190617 "What the Hell is Ketosis?"

With so much effort being put into lifestyle choices and nutrition by everyone I speak to, I find that there is so much that still needs explanation. One area of explanation is KETONES and KETOSIS. What the hell is it and what is it doing to me? And I feel you.. For sure. I thought that by following strict Paleo or Zone could put me into Ketosis but the reality is that its a bit heavier than I once thought. 

Ketones are special Fats that activate certain pathways that neural messages are transported in your body. Ketones are also responsible for developing new neural connections and mitochondria (the powerhouses of your cells). Moreover, there is a important antioxidant, Glutathione, which is produced when your body is in Ketosis. 

Ketosis occurs when your blood glucose is low and your liver glycogen is no longer available. This fact is why most athletes who espouse a 'whole food' diet don't necessarily fully transition over to a ketone diet. To truly obtain Ketosis you must consume upwards of 75-80% of your calories from Fat!! That my friends is a lot and kind of hard to do when you are training. 

The benefits of Ketosis cannot be understated. I repeated clinical tests, a Ketone Nutritional plan has been shown to;
-decrease effects of Parkinsons
-decrease the growth of some cancers
-decrease Epileptic seizures
-improve cognitive function

One REAL benefit that the everyday eater can get on is the Fat Burning effects of Ketosis. Remember last week when I wrote about Intermittent Fasting??? Well, Intermittent fasting allows our bodies to burn through carbs and go after unwanted fats like its nobodies business. 

With so much great science out in the world promoting a Ketogenic approach to Nutrition, it is confusing why the term still garners so much confusion. If you are looking into really changing things up for;
-better GUT health
-losing weight
-sharper thinking
..then you should research a Ketogenic meal plan (see goodtimescrossfit.com for Hyperlink) Athletes who are training at a high level can run on Ketosis but supplementation of carbs is really the rub that deters most from truly going all the way. But keep the mind open and remember that the body is quite resilient, you can experiment with Fasting and Ketosis without it really messing with your program. 

Our goal is to get better and thrive. If you are just doing the same thing over and over again and unhappy, you gotta step out of the zone and into the light. Please share and thrive !


Programming Notes 6/19-23

12 Walking Reverse Lunges
Bear Crawl 25’

12 Jump Squats
:45 Deadbug

Squat Flow: Kang Squat. Internal Hip Rotation, Hip Bridge, Elbow to Instep, Ankle Rotation, PNF Stretch, Squat W/ T Spine Stretch

Front Squat
3X6 @ 75% +10# from Previous week

-free tempo, fast ascent
-rest :90 Between Sets

Partner WOD:

12 Minute Syncd AMRAP
20 Overhead Squats 95/65
20 Burpee Over Partner
20 Hang Power Cleans
**all reps must be Sync’d


Kettle Bell Warm up:

W/ Light KB

12@ Each

Head Circles 'L' 

Head Circles 'R'

Trunk Rotations

Up right Rows

Press 'L'

Press 'R'

Romanian Deadlift

Squat Up and overs (outside right foot, up and over to outside left foot)

Single Leg Deadlift

Goblet Squat

Lateral Lunges

Windmill 'L'

Windmill 'R'

Sit Ups

Snatch 'L'

Snatch 'R'

Squat Jumps


Pull Up Prep:

10-12 Kip Swing
10-12 Eccentric Pull Ups
10-12 Strict Pull Ups

10-12 Kipping/ Butterfly Pull Ups


3 X
400m Run
21 Kettlebell Swing 1.5 pool
12 Pull Ups

Cash Out:
:45 L Hang On Bar
:45 Side Plank

Lat Band Mobility/ Bully Stretch/ Scapula Distraction

**If you know the drills, use the physiology bands and run through stabilization drills; internal/external rotation.

3X @Each Station
Partner Warm Up
P1- Row 15/12 Cals
P2- Hold Handstand

30 Double Unders
15 DB Push Press
Max Cal On Erg

Rest 1 Min

30 Double Unders
15 Wall Ball
Max Cal On Bike

Rest 2:00

Banded Hip Activation
Banded Squat
Banded Good Morning
Banded Press
Banded Pull Apart (supine and Prone Grip)

Snatch Warm Up:

 7 x romanian deadlift

7 x snatch high pull

7 x muscle snatch

7 x tempo overhead squat @ 23X1

7 x snatch balance

7 x power snatch to OHS 

7 x snatch pull under

7 x hang (squat) snatch

**Take 3-4 Minutes to prep your Numbers so you know percentages

Strength WOD:
Every 2 Min On The Minute
**Every Snatch Must be Full Squat Snatch
1- 5@70%
2- 5@75%
3- 4@80%
4- 4@80%
5- 3@ 85%
6- 3@ 85%

7- 2 @ 90%

8- 2@ 95%
9- 1 @ PR Weight
10- 1 @ 5# above PR Weight
*If form or failure begins to occur at the 80-85%, keep at it, don’t drop back down. Slow the weight progression.
*Score is heaviest Snatch


8 X Med Ball Single Leg Up and Overs (each Leg)
4 X Inch Worm W/ Push Ups
12X Barbell Sumo Deadlift High Pull

12 Single Leg Deadlift
12 Barbell bent Over Row
8 X Burpee
**Ascending Weight Each Round

Partner WOD:
21 Min AMRAP
-Partners trade off doing Rounds , 1 athlete working at a time
7 Deadlift 155/115
7 Toes To bar
7 Push Ups

120617 "3 Reasons to FAST for Performance"

Intermittent fasting is practically unheard of on most nutrition plans that deal with performance or muscle development. Fasting denotes weakness, depravity, and discomfort. What I argue is that it is essential to every athlete. The process of fasting for internal reconstruction, hormonal balancing, and cognitive function play a huge role in an athletes performance. 

Let me quickly give you authoritynutrition.com definition and explanation of Intermittent Fasting.
"Intermittent fasting is an eating pattern where you cycle between periods of eating and fasting."

Now for the best reasons to integrate it into your training plan.
1) Gives the digestive system a time to detoxify and rest. Just as we put tons of stress on our metabolic system and muscular system, we put even more stress on our digestive system. From the energy we are demanding from our GUT to refuel our other bodily processes, to a rebalancing of our GUT bacteria; our digestive system works its ass off. In just 12-18 hours of a fast your Digestive system can repair connective tissues which can prevent IBS and other inflammation. Toxins like too much Caffeine or processed grains can break down our small intestine which can lead to improper digestion and loss of vital nutrients even if you eat clean. Taking a long break between eating can help to flush and reset. 

2) Improves Cognitive Function. The GUT/Brain connection has been proven. Old scientific thought believed that the brain manufactured all the neurological stimulating chemicals and hormones but new science has shown that the GUT actually produces more of your Serotonin than your brain does. Intermittent fasting, as you may now guess, is a reset button on your body. With clarity and rebalancing of the GUT, kind of like a  massage, you will be more mentally clear and focused. So much of what we so randomly shove in our mouths has a profound effect on our mood and interaction with the world. Intermittent fasting sheds the vail that may be put in front of you by some bad food choices...

3) Boosts Energy Levels. Most of what we put in our bodies creates a swings in our blood glucose levels throughout the day. When blood glucose rises and falls (which does naturally occur irregardless) we increase stress levels on our organs like the kidneys, GUT and adrenal Glands. Intermittent fasting can limit the amount of stress on the body, allowing it to recover and therefore giving your organs a chance to restore hormonal balance and energy. 

Moreover, one key to Intermittent fasting is the concept of nutrient timing. This would be like allowing consumption of nutrients of 6-7 hours per day and then not allowing any calories for the remainder of the 24 hour period. Initially and by necessity you will have to make sure you are putting the right nutrients in the body during that time. Therefore, it would benefit you to eat a higher fat, and protein diet. By consuming more healthy fats you can increase the duration of your energy reserves and by increasing protein you can ensure proper muscle recovery, and GUT health. This not only helps you stay at your peak training levels but you are also going to burn unwanted fat from the body. 

I hope this has helped you learn more and please reach out for questions. Im no dietary oracle but I know what has worked for me! Keep training hard and being the best version of yourself possible.

Roll Out Calvesand T Spine for 3 Minutes

2X :30
-High Knee Jump Rope
-Divebomber Push Ups
-Elbow TO Instep Lunges
-Russian Twist
-Side Lunges

Double Under Prep
-High Singles
-Cadence Drill 3 singles/1 Double
-Cadence Drill 2/1
-Cadence Drill 1/1

15 Minute AMRAP
12 Dumbbell Snatches 50/35
12 Box Over Burpee
24 Double Unders

*Compare to 3/28/17

Banded Hip Activation
Banded Squat
Banded Good Morning
Banded Press
Banded Pull Apart (supine and Prone Grip)

500m Row
10 meter Bear Crawl
10 Barbell Press
10 Jump Squat

Clean and Jerk Warm Up:
7@ Each

-Romanian Deadlift

-High Pull

-Muscle Clean + 3 Press

-Front Squat+ 3 Push Press

-Hang Clean + 3 Push Press

-Clean + 3 Split Jerks


-In 6 Minutes, Build to a Clean and Jerk Weight ABOVE Workout weight

30 Clean and Jerks For Time 135/95

Cool Down:
400m Jog/ 1 mile Bike
:45 Couch Stretch (each Leg)

 Agility Warm Up @ 10m Each

High Knee Pull 

Quad Pull 

Squat 180 **stepping the leg high over hip, swing opposite leg to 180, squat

High Knees

Butt kickers

Marching High Kicks


Straight leg shuffles

Fig 4 Drill

Lateral Shuffle 


Lateral Bounding

Sprint W/ Change of Direction


**Squat Therapy for 5 Minutes on Wall and then moving to Barbell Front Rack 


Front Squat
4X4 @75% (Tempo 3,2,1) *ensure slow eccentric lower and 2 second pause. Adjust Weight if necessary.

Back Squat
3X3 @ 20-40# less than Front Squat Weight. Focus on speed through reps.

5X 2 Min EMOM
100m Sprint
15/10 Push Ups

Lat Band Mob
Bully Mob
Scapula Distraction

Samson Lunge
Walking Reverse Lunges
Inchworm W/ Push Ups
Alternating V Ups

Midline Stability:
(Not For Time)
GHD Sit Ups
Single Arm Ring Row
Overhead Kettlebell Reverse Lunges

*Spend 5 minutes covering the Muscle Up and HSPU progression

400m Run

2 Rounds Of “Nate”

Nate- (2 Muscle Ups, 4 handstand Push Ups, 8 2 Pood KB Swings)


:40 Work/ :20 Rest W/ Single Kettlebell (moderate weight)
Dumbbell Plank Row
Dumbbell Alternating Press
Dumbbell Skull Crushers
Dumbbell Goblet Squat
Dumbbell Sit Up
Dumbbell Snatch




12 Sandbag Cleans (Heavy)
6 Ring Dips

Rest 1:00

6 Toes To bar
12 Single Arm Dumbbell Push Press (Heavy)


Rest 1:00



070617 "2 Tips on being Present and Mindful"

We are grinding each and every day.. no doubt. Life seems to speed up and we are striving hard to keep up with it. Two things fall by the wayside when life speeds up, nutrition goes to shit and our ability to be present and mindful gets lost in the race. Here are two quick practice tips to help you in life as well as athletics. 

1) Believe in Yourself. "Wherever you go, there you are" is my favorite saying. No matter what we are chasing, it is ourselves that we are to deal with in the end. By believing and being conscious of yourself you become more present in your thoughts and feelings. 
One key practices I use when I am suffering in a workout or when life seems to be spinning out of control is the self diagnostic test. I stop (my mind, not my body while working out) and do a full top to bottom. I feel each muscle, analyze my breath, take stock on my surroundings. I often do a space or vibrational check. Your immediate environment can do a lot to either keep you focused or lose sight in your present self.
You are the one in control of this ship so act like it. Being present and mindful is about loving and being honest with yourself. 

