We are cruising at a pretty high speed into summer and the last thing we want to be is stressed when it starts heating up. My kids are out of school now which always takes the stress level up a bit as I find things for them to do all day instead of killing each other! Rather than turning to chemicals or some god awful white pill from your doctor, I think there are some pretty cool ways to relieve stress and give yourself a boost.
No Im not going to advise marijuana in this article. Although it has been shown to decrease stress, we will save it for another day...
What I do want to tune you up on are Ginseng and Cordyceps. They are probably not on your anxiety radar but they should be. What this root and mushroom have in common is their 'ADAPTOGEN' properties. I have written about adaptogens and cordyceps previously but lets revisit. Adaptogens are compounds which help regulate hormones and protect cells from breaking down or aging.
Ginseng has turned heads for some time because it has been used in Chinese medicine as an herbal medicine. We see it in sugary beverages and teas because it was sold to the american public as an herb which can give you a health boost and energy. Like most things, we diluted it and added shit loads of sugar to it and negated its benefits. Ginseng in whole form can be added to teas like ginger, to lower stress and protect your cells. Nature is amazing because not only does Ginseng help you deal with stress but it is also known as the 'anti-aging' root. Ginseng works with skin cells protecting the membranes of the cells and fighting off oxidation.
Anti stress... anti-aging.. pretty cool.
Cordyceps also give you health benefits outside of lowering anxiety and stress. As I outlined in a previous post, Cordyceps fight oxidation and assist an increase in ATP (energy). Essentially, Cordyceps allow for athletes to do more work, longer through Hormone regulation. Training CrossFit is highly stressful on the Endocrine system and these mushrooms help to balance and restore it.
Ginseng and Cordyceps can be found at specialty grocers, and online retailers. You can find them in pills, powder or whole form. I prefer whole form. Either way, add this to your supplement list and feel good that you are choosing nature over some random garbage in a processed product.
Train hard, supplement right, and become the best possible version of yourself!!
-Marching High Kicks
-Shoulder Rolls
-Arm Circles
-Half Moon Stretch
-Bow/ Bend
-Side Lunges
Partner Warm Up
-Banded High Knees/ Partner Holds
-Banded Butt Kickers/ Partner Holds
-Banded High Skips/ Partner Holds
-Banded Chariot Run/ Partner Holds
1 Mile Run
100 Pull Ups
200 Push Ups
300 Squats
1 Mile Run
*wear 20# vest if available
Lat Band/ Bully Stretch/ Scapula Distraction
10 Kip Swing
15 Hollow Rock
20 Walking Elbow To Instep Lunge
Squat Flow: Kang Squat, Internal Rotation, Hip Bridge, Ankle Roll out, PNF, squat W/ T Spine Rotation.
*Work Front Squat for 8 Minutes, build past workout weight and then back off.
4 Rounds for total time,
12 Lateral Bar Over Burpees
14 Front Squat 155/115
16 Toes TO Bar
Rest 1 Minute between Rounds
Roll Out Lats, calfs, scapula for 5 minutes
Partner Warm Up:
1 minute Double Under Practice/ Partner holds Handstand
1 Minute Ice Skaters/ Partner holds squat
1 minute push ups/ Partner holds plank
Snatch Warm Up:
7 x romanian deadlift
7 x snatch high pull
7 x muscle snatch
7 x tempo overhead squat @ 23X1
7 x snatch balance
7 x power snatch to OHS
7 x snatch pull under
7 x hang (squat) snatch
Build TO a Heavy Touch and Go Snatch in (10 Minutes).
Partner WOD:
200 Double Unders
50 Snatch 115/75
50 Snatch
200 Double Unders
Cash Out:
3X 15 GHD Sit up
250m Row
15 Alternating Dumbbell Press
:45 L-Sit
4 Rounds (Not For Time)
8 Ring Dips (preferably strict)
8 Pistol Squats
*12 Minute Cap
20 Min EMOM
Even- 15 Wall ball
Odd- 15/12 Cal Row
Banded Good Mornings
Banded Hip Activation
Banded Squats
10X Partner Hamstring Curls
10X Burpee Tuck Jumps
1:00 Partner Calf Smash
Barbell Bent Over Row
Romanian Deadlift
*go up in weight each Round
3 Rounds For Time
500m Row
21 Bodyweight Deadlift
21 Box Jumps 20"