150317 "Understanding the 3 Part approach to Recovery"

It doesn't just stop at your Post-Workout Prtotein Shake. Recovery from training is a wholistic process that combines a multi-faceted approach. Combining hormonal, physical and mental recovery into your training will keep you at the top of your game and lead you to your most optimal self. 

1)Hormonal Recovery. Your body runs on both the Sympathetic and Parasympathetic Nervous systems. These systems are controlled or 'fueled' by hormones. During training and exercise, your body is constantly dumping hormones into the system and the power plants (adrenal glands, hypothalamus, kidneys) are getting a big workout. Just as when we rest and recover our muscles, so must our endocrine system rest and recover. If you have been in the game for a while you have heard about or felt yourself the symptoms of overworking your hormonal systems. Fatigue, loss of sex drive, decreased performance, irritability all results when we are overworking. 
To recover from training and to reset your hormones you can;
-chill in a hot tub
-get some sauna time
-breathing exercises
The goal is to activate your Parasympathetic Nervous system and turn off your Sympathetic nervous System. Sympathetic refers to your "fight or flight" and Parasympathetic refers to your "rest and recover". If you can take the time to put some more CHILL time into your recovery, you will surely be perfroming at your best on training days. 

2)Physical Recovery. You know this type of recovery if you have been around the gym for any length of time. A reputable gym this is... 
-myofascial release
These are all types of Physical recovery you have probably been well aware of for some time. Each has a place in recovery to help move all that metabolic waste out of the muscles and help keep the muscles supple! Stretching the muscle after exercise is the best time to create more length in the muscle and teach the brain that allowing for extra 'stretch' in the muscle is ok. Many times athletes who dont stretch after training end up looking and moving just like those who dont train at all; little balled up and immobile beings.

Myofascial Release attacks the knots and metabolic waste on  another level. Breaking up the inflammation in the muscle and keeping the skin moving smoothly over the muscle is key to optimal mobility. Lacrosse Balls, Foam rollers and the host of other implements that have gotten weirder and weirder over the years all do the trick. Working along the muscle fiber and across the muscle fiber as well as all around the joints is a great way to keep you moving. 

Massage kills two birds with one stone. Not only can it be meditative (hormonal) but a properly trained therapist can feel around and pay close attention to muscles that need a bit extra. Once again, there are many types of massage and finding the one that you like is key. Your body will tell you. massage can have benefits beyond just the muscles as well. Massage has been linked to improving your immune systems and digestive systems as well. 

3)Mental Recovery. Have you ever heard of the 80/20 rule? As an everyday fitness enthusiast you should be focusing on your diet and training 80% of the time. The other 20% of the time you should be out living your life, smiling and spreading POSITIVE VIBES! The CrossFit Gym community is an infectious one and believe me when I say that it is hard to leave the gym behind after training. The gym community are the people I hang out with, share things with and care about. Unplugging from training completely and engaging in activity that has NOTHING to do with the gym is very important. Have a glass of wine! Play with your kids! Stay off Instagram!! Get out in Nature. (That is Mandatory)

For atheltes who are in season or on a serious training cycle the managing Mental Recovery should be programmed in with your weekly training. Not losing sight To the overall quality of your life is very important. From time with friends to even the knowledge that you made the right Nutrition choices, keeping your head is a positive space will keep the training/life balance. 

"17.4 Warm Up and Workout Prep"

1)Take 5 Minutes to Roll Out T-Spine and Hip Capsule with Roller or ball. Pay attention to move joint through range of motion while rolling. 
2) Activation:
Banded Pull Aparts (Low, Mid, Overhead) , Banded Pass Through, Banded Press, Banded Good Mornings, Banded Hip Activation, Banded Squats. 

Banded Buddy Pull 50m
10 Barbell Bent Over Row
10 Barbell Strict Press and Reach
10 Barbell Romanian Deadlift
10 Alternating Knee To Elbow ( Really twist the low back out)

3) WOD Prep:
Tape off your HSPU station. 36"X24" and 3" below your wrist mark.
-chalk your hands and place them on the floor, kick up and make sure you feel extension and dorsiflexion of the foot . 
-Perform 3 sets of 3 Handstand Push Ups

Load barbell to Workout Weight for deadlift. Practice setting the midline, perfroming a quick set of 5 reps and dropping the bar. Each set should be tight and active. No Need to be a hero.. 

Mental Notes:
-you are Better off pacing than you are sprinting, smooth is fast in this workout. 
-Pick happy numbers that you can live with. I like round numbers or multiples of 5. On deadlifts and wall balls stick to that pace. 
-Breathing has been something I have programmed through the opens, use the inhale and exhale variations.
-set up correctly and anticipate the set. Don't try and work until you are braced through the midsection on any of the movements. 
-Row at a 1:55-2:10 pace the entire time. This is what the pacing drills have been all about the past few weeks. 

Against a 13 Minute CLock,

55 Deadlift
55 Wall Ball
55 Cal Row
55 HSPU (push press)