2) Practice what you love. How many times do baseball players swing their bats in practice before they hit their first homer in a game? I would say thousands to be on the safe side. As athletes we are locked on to wheat we love and what drives us to keep progressing. The art of mindfulness originates with bringing yourself to a space of calm, relaxed and not stressed. Practicing sport, is a form of meditation in the same regard as Yoga is to some.
The next time you are doing a workout, running, swimming, surfing, whatever... try to isolate the point in time when your mind lets go and your able to calm yourself and collect your thoughts. I promise there is a point, go find it. 
Something that happens to me during the workout "Jackie" (1K row, 50 BB Thrusters, 30 Pull Ups) is that my mind fights me during the row. My body is rejecting the stimulus and my mind is exerting power over the body to keep it moving fast. The Thrusters come and my quads are on fire, the bar seems to be choking me out and my breath is erratic. Then it happens, my gaze becomes more focused, the breathing settles into a rhythm and my mind and body both scream "I WANT THIS". This moment is a beautiful example of being mindful through practice. I am creating physical exertion to provide balance for my mind and spirit. 
Find what drives you, what challenges you and use it as a tool to help you dig deeper into the PRESENT YOU!

Keep pushing and working towards becoming the best possible version of yourself in 2017! 


 Agility Warm Up @ 10m Each

High Knee Pull 

Quad Pull 

Squat 180 **stepping the leg high over hip, swing opposite leg to 180, squat

High Knees

Butt kickers

Marching High Kicks


Straight leg shuffles

Fig 4 Drill

Lateral Shuffle 


Lateral Bounding

Sprint W/ Change of Direction


**ensure that the calf is supple, roll out or spend 3 minutes working mobility issues

400m Run
30 Box Jump
30 Wall Ball Shots
**scale the run/reps, keep the Rounds intact


Lat Band Mob/ Bully Stretch/ Scapula Distraction

15 GHDSit Up
12 Alternating Dumbbell Press
12 Dumbbell Bent Over Row

**Spend 5 Minutes working the Front Rack Position and PUSH PRESS

Every 3:00 for 7 Rounds
12X 10’ Lateral Line Touch
10X Push Press 115/75
8X Burpee Over Bar
**Lateral Line Touch is lateral agility, stay low shuffle feet.


400m Run


3X 20m Bear Crawl/3 Wall Climbs/ 10 Monkey Hangs (hanging Hip Touches)



Banded Press 

Banded Pull Aparts

Banded Pass Thru

Clean and Jerk Warm Up:

7@ Each

-Romanian Deadlift

-High Pull

-Muscle Clean + 3 Press

-Front Squat + 1 Press

-Hang Clean 

**spend 3 Minutes covering the HSPU Modifications

50 Cal Row
30 Chest TO bar
20 Power Clean 185/115
**Compare to 2/27/17

050617 "Probiotics and Your Happiness"

Maintaining optimal GUT bacteria levels is important. From disease prevention, digestion, immune health and even happiness. Yes, how 'good' you feel is intrinsically linked to the health of your GUT. Happiness isn't just about the brain anymore. 

Live bacteria cultures, like those found in many probiotic formulas has now been shown to keep you happy through the peripheral production of Serotonin. Serotonin is the chemical produced in the brain and GUT. This chemical is a neurotransmitter responsible for muscle contraction, pain signaling, cognitive function and of course MOOD. 

For as long as I have studied both brain and GUT science I have seen that the barriers between these two entities is really nonexistent. For many years the two have been studied independently, and in doing so it has been thought that the Brain is the only place where Serotonin is produced. New science. like in this article from CELL have made distinct findings to the contrary. 

Probiotics are not all created equal. Just as we vary widely in personality, looks and athletic ability, so does the Flora of your GUT. Trying and testing out multiple Probiotic formulas is an important step in achieving optimal health. But the rewards are boundless. 

Probiotics and  a healthy diet ensure that the right enzymes are being synthesized and create your mood boosting chemicals. The proof is in the food. I am sure you have felt better when your nutrition has been clean and full of high quality foods. This content feeling is actually a Serotonin release that is produced in your GUT. 

Eat Healthy, Feel Better. Its just that simple. No need to chase drugs, or fixes to feel good, Just make sure your Nutrition is good and the Bacteria in your GUT are firing! Good Luck and stay healthy my friends!

Banded Hamstring Stretch
Banded Good Mornings
Banded Pass Press
Banded Pass Thru

Rotator Cuff Drills: Front/ Lateral/ Internaland External Rotation

2X :30
-Inch Worm W/ Push Ups
-Russian Twist
-Elbow to Instep Lunges
-Piked HSPU
-High Knees

Snatch Warm Up:

 7 x romanian deadlift

7 x snatch high pull

7 x muscle snatch

7 x tempo overhead squat @ 23X1

7 x snatch balance

7 x power snatch to OHS 

7 x snatch pull under

7 x hang (squat) snatch

3X 4 Min AMRAP
9 Deadlift 115/75
6 Hang Power Snatch
3 Overhead Squat
Rest 2:00 Between Efforts.
***Record Rounds and reps for each effort, lowest score is the one posted. 


10 Reps of
Elbow To Instep
Push Up
Mountain Climber
V Up
Tuck Jump


Squat Flow:
Kang Squat/ Internal Rotation/ Hip Bridge/ Ankle Rotations/ PNF/ Squat W/ T Spine Stretch

Front Squat
5X5 @ 75%
**if unsure, use 10# more weight than 5/24.

Accessory Work:
4 Rounds Not For Time
50M Kettlebell Overhead/Front Rack Carry. *switch at the 25m Mark

15 strict Chin Ups
25 Dumbbell Floor Press *heavy-ish



 Agility Warm Up @ 10m Each

High Knee Pull 

Quad Pull 

Squat 180 **stepping the leg high over hip, swing opposite leg to 180, squat

High Knees

Butt kickers

Marching High Kicks


Straight leg shuffles

Fig 4 Drill

Lateral Shuffle 


Lateral Bounding

Sprint W/ Change of Direction


**ensure that the calf is supple, roll out or spend 3 minutes working mobility issues

400m Run
30 Box Jump
30 Wall Ball Shots
**scale the run/reps, keep the Rounds intact


Lat Band Mob/ Bully Stretch/ Scapula Distraction

15 GHDSit Up
12 Alternating Dumbbell Press
12 Dumbbell Bent Over Row

**Spend 5 Minutes working the Front Rack Position and PUSH PRESS

Every 3:00 for 7 Rounds
12X 10’ Lateral Line Touch
10X Push Press 115/75
8X Burpee Over Bar
**Lateral Line Touch is lateral agility, stay low shuffle feet.


400m Run


3X 20m Bear Crawl/3 Wall Climbs/ 10 Monkey Hangs (hanging Hip Touches)



Banded Press 

Banded Pull Aparts

Banded Pass Thru


Clean Warm UP:
Clean and Jerk Warm Up:

7@ Each

-Romanian Deadlift

-High Pull

-Muscle Clean + 3 Press

-Front Squat + 1 Press

-Hang Clean


**spend 3 Minutes covering the HSPU Modifications

50 Cal Row
30 Chest TO bar
20 Power Clean 185/115
**Compare to 2/27/17

290517 "2 Natural Stress and Anxiety Relievers"

We are cruising at a pretty high speed into summer and the last thing we want to be is stressed when it starts heating up. My kids are out of school now which always takes the stress level up a bit as I find things for them to do all day instead of killing each other! Rather than turning to chemicals or some god awful white pill from your doctor, I think there are some pretty cool ways to relieve stress and give yourself a boost. 

No Im not going to advise marijuana in this article. Although it has been shown to decrease stress, we will save it for another day...

What I do want to tune you up on are Ginseng and Cordyceps. They are probably not on your anxiety radar but they should be. What this root and mushroom have in common is their 'ADAPTOGEN' properties. I have written about adaptogens and cordyceps previously but lets revisit. Adaptogens are compounds which help regulate hormones and protect cells from breaking down or aging. 

Ginseng has turned heads for some time because it has been used in Chinese medicine as an herbal medicine. We see it in sugary beverages and teas because it was sold to the american public as an herb which can give you a health boost and energy. Like most things, we diluted it and added shit loads of sugar to it and negated its benefits. Ginseng in whole form can be added to teas like ginger, to lower stress and protect your cells. Nature is amazing because not only does Ginseng help you deal with stress but it is also known as the 'anti-aging' root. Ginseng works with skin cells protecting the membranes of the cells and fighting off oxidation. 

Anti stress... anti-aging.. pretty cool.

Cordyceps also give you health benefits outside of lowering anxiety and stress. As I outlined in a previous post, Cordyceps fight oxidation and assist an increase in ATP (energy). Essentially, Cordyceps allow for athletes to do more work, longer through Hormone regulation. Training CrossFit is highly stressful on the Endocrine system and these mushrooms help to balance and restore it.

Ginseng and Cordyceps can be found at specialty grocers, and online retailers. You can find them in pills, powder or whole form. I prefer whole form. Either way, add this to your supplement list and feel good that you are choosing nature over some random garbage in a processed product. 

Train hard, supplement right, and become the best possible version of yourself!!



-Marching High Kicks

-Shoulder Rolls

-Arm Circles

-Half Moon Stretch

-Bow/ Bend 

-Side Lunges


Partner Warm Up

-Banded High Knees/ Partner Holds

-Banded Butt Kickers/ Partner Holds

-Banded High Skips/ Partner Holds

-Banded Chariot Run/ Partner Holds




1 Mile Run

100 Pull Ups

200 Push Ups

300 Squats

1 Mile Run

*wear 20# vest if available




Lat Band/ Bully Stretch/ Scapula Distraction 



10 Kip Swing

15 Hollow Rock

20 Walking Elbow To Instep Lunge


Squat Flow: Kang Squat, Internal Rotation, Hip Bridge, Ankle Roll out, PNF, squat W/ T Spine Rotation. 


*Work Front Squat for 8 Minutes, build past workout weight and then back off. 



4 Rounds for total time,

12 Lateral Bar Over Burpees

14 Front Squat 155/115

16 Toes TO Bar

Rest 1 Minute between Rounds




Roll Out Lats, calfs, scapula for 5 minutes


Partner Warm Up:

1 minute Double Under Practice/ Partner holds Handstand


1 Minute Ice Skaters/ Partner holds squat


1 minute push ups/ Partner holds plank


Snatch Warm Up:

 7 x romanian deadlift

7 x snatch high pull

7 x muscle snatch

7 x tempo overhead squat @ 23X1

7 x snatch balance

7 x power snatch to OHS 

7 x snatch pull under

7 x hang (squat) snatch


Build TO a Heavy Touch and Go Snatch in (10 Minutes). 


Partner WOD:

200 Double Unders

50 Snatch 115/75


50 Snatch

200 Double Unders


Cash Out:

3X 15 GHD Sit up





250m Row

15 Alternating Dumbbell Press

:45 L-Sit


4 Rounds (Not For Time)

8 Ring Dips (preferably strict)

8 Pistol Squats

*12 Minute Cap


20 Min EMOM

Even- 15 Wall ball

Odd- 15/12 Cal Row




Banded Good Mornings

Banded Hip Activation

Banded Squats


10X Partner Hamstring Curls

10X Burpee Tuck Jumps

1:00 Partner Calf Smash



Barbell Bent Over Row

Romanian Deadlift

*go up in weight each Round




3 Rounds For Time

500m Row

21 Bodyweight Deadlift

21 Box Jumps 20"



250517 "Alcohol Vs. Your Metabolism"

Remember the story about how German Athletes are fed beer after every workout for recovery? How Russian weightlifters are heavy Vodka drinkers? Part science and part self fulfilling profecy, the myth that alcohol provides optimal recovery is not something to base your nutrition plan on!

