pendlay Row

Snatch Warm Up:
7@ Each
-Snatch Deadlift
-Snatch High Pull
-Muscle Snatch
-Overhead Squat
-Back Rack Press
-Hang Power Snatch
-Squat Snatch Below the knee

CrossFit games Opens Workout 13.1
17 Minute Cap
40 Burpee
30 Snatch 75/55
30 burpee
30 Snatch 135/95
20 Burpee
30 Snatch 165/125
10 Burpee
Max Snatch @ 210/145