Calories put in your body through food or drink are processed by the body. No matter what, your efficient systems try and use all that you give it for fuel and energy storage. Alcohol is unique in the way it is processed. Unlike other quick fuels like rice or potato, Alcohol cannot be broken down into glucose rather it is synthesized like a fat would be. 

Since Alcohol is processed like a fat , the more you drink, the less fat your body has the opportunity to burn. Weight loss, health and disease have a lot to do with how your metabolism rates go. The body cannot store alcohol for energy so it burns every calorie that you injest IMMEDIATELY. This is why, if you are a light weight, you feel the effects of alcohol within minutes. 

The idea of calories in, calories out clearly doesn't work with alcohol. The effects of alcohol on your metabolism are quick as we have found out, but what about the side effects on your body. Once important side effect of alcohol is that it increases the need to EAT. We all know that alcohol strips us of logical thinking sometimes lending our diets to go to hell while we have a good weekend bender or parties with friends. 

Now I am not advising against drinking in moderation. I for one am a fan. If you are taking in 98% of your calories from quality food, then having a couple beers or a glass of wine is not going to impact performance or inhibit recovery. 

Truth cannot be understated though, Alcohol has 0 nutirtional value. I know there is probably a 'superfood' Vodka brand out there but their clams are probably unfounded . Pay attention to avoid anything, food or drink, that contains little to no nutiritional value. Additionally, robbing your body of nutrients by drinking a lot also delpeates your hydration and thus... the dreaded hangover! 

Keep training hard and pushing towards becoming the best possible version of yourself. Enjoy life as you see fit but enjoy good health more!



2X :45 work :15 rest

-High Knee Jump Rope

-High Jump Singles

-Double Unders



10 DB Front Raises (moderate Weight)

10 DB Renegade Row

10 DB Alternating Strict Press



15 Min EMOM

A. 3 Legless Rope Climbs (scale to hip bridge Rope lowers)

B. 12 Strict Ring Dips

C. 50/50m Overhead Dumbbell Carry/Farmer Carry *switchDB positions at 50m Mark



10min AMRAP

50 Double Unders

30 Walking Lunges

25 Push Up

**Compare TO 3/2/17




Lat Band Mob/ Bully Stretch/ Scapula Distraction / Banded Iron Cross


800m Run


Push Up W/ Plank Rotation

KB Deadlift

KB Goblet Squat


Spend 8 Mins Reviewing the Deadlift and Push Press.



Tabata Mash Up


Tabata Deadlift @ 155#

Rest 2:00

Tabata 'American' KB Swing @ 70#

Rest 2:00

Tabata PUSH Press @ 155# *this is meant to be heavy and slow


Cash Out:

3X 15 GHD Sit Ups

Rest As needed Between Sets


220517 "Is Acai Berry truly a 'Superfood'"

Food Trends are as popular as 'fake news'. Many times they strike social discourse becasue the facts are slightly exaggerated. Acai Berries and the associated trendy juice bars and smoothie joints have taken some general facts and created an accepted truth that is a bit reaching. 

It is true that the acai berry is be a good source of antioxidants, fiber and healthy fats, but that doesn’t mean it’s a better choice than other fruits containing potentially beneficial antioxidants. Blueberries for instance match up very closely to the Acai Berry as do avocados. Acai berry also has not been shown to help in weight loss, although becasue of the fiber content is is assumed that it would. 

The acai berry is a fruit harvested from acai palms in the rain forests of South America and has often been labeled a 'superfood' by some 'scientific' studies. . The truth is just about every bright colored fruit or vegetable fits in the category of “superfoods” along with nuts, beans, etc. There is no evidence to support any claim that acai is better than the other “superfoods” for your health, regardless of a potentially higher content of certain antioxidants. Each brightly colored fruit or vegetable has a unique content of beneficial antioxidants which work in unison to produce respective health benefits.

Now I do not mean to slander the wonderful fruit. Recall that I am not discounting the fact that it does contain some great health promoting properties. Eating an Acai bowl each day to help with weight loss or becasue it is a lower sugar alternative snack is not the best idea though. For those wishing to lose weight the common sense method would be to diversify and simplify your menu. Stick to the program, lean meats, nuts, seeds, some fruit, no sugar for the best lifestyle . 

So.. Super... maybe not ... But good for you, the Acai berry truly can be in moderation. 



2X :30

Squat Jacks

Piked Handstand Push Ups

Alternating Single Leg V Ups

Elbow TO instep W/ Reach

InchWorm W/ Push Up


Dynamic Mobility-

-Samson Stretch

-Pigeon Stretch 

-Banded pass Thrus

-Banded Trunk Rotations

-Kip Swing, global extension



3 Rounds ; 1 min @ each ; 1 min Rest Between Rounds

*For Max Reps

-Box Jumps

-Push Press



-Toes To Bar




Lacrosse ball Mobility for 5 minutes - sub scapula, front and rear deltoid, chest .



-Banded good Mornings

-Banded Hip Activation

-Banded Squats

-Banded Press

-Banded Pull aparts

-banded Pass Thrus


Snatch Warm Up:

 7 x romanian deadlift

7 x snatch high pull

7 x muscle snatch

7 x tempo overhead squat @ 23X1

7 x snatch balance

7 x power snatch to OHS 

7 x snatch pull under

7 x hang (squat) snatch




30 Snatches for Time



Cool Down :

Run 400m 

Couch Stretch

Lat Band Mobility 




1K Row


1:00 Plank

1:00 Side PLank L

1:00 Side PLank R


Squat Flow: Kang Squat, Internal Rotation, Hip Bridge, Ankle Roll Out, Hamstring Floss, PNF, Squat W/ T Spine Rotation



Front Squat

5X5 @72-75%

*Same Weight Across



4X 3min AMRAP

400m Run 

Max Rep Pull Up (preferably strict!)

*@0,3,6,9 minute mark athletes stop and run 400m. Scoring for day is max reps of pull up completed. 




2X :45 work :15 rest

-High Knee Jump Rope

-High Jump Singles

-Double Unders



10 DB Front Raises (moderate Weight)

10 DB Renegade Row

10 DB Alternating Strict Press



15 Min EMOM

A. 3 Legless Rope Climbs (scale to hip bridge Rope lowers)

B. 12 Strict Ring Dips

C. 50/50m Overhead Dumbbell Carry/Farmer Carry *switchDB positions at 50m Mark



10min AMRAP

50 Double Unders

30 Walking Lunges

25 Push Up

**Compare TO 3/2/17




Lat Band Mob/ Bully Stretch/ Scapula Distraction / Banded Iron Cross


800m Run


Push Up W/ Plank Rotation

KB Deadlift

KB Goblet Squat


Spend 8 Mins Reviewing the Deadlift and Push Press.



Tabata Mash Up


Tabata Deadlift @ 155#

Rest 2:00

Tabata 'American' KB Swing @ 70#

Rest 2:00

Tabata PUSH Press @ 155# *this is meant to be heavy and slow


Cash Out:

3X 15 GHD Sit Ups

Rest As needed Between Sets

150517 "3 Reasons Why Colostrum is a SUPER Supplement"

Bovine Colostrum could be the key to unlocking the next level of your training and health. A nicely kept secret in both the Endurance community as well as the bodybuilding community now is gaining more attention because of its overall health benefits. From decreased inflammation in the gut to increased muscle mass, Colostrum certainly has my attention recently. 

SO what is Bovine Colostrum? 

Colostrum, first off, is not just limited to cows. All mammals generate colostrum in various potencies during pregnancy. Unlike normal lactation, Colostrum is produced to ensure the health of an infants digestive, respiratory and immune system. If you have done any research into the benefits of Whey Protein then imagine a similar substance with up to 5 times the nutrient potency! In Bovine Colostrum we find 2X the protein content as with normal Whey. There are higher levels of amino acids, including Lactoferrin which increases iron uptake and red blood cells. This "first" milk has been used and banked for use in both animal and human applications. Since the benefits have been known and studied for some time, use is common but knowledge is still very limited in the general public. 

So now you know.. lets look at benefits. 

Increased Immune Function is so vital to newborn mammals. Because bacteria in the world is much different than in the Mothers womb, Nature has found a way to help boost immunity by activating certain enzymes which hunt down and kill bad bacteria. As I have written about so often, immunity begins in the Gut and there is no better way to boost immunity than to decease Gut permeability.
**Knowledge Refresher*** Inflammatory foods break down the Lining of the Gut which is why a whole food, non-processed, grains and sugar free diet is one I have been promoting for years!
Bovine Colostrum has Gut healing properties which has even been shown to work of athletes that have common allergies to Whey. 

Increased Muscle Mass is common among athletes who supplement with a Whey protein. If you search the NCBI website for case studies, you will find hundreds. Bovine Colostrum, as I stated before, has up to 2X the Protein containing power as normal Whey protein. I have also found a study which showed an dramatic increase in Muscle Strength when combined with Creatine. Because the enzyme and amino acid profile is slightly different than normal whey, you are able to synthesize the Colostrum faster and more effective. A lot has to do with its effect on the Gut which I outlined previously. 

Inflammation has been shown to decrease when taking Colostrum. I don't want to underemphasize this important fact. Athletic Training, daily stress, diet, all have effects on the way your body produces and mitigates inflammation. Once again this is a topic I have written extensively on because inflammation is the root cause of not just a a decease in overall performance but in disease processes as well. Bovine Colostrum has important Amino Acids like TNF-a, Interleukin, and Proline that have been studied and shown to literally 'turn-off' inflammation in studies on athletes and geriatric patients. Once again the proof is in how Colostrum reacts with the lining of the Gut, building it and repairing it rather than adding to permeability. 

When you cut down on inflammation there are a host of other ancillary benefits that come with it. Improved Cognitive function for instance; your brain is able to maintain plasticity which over time decreases you chances for Alzheimers. Allergies are beaten back with decreased inflammation. Pain associated with increased inflammation goes down and the holy grail itself, Colostrum is a natural Anti-Aging supplement because of its effects on oxidation within cells. 

This trifecta of goodness should be reason enough to check out Colostrum. You can find it in lots of places including specialty health stores and Amazon.com. Pill or powder form is common. So once again turn to the healing properties of Nature to help you become the best and healthiest version of yourself. Keep pushing in training and life. Spread positivity because that is the cheapest way towards optimal health. 



Banded Good Mornings

Banded Hip Activation

Banded Squats

Banded Iron Cross


3 Rounds For Quality

3 Burpee

10 Single Leg KB Deadlift (each Leg)

10 Superman Rocks

10 Partner Hamstring Curls (P1 holds feet, P2 Begins in Kneeling position and slowly lowers to ground)




6-6-6-6 @ 75%

Back Rack Step Up

10-10-10 @ 135/95


Conditioning Cash Out:

For Time

20 Burpee

20 Chest TO Bar Pull Up

20 Burpee


**Stretch The Hamstrings and low back !!




Squat Flow: Kang Squat, Internal Rotation, Hip Bridge, ankle Roll out, PNF stretch, Squat W/ T spine Rotation



10-25 Double Unders

6-12 Sotts Press or Barbell Overhead Squat


Snatch Warm Up:

 7 x romanian deadlift

7 x snatch high pull

7 x muscle snatch

7 x tempo overhead squat @ 23X1

7 x snatch balance

7 x power snatch to OHS 

7 x snatch pull under

7 x hang (squat) snatch



4X 3:00 AMRAP

7 Snatch 155/115 

20 Air Squat

Max Rep Double Unders

-Rest 2:00 Between Efforts-


**Scale to Overhead Squat, all snatches must be caught in a squat




Roll Out Calf/ T Spine for 5 minutes


Alternating Tabata:

Odd- Lateral Line Touches

Even- Jump Lunges


**For 6-8 Minutes practice the plyometric Rebound on plates or boxes.

This workout is meant to utilize elasticity in the muscle and connective tissue, this should not be a step up workout.




Wall Ball

Box Jump 24"

(Courtesy of CrossFit.com)

080517 "Your Health, The Effort Dilemma"

Unless you are one of those people who are on a collision course with death, chances are you probably want a High Quality Life. You have watched enough TV and seen enough of your family to know what the good looks like, and what bad looks like in regards to the quality I speak of. The problem, as I see it, stems from the Effort that each put forth to achieve that quality of life. The 'Effort scale' is a perplexing one and it says more about you than you may think. 

Im going to take it back, way back to about two generations ago. 

Depending on your family history there was probably a time, not to long ago, when the effort put forth to find food and obtain a good level of health took a bit of effort. I can speak to my grandparents generation who grew their own food and butchered their own meats in order to feed their families. There was a sense of where food came from and the work to place it on the table. With the effort came a sense of value for food and health. 

We can all agree that procuring food today is about as effortless as it can be. Walk into any grocery store and the prepared food is warmed for immediate consumption. In large cities like New York there are food delivery services which offer 100's of restaurant choices right on your computer screen. Food can be sent to your home or work within minutes; there is not too much effort in that. 

So why are we still plagued with the impending doom of diabetes? Why is obesity at an all time high? When food and the health seem to be effortless, we are suffering in a way that has never been seen in human history. 

Maybe its the economy of food? 

With Fast Food options being shown to cost more than home prepared food, it seems that money could not be the reason for the lack of effort. Right? I remember being 28 with 2 babies and being very frickin poor. My wife and I had $80-100 per week to spend on food and we stretched every dollar. And keep in mind, I eat a lot! The effort we put into purchasing our food had to be calculated like millions of other americans. What we found was that a trip to costco for meat and a weekly stop at the farmers market kept us on budget. 

Because of the availability of quality food and the Effort you and I can put into living on a budget, certainly our health should not suffer. So maybe its not an objective issue defining the Effort we put into good health, perhaps its a more substantive and personal choice.

Did you strive for A's in school or were you cool with C's and B's. Do you do what is expected at work or do you go beyond what is expected to create a more optimal environment? I use these examples as general  tools for reflection. If food procurement and economy can't limit our health, then our own value on achieving must be in question.

Health is very personal. In fact, I have learned that changing a clients health and nutrition choices is harder than changing their views on religion. As personal as religion is, so to is health. I fear that for most the idea of being 'not sick' is a sign of good health. This fine line of putting in just enough effort to keep you on track through your day and perhaps making it a few years longer is touchy at best. 

The amount of Effort you and I put into our Health has to come from our perceived Value placed on it. Value, like effort, is scalable. If you look at your life and the things you Value I would challenge you to assign a number  to them 1-10. 1 Being the most important, 10 being the least. I then ask you to re-read the opening remark to this post about how we all generally desire a high quality life. Does health rank in the top 1-2 on your list? 

Because health is personal; more substantive than objective the Effort dilemma is exposed. You control the definition as well as the means to achievement. No-one else, not even your spouse or your kids has the final say in how much Effort you put into your Health. This Freedom of choice can be both a blessing as well as a curse. 

As Freedom dictates, you can change course at any time and redefine the playing field as you see fit. Today I challenge you to take this editorial to heart. Chances are, by you simply reading this there is a good chance you already put in a good bit of effort towards health. We are not without improvement though. 2017 is a year where you could look back and say, "this is the year where I was the healthiest". I want that for all of you. Go Big, put in the EFFORT, because what you will get back is beyond all measure. 



-Roll out lats and scapula and shoulder


:30 @ Each

Scapula Push Ups

Divebomber Push Ups

MTN Climbers 2Ct.

Elbow TO instep Lunges

Wall Climbs

Arm Haulers

Scorpion Stretch

High Knees

Burpee Tuck Jump

Side Lunges


Skill Development +Power:

Overhead Squat

5-5-5-5 *same weight across sets

Snatch Balance

3-3-3 *light weight, focus on fast and stable



5X 3 Min EMOM


200m Sprint

(500m/400m row Sprint if raining)




500-250-100m Row. 

Rest :45 between efforts

***Breath should be strong inhale through nose/ out through mouth during efforts. These are meant to be done at 1:35-1:45/500m pace. 


Lunge Flow: ankle Rotations, elbow to instep W/ Reach, hamstring pulses, warrior pose, Pigeon Stretch


Barbell Prep:

-high pull

-tall clean

-front squat +press

-hang squat clean +press


**spend 5 minutes building to workout weight.



60 Burpee Box Jumps For Time


EMOM 3 Clusters 135/95


**15 minute Cap 




Lat Band Mobility , banded Bully stretch, scapula Distraction.



Deadbug W/ Contra Lateral Reach

Piked Push Ups

Monkey hangs (bar hang W/ hip Touch)

Russian Twist

Squat Jumps


3X 10m 

High Knees

Butt Kickers


Straight Leg Shuffle



20 min AMRAP



800m Run, 


5 Single Arm Dumbbell Press L

5 Single Arm Dumbbell Press R

10 Toes To Bar


10-20 Min

800m Run


5 Single Arm Ground to Overhead L

5 Single Arm Ground To Overhead R

10 Toes TO bar




6 Min Quality Circuit Warm up

25 Double Unders or 25 High Knee Rope Skips

12 Ring Rows W/ :02 hold at top

12 Reverse PLyo Lunge -Lunge back and jump back up

12 Divebomber Push Ups 


Gymnastic Strength:

Week 8 of 8


A) 5-7 Pull Up Negatives +:05

B) :30 Handstand Hold

C) 16 Pistol Squat



4X 3min AMRAP

15 Med Ball Clean

12 MTN Climbers (2ct.)

9 Ring Dips

**Rest 1:00 between efforts


040517 "3 Reasons why Eating Dark Chocolate at night is good"

Everyone.. deep down... has a sweet tooth.. Admit it, when you get done with dinner, you are enjoying conversation and reveling in your day; there is a certain sweetness that your body desires. Well I am here to tell you that you should indulge. Indulge in a way that can actually benefit your health. Dark Chocolate is a great way to satisfy that urge without sacrificing your nutrition plan or your fitness goals. Here are reasons why dark chocolate is the way to go.

1) "Flavaniods"... yes. Flavonoids are phytonutrients from the cacao tree. In recent years these nutrients have been shown to decrease inflammation, increase immune health, and keep the heart healthy. The flavaniods found in chocolate work by increasing the metabolism of certain proteins and build up within the blood. Though it has been used for centuries in Chinese medicine, our western medicine has slowly caught on. 

2) Dark Chocolate is high in iron. Iron is important in the blood because it carries and stores oxygen in the cells. Fresh oxygen in the cells keeps the cells young and fights off the free radicals which seek to harm your cells and increase the likelihood of aging and disease. Dark Chocolate has an average of 3 milligrams per serving. A Recommended Daily allotment of Iron is between 8-20 milligrams. So as you can simply deduce, a serving of dark chocolate each day puts you on the right path towards optimal health. 

3) Magnesium to keep your muscles recharged. As athletes it is vital that we allow our muscles to recover, rebuild and then refire! One serving of Dark Chocolate at night will help with the rebuilding process from a hard day of training. It is important that you consume dark chocolate instead of milk chocolate as this will negate the muscle building potential. Magnesium is also good for the heart and your metabolism so there is added benefits as well. 

Satisfying the sweet tooth has never been so good when you do it with Dark Chocolate. As an athlete and chocolate lover this is even better news. The universe is really smiling on us when receiving from a hard day of training is highlighted by chocolate. So smile, sit back and enjoy... And get back at it tomorrow!

500m Row
5 Kip Swing
5 Hollow Rocks
5 Burpee

Lat Band Mobility
Bully Stretch
Scapula Distraction
Pull Aparts (supine and prone grip)

Gymnastic Strength:
Exposure 7 of 8
:20 Ring Plank (feet on box)
10 Hip Extension
:15 Chin Over Bar Hold

KB Swing
Toes To Bar
Pistol Squat

4X Tabata Row. **Breathe only through nose during work periods
4X Tabata Slam Ball. ** Take large mouth inhales and exhales only
4X Tabata Row. ** Deep inhales through the nose and out the mouth.
4X Tabata Handstand Hold. **Deep inhales and exhales through the mouth. 

Partner Global Extension stretch. (Partner 1 hangs on Pull up bar, Partner2  places hand in upper back and pushes. Stretch happens through chest and shoulders)

60 Cal Row
50 Wall Ball
40 Cal Row
30 Wall Ball
20 Cal Row
10 Wall Ball

010517 "5 Do's and Don'ts to Meal Prep"

Structure and Focus are essential for achieving goals. Outlining a framework for positive change is exactly what Meal Prepping can offer. I have seen and also personally experienced the benefits of preparing my nutrition, tweeting little things to create big change, and quickly seeing results. Through my years of experience with meal prepping I have developed some key Do’s and Don’ts which will help you be successful. 
Quickly, lets first take a look at what Meal Prepping is and why it can help you. The concept revolves around the key health and fitness cornerstones of weight management, consuming enough high quality macronutrients, ensuring the consumption of nutritious meals, and of course…. the economics of grocery shopping. 
There is no set demographic that should desire the afore mentioned benefits more than another. If you are simply trying to save time or reach an athletic goal, meal prepping is right for you. Personalization in meal prepping keeps eating and preparing your food fun and interesting. Trudging away towards a health goal can be tough for some, food should not hinder your progress or dissuade you. 
Here are 5 Do’s and Don’ts that can help guide you to success;
1)Do find a day that you can prep a few meals.
Meal Prep time should be a fun and creative time. Studies have shown that researching, shopping, and then preparing your food brings us much greater satisfaction and health than ordering from a menu. I recommend shopping and preparing your meals on the same day, perhaps a Sunday when you have a more relaxed schedule. Prepping on the same day you shop alleviates clutter in your refrigerator as well as food waste. Grab a friend and make it a party! Teamwork and success go hand in hand. 
 Don't over prep.
Preparing meals in advance should be realistic and fit within your lifestyle. Hiccups in my clients nutrition plan have been because they made too much food or that they got bored with the meals they made. I recommend planning out 2-3 days of food in the beginning. You will find that food tastes better if it hasn't been sitting for a long time and you wont get bored eating the same meal over and over. If you want to plan out longer, try limiting your meals to just lunch for the week or cooking extra protein that you can add to dishes on the fly. 

2)Do use foods that can keep for a couple days.
Choosing foods that will keep in your refrigerator at home or at work is simple, it just takes a bit of planning. Protein choices like chicken or beef are great options because not only will they keep, if you prepare them right they will maintain moisture. Searing your protein in a skillet is one way to lock in moisture for keeping. For veggies I recommend using hearty, fiber rich choices like green beans, broccoli, Brussel sprouts, butternut squash and cucumbers. These veggies can either be gently cooked or kept raw in your containers without losing nutrients, crunch or taste. 
Don't choose vegetables that will wilt or become soggy. 
While most think that preparing salads for future consumption is a good idea, I advise against it. Salad greens wilt and become watery after only a day if mixed with veggies or meats that contain a high amount of water. Also, I am asked about how to keep fats in the prep plan with avocados and oils. Tossing your salad in oil and then putting it in a container is not going to make for an appealing lunch. Avocados turn brown and don’t keep too well. If you are prepping a salad, bring a separate container with your dressing or a whole avocado to cut on top of it at the time of consumption. 
3)Do plan on preparing foods that can be eaten cold. 
Meal prepping at its core is about eating on the go or ensuring good nutrition when there is the possibility of not having it around. So be prepared to eat your meals cold. On the subway, in the office, out in a forest…. Wherever. This means cooking you proteins all the way though, making sure your quinoa is not crunchy, and you can stomach cold veggies. This point goes back to the basics of cooking what you enjoy, making nutrition fit into your life. The last thing you want is to be out and looking to trade up to something else. 
Don't Microwave your food!
If you work in a office, there is a high probability that you have a communal microwave in a common area somewhere. DON’T USE IT!! Microwaves are incredibly efficient at heating up your food but at the cost of ALL the nutrients. Microwaves radiate to the core of your food, energizing the proteins in such a rapid manner that they destroys the chemical bonds, creating essentially a zero sum nutrient profile. By depleting all the nutrients, microwaves take with it all the taste as well. My recommendation.. eat it cold or find a stove to reheat the food on. 

4)Do change up your menu each week.
Pinterest isn't just for crafty moms any more. I regularly check out the internet for new menu ideas. With just a glance you can find visually appealing and fun recipes that are surprisingly simple. Changing up your menu each week or perhaps bi-weekly alleviates the ADD effect that many of us have when we are prepping. Ill be the first to tell you that I get bored eating the same thing so one trick I have is on prep days I will grill 2-3 types of protein. By having a couple containers with Steak and Chicken, I can easily switch it up, add it to different dishes and continue crushing my goals. 
 Don't over complicate the recipes. 
Keep your prep simple. Egg bakes for a breakfast prep simply need veggies and eggs. Lunch prep should have Proteins and Carbs. As I noted before, your nutrition should fit with your life and you skills in the kitchen. Like me, you probably are not Julia Childs so don’t try and cook like her. Find some spices that you enjoy, choose ingredients that you feel comfortable cooking (in the beginning), and go for it. As long as your macronutrients are accounted for and you have a nice color profile in each meal, the chances that your meals will be balanced is pretty good. The internet, once again, is incredible useful in this area. 

5)Do stick to the program.
Achieving your goals does not happen by taking ‘cheat’ days. By starting a meal prep routine you are creating small changes in your daily habits toward optimal health. Those small changes add up to greater achievement. Committing to 1-2 months of meal prep keeps your focus. As I said earlier, implore a friend to prep with you to stay accountable and talk about it often. If you are someone who is using meal prep for wright loss you are going to literally be STOKED with how fast you can see change. Stick to the plan and kick ass. 
 Don’t feel like meal prepping is a ball and chain. 
Accountability and talking with your coach about meal prep and goals is a way to not hate the process. Meal Prepping should be fun, not a death sentence. If you grab your food from the fridge and cringe, you need to evaluate the food not the system. Nutrition that is forced is called DIETING. Dieting Does not work. Your life should be filled with the joy of eating. When we enjoy eating, we achieve our goals faster.  Prep with positivity!

High Knees
Piked Push Up (HSPU)
Elbow TO Instep W/ Reach
Bow/ Bend
Jump Lunges

**Spend 8 minutes covering the Clean and Jerk
Clean and Jerk Warm Up:
7@ Each
-Romanian Deadlift
-High Pull
-Muscle Clean + 3 Press
-Front Squat+ 3 Push Press
-Hang Clean + 3 Push Press
-Clean + 3 Split Jerks

Partner WOD:
In teams of 2, complete the following for time;
7 Burpee
7 Power Clean 135/95
7 Push Jerk
7 Pull Up
**Reps may be broken up as the team sees fit. 

Cash Out:
:20 Side Plank "L"
:20 Side PLank "R"
:20 Rest

Banded Good Mornings
Banded Hip Activation
Banded Squats
Samson Lunge W/ Reach
High Knee Jump Rope

**Mobilize the calf using ankle rotation drills, focus on gastrocnemius/ soleus individually by flexing and straightening the leg. 

Barbell Prep:
3X 8
Romanian Deadlift
Supine Grip Bent Over Row
**Increase weight each round

Double Under Prep:
-high Jump Singles
-Cadence (3 singles,1 Double)
-Cadence (2 singles, 1 Double)
-Cadence (1 Single, 1 Double)


20 Deadlift 225/135
"Annie" (50-40-30-20-10 Double Unders/ Sit Ups)
20 Deadlift 225/135

**Focus is on being unbroken so scale weight on deadlift accordingly. This workout should be fast and furious.. (sub 10 optimal)

Squat Flow- Kang Squat, Internal Rotation, Hip Bridge, Ankle Rotations, PNF, Squat W/ T spine Rotation.

6 Min Quality AMRAP
10m Duck Walk (hands on head)
5 Divebomber Push Up
5 Ballistic (big Jump) Jump Lunges "L"
5 ballistic Jump Lunges "R"
10 KB Swing

Front Squat
8-8-8 @ 78-82% of 1 RM
**Rest :90 Between Efforts
Back Squat
3-3-3-3 @same weight
**Rest :90 Between Efforts

400m Run
16 Front Rack Lunges 75/55
8 Single Leg Lateral Hop Over Barbell (each leg)
-Rest 1 Minute Between Rounds-

260417 "3 Signs that you are overtraining"

Logic assumes that overtraining comes with inherent pain, injury and physical limitations. What I have seen over the years is quite contrary in many cases. The signs and symptoms of overtraining are more often substle, ciumulative, and serious. Here are three key, not so subtle, signs to look our for when you are training hard. 

1) Sleep quality and Duration. When an athlete is training hard it is imperative that they pay as much attention to sleep as they do to the gym or the trails. Science and physiology are in agreement that 8-9 hours of quality sleep are the best for adequate recovery and hormone rebalancing. A key sign of overtraining is when both sleep duration and quality are limited. If an athlete is finding it hard to stay asleep for more than 4 hours or if you are experiencing unusually vivid dreams and restless sleep, there may be a chance that overtraining is hurting you. 

2) Performance decline. Pain in the joints and muscles is many times the last place where overtraining will show itself. What I have found to be more prevelant is a substantial decline in overall performance during training sessions. As we overtrain, our hormones (endocrine system) are supplying all the chemicals that our muscles and brain need to keep moving at their best. Just as any fuel reservoir, when it is empty... you are done. For example, the adrenal system which supplies the hormones necessary for muscle contraction can be overused to the point where significant kidney damage can occur and hospitalization is required. If an athelte is not performing at their usual standards, I certainly encourage an active rest day where low intensity or mobility is suggested rather than sticking to a schedule. 

3) Weight gain and immune deficiency. A sick athlete is a sidelined athelte. Just as overtraining can contribute to a decrease in performance, it can also show up in the form of a cold, flu, and forced bed rest. Hydrocortisone is a hormone also released by the the adrenal glands which controls the way your body balances your metabolism and keeps your immune system fighting off disease. Overtraining can depleate the availability of this key hormone, overwork the glands and cause massive shut downs in your body. I have seen stellar athletes gain weight and get sick in the middle of a training cycle because they have not managed their rest appropriately. Not surprisingly, most are either teenagers or working parents. 

Overtraining is a serious problem when an athelte becomes hyper-focused on a goal or a set benchmark in a cycle. Managing recovery through proper nutrition, sleep, and good coaching is important. Unlike other aspects of training, everyone is suseptible to this. Train smart, Balance training to life and know when to say when!

6 min Quality AMRAP
5 Kip Swing Bar OR Rings
5 Hollow Rocks
5 Divebomber Push Ups
5 Elbow To Instep W/ Reach

**Spend 6 Minutes Reviewing Gymnastic Movements and scaling

Gymnastic Strength:
16 Min EMOM
1- Toes To Bar 10-14 reps
2- Pistol Squat 10-14
3- Wall Climb or HS Walk :30-:35 seconds
4- Muscle Ups 2-5 reps

10 Min AMRAP
Pull Ups
Burpee Over Box

Agility Warm Up @ 10m Each
High Knee Pull
Quad Pull
Squat 180 **stepping the leg high over hip, swing opposite leg to 180, squat
High Knees
Butt kickers
Marching High Kicks
Straight leg shuffles
Fig 4 Drill
Lateral Shuffle
Lateral Bounding
Sprint W/ Change of Direction

**Spend 6 Minutes Covering the Press series.
-work up to workout weight

For Time,
800 m Run
10 Shoulder to Overhead 115/75
13 V Ups
16 Wall Ball

Rest 1 Minute

600m Run
13 V Ups
16 Wall Ball

Rest 1 Minute

400m Run
13 V Ups
16 Wall Ball

***If you bad, do GHD sit ups.

Kettle Bell Warm Up:
10X At Each W/ light KB
Head Circles 'L' 
Head Circles 'R'
Trunk Rotations
Up right Rows
Press 'L'
Press 'R'
Romanian Deadlift
Squat Up and overs (outside right foot, up and over to outside left foot)
Single Leg Deadlift
Goblet Squat
Lateral Lunges
Windmill 'L'
Windmill 'R'
Sit Ups
Snatch 'L'
Snatch 'R'
Squat Jumps

Squat Flow: Kang Squat, Internal Rotation, Hip Bridge, Ankle Rotations, PNF, Squat W/ T Spine Rotations

**Spend 8 Minutes Reviewing Double Under Progression
-singles (wrist Rotation)
-high Jump Singles (Hollow Body Position)
-cadence 3 single/ 1 DOuble
-Cadence 2 single/ 1 DOuble
-cadence 1 single/ 1 double

100 Double Unders
50 Kettlebell Swings
50 Goblet Squat
50 Kettle Bell Swing
100 Double Unders

240417 "The Farm Bill, A Earth Day Retrospective"

It has been a while since I have written of the Farm Bill but since this weekend marked Earth Day I thought it was a good time to educate and reflect on this massive bill that defines so much of how we Americans interact with the environment. 

Before we dive in I must digress. This Bill is an absolute monstrosity and in many aspects I will not be able to cover all pieces in the span of this post. 

The Farm Bill, currently the 2014 version, is an impressive 1000+ page document. This document has as much to do with how the Federal Government subsidizes the farming industry as it does with how our kids eat in school. To say that this thing has its tentacles in a lot of aspects of our lives is an understatement. It could be said that every time you open your refrigerator, you are peering into an aspect of the Farm Bill. 

Our Food and Farming practices are under constant stress. If its not overpopulation and food scarcity, then its poor crop performance, or food waste. When our food is in trouble, our communal environment is certainly in trouble. The Earth and its health are a the core of the Farm Bill. 

2017 is unique in that America has had a massive tidal shift in its politics at the top level. Given what has transpired and the suggestive fights that the new administration is choosing to have, there is a good chance that the Farm Bill and its environmental impacts are certainly going to come up at some point. 

But aside from Politics, the farm bill deserves attention because of another glaring fact; WASTE. 

Americans waste over 30% of our food. When you put that on the scale of the entire planet and its population it is a very daunting amount of food waste. It is important to remember that Americans are the most "well fed" country in the world, where indulgences in food pretty much consume at least some aspect of our daily life. This fact differs from practically the rest of the human population. The US Farm Bill is built to handle and support this waste, and I find it scary. 

As much as the Farm Bill determines how to set commodity prices, subsidize farmers, and allocate food throughout the country; it also sets the tone for how we respect the ground from which this food comes. 

Food waste, subsidies on GMO, subsidies on beef, subsidies on CHEAP food production have environmental effects. Farming practices currently are stressing certain areas of the country and soil quality is faltering. GMO crops are questionable to our health and the amount of Fossil Fuels it takes to produce them creates a green house gas dilemma. Cheap food products encourage the use of herbicides and pesticides to increase yields. 

Now I do not mean to sound so doom and gloom. The US Farm Bill also is the darling of the Country because there are some great addendums in the bill that actually help the environment. Establishing land conservation, nutrition guidelines, and helping struggling farmers motivate politicians and musicians to stand up and fight for this epic piece of legislation. 

What I ask on this Earth Day weekend is for everyone to understand the Bill a little better. Our environment is being pushed to the limits, closer and closer to breaking with each passing year. The farm bill helps and hurts our environment by stockpiling special legislation inside without ever cleaning house. Politics plays with the environment like it is an ATM with unlimited funds. Lets all take a stab at writing our congress person about our concerns for the environment, the bill and actions that are bing taken to help keep our world better for our kids. We athletes are only as good as the food and environment that we live in. Treat it with respect. 

For More information on the farm bill HERE is a good place to start.  

2X :30 At each
High Leg Kicks
Inchworm Push Ups
Side Lunges
Standing Toe Touch
Russian Twist

Barbell Prep:
3X8 @ light Load
Single Leg Deadlift
Barbell Bent Over Row (supine hand position)
Romanian Deadlift

***Spend 6 Minutes Building to a healthy 5 rep Deadlift

*same weight across sets

Front Squat 155/105 135/85 or 115/75
Clapping Push Up or Deficit Push Up

Roll Out lats and Scapula for 5 minutes

Rotator Cuff Sequence W/ 2.5-5# weights: Scare Crow pull and rotation, Bent over Flys, bent over superman,  front raises, lateral raises, high pull, corkscrew, wide presses, narrow criss-cross presses.

Snatch Warm Up:
 7 x romanian deadlift
7 x snatch high pull
7 x muscle snatch
7 x tempo overhead squat @ 23X1
7 x snatch balance
7 x power snatch to OHS
7 x snatch pull under
7 x hang (squat) snatch

***Spend 8 minutes Warming up to a healthy hang Snatch weight 

Barbell Conditioning:
1- hang Squat snatch
3 Overhead Squats
**same weight across

30 Cal Row
20 Hang Squat Snatch 75/55
30 Lateral Bar Hops **these should be fast plyometric hops, SPEED!

6 min Quality AMRAP
5 Kip Swing Bar OR Rings
5 Hollow Rocks
5 Divebomber Push Ups
5 Elbow To Instep W/ Reach

**Spend 6 Minutes Reviewing Gymnastic Movements and scaling

Gymnastic Strength:
16 Min EMOM
1- Toes To Bar 10-14 reps
2- Pistol Squat 10-14
3- Wall Climb or HS Walk :30-:35 seconds
4- Muscle Ups 2-5 reps

10 Min AMRAP
Pull Ups
Burpee Over Box

190417 "Trading up on Nutrition for Optimal Health"

Little changes over time create massive improvements in overall health. I have been using this approach to Nutrition for many years as a realistic way to adjust your diet and lifestyle without diving head first into the "Diet" abyss. One path towards substantial change is done through substituting current food items in your menu with a higher fiber, lower sugar, better fat containing food. 

I have devised a list of small trades that you can make today!

1) Zucchini not Grains.
Pasta is a staple in the majority of American households becasue it is very cheap and creates the illusion of satiety. The problem with the majority of pasta is that the grains which are processed to make them is extremely inflammatory. Inflammation due to gluten allergies can create skin problems, joint aches, IBS and a host of other problems. Pasta from processed grains also has a significant effect on your resting blood sugar. A great alternative to the nightly Pasta meal is to use Zucchini instead. Zucchini, when cut with a julian peeler creates long spaghetti noodles which can be boiled or sautéed. Cooking the Zucchini is simple and actually quite Faster than traditional pasta. Al dente goodness mixed with your favorite red sauce or perhaps a shrimp and garlic butter sauce is absolutely perfect!

2) Bison over Beef. 
Meat... Its what's for dinner. Burgers, steaks, stir-fry, these are all grab and go staples in the store. I know as a parent on a budget, I head straight for the ground beef in the store when I have to come up with a quack dinner idea. Research has shown that today's modern beef industry is not unlike others, maximum profit in the easiest way possible. Maximum profit in beef cattle means sticking the animals in feed lots prior to slaughter and feeding them corn and grains. These are the same food products that have been shown to create inflammation and disease in humans... and we are feeding it to OUR food! Moreover, these cows in the feed lot are injected with a host of anti-biotics to ward off infection and disease. These injections have been shown to decrease OUR resistance to disease and certain bacteria. Bison, on the other hand, are much less GMO, much more free range, much more organic, much less stuffed with anti-biotics. When you consume a meat that is grass fed and organic you are consuming a higher quality fat, higher quality protein, and less susceptible to potential disease or inflammation. Bison can be purchased widely in the same cuts and ground form that you find standard beef. The switch is simple.. No need to even change the recipes you love.  

3) Coconut oil beats Canola oil. 
Speaking of High Quality fats everyone should cut out the use of canola oil in their daily diets. In the 1940's, chemists created canola oil out of corn which made a cheap crop even more valuable. Once again, its about maximizing profit and decreasing cost. Canola oil is extremely unstable when heated and has been repeatedly shown to produce carcinogenic byproducts when used in cooking. Trading up for Coconut oil is and easy way to get a higher quality fat which is easier to work off during training than the ladder. Coconut oil is great tasting. For years I have cooked with it in every meal, breakfast to dinner. The light, Clean taste does not leave your food too oily and will not upset your stomach like canola oil will. Consuming more Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids in coconut oil will help lower the risk of heart disease, the #1 killer in the US. 

4)Eggs not Oats.
Power Breakfasts are a must. The adage "the most important meal of the day" is no joke. Setting your metabolism up for success in the morning will help keep you level throughout the day and less dependent on stimulants to keep you going throughout the day. Changing your breakfast habits is as simple as adding more protein and fat and cutting out carbohydrates. Carbohydrates like oatmeal, juices, and smoothies in the morning boost your blood sugar and therefore your insulin levels and inevitably lead to the 10am starvation feeling. Additionally you are much more likely to begin the roller coaster ride of hormonal changes when you consume carbohydrates in the morning. Substituting more protein in the form of Canadian bacon (lower fat) and Eggs along with healthy fats like avocado or nuts are a much better alternative. Protein and fats are pure brain and muscle fuel which will help you crush your day at work and then train hard in the afternoon. 

5)Almond Butter over Peanut Butter. 
Peanut butter sandwiches are the best... I mean really... Not only are they the best comfort food in the world but if you are trying to add calories to your diet in the off chance that you are like me and chronically skinny, they rule. But what about trading out the Peanut butter for Almond butter? Almond Butter is higher in fiber, lower in added sugar and contain a more balanced fat profile than peanut butter. Overall this is a great substitution to a daily staple with great health benefits. I cant speak to the jam or honey you put on the sandwich but at least you can feel good about the base!

So many more small tweaks to your current pantry can yield great changes over time. If you are to look at every meal you eat and see how you can add more fiber, less sugar, more protein, better fats, then surely you can find simple ways to trade up. Optimal performance is only realized after you have attained optimal nutrition. Food is fuel , treat it as such. 

Squat Jacks
Shoulder Rolls
Neck Rolls
Arm Swings
Arm Throws
Push Ups
Russian Twist
Piked Push Ups
Jump Lunges
Cossack (side) Lunges 

**using 1 Dumbbell and single arm
10 Press (per arm)
10 Bent Over row (per arm)
10 Burpee Chest to Bar

Skill Development:
Press Complex
7X Building
1- Press
3- Push Press
5- Jerks
(From rack or ground, your call)

10 X
10 Dumbbell Power Clean
5 Chest TO Bar Pull Up

2X :30 @ each
High Knee Jump Rope
One Legged Burpee
Lateral Jabs
Inch Worm
Side Plank Knee TO Elbow

Double Unders
Push Ups

Hand Stand Push Ups
Pistol Squats

Toes TO Bar
Ring Dips

Slam Ball
Burpee Broad Jumps

**Rest as needed between couplets. Hit them hard. 

Banded Hip Activation
Banded Good Morning
Banded Squats
Banded Rows

7 Min Quality Warm Up
10 Single Leg Medicine ball Up and overs (each Leg
10 Barbell Bent Over row
10 Medicine Ball Sit UP
10 Barbell Romanian Deadlift
10 Medicine Ball Russian Twist

**take 5 minutes to pick a partner, and work up to Deadlift weight for workout.

**spend 3 minutes practicing on the rope.

Partner AMRAP
14 Min AMRAP
2 Deadlift 335/250
1 Legless Rope Climb
**partner does entire round, tags and P2 begins a round

170417 " Cordyceps, performance shrooming!"

Outside of more time, all humans desire more energy. Energy is a multi-billion dollar commodity these days with 'energy' sports drinks down to 'energy' bread all touting the energizing effects of their ingredients.  Cordyceps utilize natural chemistry to not just give you a boost of energy, rather giving your body the tools it needs to create its own energy! And a lot at that. Lets explore. 

Cordyceps are a very funky looking mushroom that have been used in Chinese medicine for thousands of years. They are not only pretty rare but they are hard to harvest. Naturally they have been most prevelant in the High Altitudes of China and have been known to grow out of the backs of caterpillars (i.e. Caterpillar fungus). Pretty strange right? 

These mushrooms have gained popularity in natural medicine becasue of their antioxidant properties. Like other mushroom varieties, they carry a host of good vitamins and minerals which promote immune health as well as anti-aging. But the real deal is in the perfromance chemistry!

Cordyceps are what's called Adaptogens. Adaptogens are unlike caffeine and other stimulants in that they HELP your body produce long lasting energy instead of boosting energy and taxing the adrenal system. The active ingredient in Cordyceps is adenosine which is vital ingredient in the ADP/ ATP exchange. 

**Quick Side Note- When you are getting your fitness or sport on and really getting after it, your body burns ATP (energy). In burning or synthesizing ATP, the molecule loses a Phosphate to the process. The molecule then becomes ADP. Supplemental nutrients in the body and the your overall health determine how fast ADP adds a phosphate and once again becomes ATP. 

Adenosine TriPhosphate, as you can see, is quite important to perfromance. Cordyceps give your body the goods when it needs them and therefore, you are able to do what you love LONGER! Shortening the ADP/ATP exchange process helps you push through the tough times and allows you to recover faster. Upon researching the actual amount of ATP increase, the numbers vary from an increase of 30-50% ATP boost. 

Another important benefit that influences perfromance is the amount of oxygen your body's is able to process and synthesize. The term that is most commmonly used is ones VO2 max. The volume of oxygen that and athlete can take in and actually use during inspiration and exhalation. The Chinese herbalists have claimed in multiple articles that Cordyceps are used to help asthma sufferers, help with post-surgery recovery, and respiratory illness. 

Regardless, to decrease fatigue is to increase performance. I am all in when it comes to that. But does this mean you gotta pop some caps and stems every time you workout?

No. Companies like ONNIT, FOURSIGMATIC, and WILD FOODS carry powder forms of the Cordyceps which you can mix with smoothies, coffee, water... etc. I personally mix them with my BCAAs for a pre and post workout drink. In Fact, I have found a new BCAA company, EXTEND, that actually has a performance Cordyceps blend integrated into their product! I really like the stuff. 

If you are like me, stimulants are so 2002. Outside of drinking copious amounts of espresso and having amazing conversations, I stay away. I am all about giving my body the tools it needs to perform its best at any given moment when I feel the urge. Performance strategy takes practice and Cordyceps are another way we can keep pushing and achieve our goals in training and sport. Give them and shot and go natural! Good luck, stay conscious, thrive!

2X W/ a 10-25# Plate
10 Halos
10 Good Mornings
5 Inchworms with feet on plate
10 Superman Rock (no plate)
20 plyo plate jump
5 Burpee Ground to Overhead

Clean and Jerk Warm Up:
7 x hang clean high pull 7 x hang muscle clean 7 x tempo front squat 7 x hang power clean (hold PCln receiving position each time, each rep little deeper) 7 x Clean

**spend 12 minutes working up to a heavy squat clean for the day

Squat Clean 135/95
Bar Facing Burpee

Cool Down:
Jog 800m

Lat Band Mobility
Bully Stretch
Banded Trunk Rotations
Banded Pass Thru

5 Kip Swing
10 Planked Push Up (beginning in elbow plank, push up to full Plank and back down)
8 KB Swing
8 Front Rack KB Lunge 

Strength Gymnastics:
12 Min EMOM
A- :30 ring Support Bottom
B- :30 L Sit Hang on Pull up bar
C- :30 Ring support Top
D- :30 Hollow Hold

12/10 Cal Row
20 Wall Ball
--Rest 3 Minutes---
35 Double Unders
20 KB Swing
**Monitor recovery time, push hard each AMRAP

Squat Jacks
Shoulder Rolls
Neck Rolls
Arm Swings
Arm Throws
Push Ups
Russian Twist
Piked Push Ups
Jump Lunges
Cossack (side) Lunges 

**using 1 Dumbbell and single arm
10 Press (per arm)
10 Bent Over row (per arm)
10 Burpee Chest to Bar

Skill Development:
Press Complex
7X Building
1- Press
3- Push Press
5- Jerks
(From rack or ground, your call)

10 X
10 Dumbbell Power Clean
5 Chest TO Bar Pull Up

120417 "Nutrition:Treat the problem not the symptoms"

Effectiveness, sustainability, Adaptation. The essence of Nutritrion choices and change need to embody these principles if there is to be any substantial change. If your nutrition plan can not refer back to these principles you are on on a very familiar pathway, Dieting. Dieting is akin to treating the symptoms of a disease instead of curing the disease. 

Most adults have been on some sort of diet in their lives. 
-south beach
All of these 'diets' have been recognized for certain health benefits usiually becasue of the rapid weight loss that occurs when you go full throttle into them. Awesome. But what about 5 years from now. Research has shown that 90% of dieters gain back all the weight they lose during a diet phase, plus 5 pounds! That is like giving up mcDonalds and then gorging yourself in Subway Sandwiches. Yes, you may make Jared proud ... but the problem of eating processed grains and meats is still going to make you sicker!

Now I dont want to make those of you on diets feel like shit. I really don't. You are extremely motivated and recognize that the path that you are on now is simply not working. We just need to look at Nutrition on a large scale not a short term one. Essentially You can think about Nutrition changes like a Forester Looks at a forest that has been burned down in a fire, it takes planning and years for the seeds you plant to grow and mature into something great!

Dieting unfortunately happens in extremes. You want results and you want them now. You are willing to SUFFER (never a good thing when it comes to food), you believe that the process is full proof. What occurs in extreme dieting is not only emotional let downs but also physiological problems. I have seen this with the paleo diet. Energy levels dip wehen athletes cut out carbohydrates from processed grains, athletes get depressed and drop out of the diet. Even More, atheltes have been shown to disrupt their hormones because of not understanding dieting and physical training. Friends and Doctors are also no help in many instances as they make general statements or give general advice without taking into account you as an individual. Some diets are simply not for everyone.  

Being hungry, fatigued and weak are symptoms of diets. This is the 'suffer' factor I am referring to and why most people fail and reverts to old habits in food. Feeling angry and anxious about food is the best way to develop complexes around eating which can have lasting impacts on self-image and nutritional mentality. Change needs to be realistic and wholesome. You deserve to feel good about what you are doing, and be able to plan out how to keep the plan going for years to come.

Treating the problem of modern Nutriton is not easy. As I constantly write about in my blog, the system is stacked against us when it comes to searching for healthy food. From labeling to the over processing of nearly every item in our grocery stores, you are set up to fail... worse yet, become addicted. 

Solutions to the nutrition predicatment that most of find ourselves in begins with a simple focus on the effectiveness of our food choices. A chicken breast is going to provide a more health benefits than a Peanut Butter sandwich. Conscious understanding of how our food will effect our performance is undersanding the effectiveness of food. 

Sustainability over time is second. Yes you may be able to endure Tofu and Broccoli for 6 weeks and get skinny but is that a meal plan that you can sustain for 30 years... I dont think so. Your body needs variation in nutrition and so do you. Taking and realistic look at your life an habits should help you scratch a path towards lifelong nutrition planning. 

In the same way, your Lifestyle should be able to adapt to changing environmental factors. Dieting is many times so hardlined that straying from it creates absolute chaos in ones life. You should be able to balance and adapt to anything, stay conscious and keep progressing. Once again, this is a marathon, not a sprint. 

The basis for this article is in response to Modern Medicine. As we develop more short term symptom remedies to every ailment, people keep getting more and more sick. The system is broken and real problem solving needs to occur. I emplore you to look not just to next month but 30 years from now when looking at Nutritional Choices. Keep pushing and educating yourself. make this year one that you will look back on and smile. 

:90 High Knee Jump Rope
Walking Lunges
Kip Swing on Pull Up Bar
Side Plank Knee To Elbow

Squat Flow: Kang Squat, Internal Rotation, Hip Bridge, Ankle Rotation, PNF, Squat W/ T Spine Reach. 

Back Squat
Front Squat

30 Pull Up
50 Med Ball Cleans
30 Pull Ups

2X :30 @ Each
Squat jacks
Push Ups
V Ups
Inch Worm
KB Windmills

Lat band Mobility
Bull Stretch
Scapula Distraction Stretch

**Take 10 Minutes To Cover the Pull, Transition Mobility, and Press out of the ring Muscle UP.

Skill Development:
6 Ring Dips OR 3 Ring Muscle Ups
10 Push Ups
*Scale Accordingly, this is strength Gymnastics. The athlete should have :30 rest before next set.

Burpee Onto Plate
Toes To Bar
Kettlebell Swing
12 Minute CAP

Shoulder Rolls
Neck Rolls
Arm Swing
Wall Press

 100m Run
 :30x Handstand against wall
 :30 max DB Push Press (lightish)
 :30 DB hold overhead.

Skill Development:
Push Press
@ 75% of Body Weight

75 Double Unders
35 DB Snatch 50/35


100417 "5 Ways to a Low Carb Breakfast"

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, right? Well if there is any doubt in your mind about this I will reassure you that it truly is! The principles of a 'fresh start' and 'setting yourself up for success' are totally what I coach folks up on constantly. For metabolism, perfromance,  and hormone regulation; what you eat in the morning has a lot to do with how your entire day is going to go. 

Carbohydrates, especially refined and processed carbohydrates, dominate the breakfast market. The food product business knows that by creating addiction through filling you with sugar will keep you coming back day after day. Breads, cereals, sandwiches, all of the fast 'go to' breakfast items leave you in the dumps by 10 am. 

But not all carbohydrates are created equal. What is will show is that high fiber, nutrient dense carbs are great additions to breakfast. And more importantly, the key to daily success is feeding your brain and body with optimal amounts of fat and protein keep you healthier and more prepared for whatever that day brings. 

Here are 5 ways to a low carbohydrate breakfast. 

1) We will start with an easy one. Organic, Free Range Eggs. Eggs are a whole food in that they comprise both a macro and micronutrient profile that is essential for health. Weighing in at 5 grams of fat and 6 grams of protein, the sucker is lean with only 0.6 grams of carbohydrates! Vitamins A,D, B-6 B12, and magnesium are on the inside of this little shell.  You will get filled up faster and stay satisfied longer with eggs. 
Some atheltes have told me that they dont have the time to cook eggs and I call B.S. Every time. I actually timed out toasting bread and cooking an egg and the egg won by a slim margin. Scrambled, fried, poached, hard boiled... you can eat them in so many ways! Free Range and organic eggs are the best.

2) Veggies. As I said, not all carbs are created equal. Sautéed, grilled or steamed veggies like spinich, bell peppers, mushrooms, cabbage, tomatos, or zucchini have a low glycemic index that provides macro and micronutients without messing with your insulin levels. When cooking your veggies for breakfast I highly encourage doing it with coconut oil. The 'good' fat in Coconut oil is pure brain food and adds great flavor to veggies. 
High quality veggies give you high quality fiber. Fiber in veggies acts as a type of sweeper for your gut. Fiber helps keep things running smoothly and provides essential food for the bacteria in your gut. As we look at food as not just a means to satisfy cravings but rather FUEL our body, veggies are a great way to start your day and provide a balanced nutritional intake.

3) Greek Yogurt. I still dont know why its called Greek yogurt and why that would even matter but  I will tell you that this type of yogurt is way better for you than the over processed and over pasteurized shit that Americans eat each day. Because it does come from cows all yogurt does contain natural sugar called lactose. Lactose is considered a nutritious part of your daily diet when eaten in small amounts. Lactose is not a refined sugar but the other crap that food product companies put in yogurt sure is.  For example, the average yogurt in the store can contain close to 32 grams of sugar per 6-ounce serving! 
I have always been cautious about recommending yogurt to clients since most are concerned with cutting out inflammation and extra calories from sugar. But Yogurt, when eaten in plain form or with simple additions like roasted chickpeas, veggies, coconut shavings, will keep carbs rather low and protein and fat high. If you are concerned about inflammation from dairy, then by all means stay away; but essential Amino Acids and Calcium paired with satuarated fats and protein can provide a low carb solution to breakfast. 

4) MEAT! Ground Bison, Ground Turkey, Ham, Pork (of any kind) is not just for the other meals of the day. Meat, like eggs provide a good amount of protein and fat without many carbs at all. Meat is also a great option for those who are burnt out on eating eggs each morning or those who show symptoms of Candida Gut. 
Candida Gut?
Yes. Because eggs are considered a 'wet' food there can be a build up of yeast in the gut which is not good for inflammation and cause various allergic reactions on the skin and organs. 
The energy expended by eating meat with your breakfast or mixing it in with your scrambles will increase the Thermogenic Effect that occurs when dense foods are eaten. The body essentially heats up to break down the food and in turn burns more calories and boosts your metabolism of unwanted fat and carbs. Therefore, when you combine a lean meat with veggies and some good fats (sound familiar) then you have a pretty darn healthy meal. 

5) Fats are for Breakfast! I want you to make this your daily mantra. I will not claim to be a doctor nor do I have the credential to "prescribe" food as medicine but I will say that over the years I have helped change many lives by encouraging a higher fat intake in the morning. 
The BULLETPROOF products have built a multi-million dollar business upon this premise. Healthy fats with great coffee is now a real thing. 
Thinking outside the Box when it comes to fats is essential to get an entire profile of saturated, unsaturated, and monounsaturated fats. Avocados are a given, walnuts, almonds, tigernuts, chickpeas, olive oil, coconut oil, MCT oil all are great options. And of course, no carbs. 

Cutting out the carbs can be tricky for the simple fact that we have been groomed and raised on processed carbs. Smoothies and shakes for breakfast lack substance in the form of fiber and are high in sugar even though they are touted as healthy. Oatmeal is gluten free and has fiber but can have a high glycemic effect when a ton of extra crap is put in it. The path towards optimal health is one where consciousness reigns supreme. Think before you eat is challenging until new habits are formed. Good luck and keep striving for the best version of yourself!

400m Run
3X 20m Bear Crawl/3 Wall Climbs/ 10 Monkey Hangs (hanging Hip Touches)

Banded Press
Banded Pull Aparts
Banded Pass Thru

Lunge Flow: Ankle Rotations, Elbow To instep W/ Reach, Hamstring Pulses, Hip Distraction, Pigeon Stretch

**Take 8 Minutes to Work the Handstand Push Up Skill. 
3X 6 @ a strict Handstand Push Up Variation

10 Min AMRAP
10 Handstand Push Ups
15 Front Rack Walking Lunges 95/65

 Agility Warm Up @ 10m Each
High Knee Pull
Quad Pull
Squat 180 **stepping the leg high over hip, swing opposite leg to 180, squat
High Knees
Butt kickers
Marching High Kicks
Straight leg shuffles
Fig 4 Drill
Lateral Shuffle
Lateral Bounding
Sprint W/ Change of Direction

Barbell Prep 12@ Each
Good Mornings
Back Rack Squats
Romanian Deadlift
Bent Over Row
Back Rack Side lunges
Single Leg Deadlifts

**Take 6 Minutes to teach Rope Climb Technique. Urge Legless rope climbs, even if you have to scale the reps.

Against a 16 minute Clock,
Row 500m + Run 400m ,
18 Deadlift 185/ 135
2 Rope Climbs (preferably legless)

:90 High Knee Jump Rope
Walking Lunges
Kip Swing on Pull Up Bar
Side Plank Knee To Elbow

Squat Flow: Kang Squat, Internal Rotation, Hip Bridge, Ankle Rotation, PNF, Squat W/ T Spine Reach. 

Back Squat
Front Squat

30 Pull Up
50 Med Ball Cleans
30 Pull Ups

060417 "Looking Beyond the Label: Fish Oil"

If you have been with me for any length of time we have no doubt had a conversation about Fish oil. As important as whole foods, I encourage everyone to get on a fish oil supplement (Pure Pharma) to keep the brain and heart working well. 

Deep in our conversation I have always referenced the back label of your fish oil bottle. Below all the Government mandated percentages there is an EPA/DPA level on each bottle. These are the fatty acids that are so vital for health. Today I will open up the benefits of the DHA fatty acid on your body and well being. 

Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) is the primary fatty acid in the brain and retinas. We get small amounts from modern milk products and larger quantities from consuming fish like swordfish, anchovies, and sardines. 

A deficiency in DHA can induce:

-cognitive decline


-sleep depravation

-coronary artery disease

-alzheimers/ dementia



That is a long list of hazards to avoid but one very important trend, brain health. Once again the Brain and Gut are intrinsically tied together and this is a important point. To obtain optimal brain health for the long term, especially while eating a modern diet, supplementation is necessary. 

So look at your fish oil again and compare it to this. A serving of fish can have anywhere from 500-1550 mg of DHA and 3 capsules of a superior Fish Oil can have up to 500mg. If you are getting the generic store bought brand you are not getting anywhere close to that! Buying the supplement with the 500+ rating is necessary and highly worth the money. But, once again, there is not substitute for whole foods. Especially in this case when it involves a sustainable fish source. 

Keep watching what you are shoving in da mouth and make sure that the quality fuel enters the gut. Your brain depends on it. 

10 reps of each:
Scapula Push Up
Downdog to Seal
Ring Row w/ Scap Retraction
Iron Cross
Handstand Shoulder Shrug
Hanging Scapular Pull (Reverse Shrug) 
Bridge Ups
scorpion stretch
Handstand Shoulder Taps
Monkey Hangs (Hanging Hip Touches) 

500-250-100m Row. 
Rest :45 between efforts
***Breath should be strong inhale through nose/ out through mouth during efforts. These are meant to be done at 1:35-1:45/500m pace. 

Skill Development:
3 Strict Press
3 Push Press
1 Split Jerk

Row 50 Cals
15X Dumbbell Burpee Cluster
(DB burpee, squat Clean thruster)

In Partner Teams,
30 Partner Planked Hand Claps
30 Partner Sit Ups
30 Sync'd Squats
30 Burpee Over Partner
30 Double Unders EACH
400m Run Together

**Spend 8 Minutes covering the skills of Hang Power clean, front squat, shoulder to overhead. Agree on a weight to use with your partner. 

Partner WOD:
100 DOuble Unders
30 hang Power Clean
50 Double Unders
20 Shoulder to Overhead
50 Front Squats
20 Shoulder TO Overhead
50 Double Unders
30 hang Power Clean
100 Double Unders


030417 "Its not ability, Its Communication"

If you have been training for some time or perhaps you grew up playing sports, you know the importance of good coaching. I remember a Soccer coach I had during U-14's. Thinking back on that time I recall 1) What a handful we all were at practices 2) What I remember about his coaching was less about the skills and more about the delivery. Therefore I propose that its not the ability of the coach or athelte to achieve greatness, it is the communication between the two that matters. 

I am reminded of something I heard a pilot say ( and I'm paraphrasing), "Its not about how you are flying when the plane is good, Its about how you fly when the shit has hit the fan". That is essentially coaching and communication in a nutshell. A coach can talk the talk all day about super high level shit but can he/she teach and correct a hideous squat? 

The first rule of proper communication in coaching is establishing guidelines and expectations from an athlete. Just like any other process of education that you have taken part in, there are rules and there are expectations. If you cannot follow the rules, if you cannot pass the test... sorry start again!. Progressions have always suited me well in my years as a coach and I respond well to them as an athlete. This is obvious in the Olympic lifts with such high speed dynamics but I find the most rewarding progressions have come in gymnastics. As a coach, if you can develop a progression and communicate that progression to an athelte in a clear manner, you have essentially won. Expectations allow for very little ambiguity in regard to the end product for an athlete. Guidelines allow for simplicity and nuances between coach and athlete which Create bonds and personal trust.

Utilizing the trifecta of Cueing; Visual, Verbal, Tactile helps the communication process immensely. 

Throughout time explorers have ventured to foreign lands and found indigenous cultures that dont speak the same language let alone understand the same reality.... and yet communication still prevailed. Coaches and athletes many times speak the same language but the message is far from verbal simplicity. Often times a coach is attempting to decipher the athletes own personal language between their brain and muscles. No one has the same coordination, no one has the same perception of their body in space. The coach must analyze the movement, devise a language of touch, demonstration and words to teach an athlete to move in a way that is completely foreign to them. This process is truly one of the great challenges and rewards to being an athletic trainer. 

When I envision myself as a coach I try to emulate Zen Buddhist masters who teach through simplicity and understand the path of teaching is not measured moments, its measured in years. 

Coaches normally fall into two catergories. Those that try to fix too much, and those who fix nothing at all. You know exactly what I'm talking about. Communication involves language and language must be translated. If you are giving the athelte too much information to translate, they will shut down and in my experience; begin to degrade and implode right there in front of you. Like a monk, communication is spoken in simple language with relevant meaning so the pupil is able to digest and transform. But it is communication nonetheless. I have also seen coaches who lose control of the communication because they lose the ability to put a situation in perspective. Coaching large groups is all about triage and proper leadership. Displaying leadership allows for all the athletes to maintain attention while learning. Large groups offer the ability to see how clear your communication is by the amount of errors that are being witnessed. If you dont like what you see... revise your communication approach and begin again. 

Coaching is like a stick in a stream, sometimes it may hit rocks but it always rights itself and keeps on flowing. 

The language of greatness is a hard and long road to forge. Developing great atheltes takes time and the ability of the coach to speak a multitude of languages. On top of this is the ability to display confidence and personability. No one wants to work for an asshole. The ability of all atheltes awaits the patient coach. To draw out such ability from a person is truly the most rewarding thing that you can do. Practice this communication in your daily life even if you are not a coach; the world will most certainly be a better place if we could all attain such a virtue!

Agility Warm Up:
-Marching High Kicks
-high knee pulls
-quad pulls
-high knees
-butt kickers
-duck walk
-frog hops
-figure 4 drill
-lateral shuffle
-sprint W/ Change of direction

Deadlift Prep:
-Romanian Deadlift
-Bent Over Row
**increasing load each round

-Joshua Harris died August 30,2008 in Afghanistan. He drowned during combat operations. 
5 Rounds for Time
400m Run
30 GHDSU (sub weighted Sit Up)
15 Deadlift 250#

2X :30 @ each
-Squat Jacks
-Piked Push Ups
-Russian Twist
-Alternating Knee To Elbow
-Jump Lunges

Snatch Warm UP:
7X Romanian Deadlift
7x snatch high pull 7 x muscle snatch
7 x tempo overhead squat @ 23X1 7 x snatch balance 7 x power snatch to OHS (hold PSn receiving position each time, each rep little deeper) 
7 x snatch pull under 7 x hang (squat) snatch
Skill Development:
1 Snatch Balance W/ :03 pause at the bottom
2 Overhead Squats (quick Tempo)
**increasing load each round

10 Overhead Squat 75/55
10 Burpee Pull Up
10 Toes To Bar

5 Min Mobility
-lat band
-bully Stretch
-Trunk Rotations
-Hip Capsule Stretch

Kettle Bell Warm up:
W/ Light KB
12@ Each
Head Circles 'L' 
Head Circles 'R'
Trunk Rotations
Up right Rows
Press 'L'
Press 'R'
Romanian Deadlift
Squat Up and overs (outside right foot, up and over to outside left foot)
Single Leg Deadlift
Goblet Squat
Lateral Lunges
Windmill 'L'
Windmill 'R'
Sit Ups
Snatch 'L'
Snatch 'R'
Squat Jumps

:20 Superman Hold
:20 Hollow Rock
:20 Rest
:90 Ring Dip
:60 Pistol Squat
10 KB Swing 70/53
10 KB Overhead Lunges
10 KB Press

300317 "The many health benefits of Turmeric"

If you tuned in today to my livestream workout then you probably heard a lot about Turmeric (Olena). We covered the great anti-inflammatory properties and anti-oxidant properties of the root but I wanted to share a blog post that I wrote a while ago which goes deeper into the benefits. Read on and share!

......Before I began to study Turmeric the image that always popped into my head about the herb is yellow curry. Turmeric is the rooted herb, cousin to garlic, that gives curry its yellow and reddish color. But as i began to read about the product, I was amazed with its anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidative properties. As a brain guy I was also encouraged by the studies which found that Turmeric and Curcumin greatly influence your cognitive behavior.

So I continued to study.. Here are a few things that I found.

First let me begin with a topic that is near and dear to me. Inflammation. This natural process for fighting off disease is quickly becoming the root cause of most disease processes that kill Americans every year.

See... Inflammation occurs when you cut yourself or if you get some gnarly bacteria in your body. This kind is good. The body rushes white blood cells and all the natural ingredients for healing to the site and shit is handled. BUT... Chronic Inflammation from inflamed gut lining, swollen organs and damaged blood vessels.. the problems caused by a poor diet and sedentary lifestyle; well this type of inflammation kills quickly and is generically labeled as diabetes, heart disease, obesity, Coronary Artery Disease... the list goes on and on.

Turemeric and its active ingredient Curcumin are one of most powerful anti-inflammatories in nature. While the Curcumin level of whole Turmeric is rather low; as a supplement, the Curcumin is isolated and the levels are highly elevated. This means that instead of eating and snorting Turmeric with each meal, you can find a good supplement capsule and get the desired effect.

Next, I will expound upon the brain enhancing properties of this herb. Remember Human Growth Hormone? The stuff that every pro baseball player seemed to be taking a few years ago. Remember the effects it had on the body? Well.... Turmeric and Curcumin are Brain Growth Hormone! No, I'm not kidding.

This powerful herb has been shown to activate Brain Derived Neuro-tropic Factor (BDNF) which drives our cognitive function within the Hippocampus. For a while now, brain scientists have seen that brain and neurological diseases have been linked to low levels of the BDNF; Alzheimers and Dementia being two big ones. Interestingly,  Curcumin and Turmeric supplementation have been shown to increase neuronal development and actually make you smarter. Crazy right.

Finally. There are certain things that can enhance the effects of the herb like, taking it with black pepper, and eating Turmeric with a high fat meal to increase absorption. But focus first on getting more of this goodness all up in ya!!

New Chapter Supplements, Wildfood.co powder, and others are a very high quality herb supplement. By keeping the herb free of chemicals and pesticides you are ensured that it is not only 'non-GMO' but also processed in a very 'organic' way. So at your leisure, check out Turmeric as a supplement and begin to find recipes to cook it with.

Let nature fight the fight for you. Add Turmeric to your diet and let the healing begin!

2X :30 @ Each
-Jumping Jacks
-Arm Circles
-Piked Handstand push Ups
-High Knees

**Break Class out into pairs and go over each KB movement . And Rope Climb Scaled Options.
8 mins...

Partner WOD:
(Break up the reps as needed) (all movements with same KB)
100 Goblet Squat
90 Single Arm Swings
80 Overhead Lunges
70 Press
60 Push Up and Walk Over
50 Front Rack Lateral Lunge
40 Russian Twist
30 Sumo Deadlift High Pull
20 Thruster
10 Swing
***Perform 2 Rope Climbs in between each exercise

20@ each
Banded Good Mornings
Banded Hip Activation
Banded Squats
Banded Pull Aparts
Banded Row

10 Bent Over Row
10 Romanian Deadlift
***increasing weight each round

In 14 Minutes, 
2 K Row, 
50 Double Unders
15 Deadlift 185/135