010217 "Boost your Performance with Butter"

The Science is proven. Processed Carbohydrates do more to deplete your athletic performance than add to it. The notion that simple sugars can give you an edge is simply just not what most people need or should fuel on for training. The answer could be.... Butter. 

Grass Fed Butter is literally a Superfood, seriously, by definition it is. Grass Fed butter is very high in Vitamins A, D, E and K2. These vitamins are responsible for hormonal balancing, and cardiovascular health. Magnesium and Zinc are also huge players in the game. By consuming Grass Fed Butter you can balance calcium levels, repair muscles and provide adequate energy during training. 

Grass Fed Butter can provide 20 times more ATP during cellular metabolism than can be gained by eating all sorts of processed grains and sugars!

Here are a couple simple truths about eating Grass Fed Butter for Athletic Performance;

1) Don't go overboard. I put this first on the list because I don't want to give you impression that you should be licking the stuff all day long. If you are trying to lose weight and maintain performance I would recommend cooking with it once a day, perhaps 3 or so hours before a training session. If you want to consume it more than once a day, I would limit your exposure to 2 tablespoons per day. Butter is still a saturated fat. Different than other Omega 3 fats that are unsaturated and poly unsaturated. 

2) Go Organic. Pasteurization is the process of super heating a food product to kill bad bacteria. For most of the shit food products that are out there, like mass produced eggs, and milk from big dairy plants, it is a necessity. But your butter should be like your other fats; (i.e. coconut oil and avocados and nuts), ORGANIC. Avoid the pasteurization process to keep the good stuff inside. 

3) Fat dissolves slower. Don't pound a Bulletproof coffee or whack down a quick chunk and expect to turn into superman. Fueling on Good Fats WILL give you sustained energy without the glucose bump but it takes time to break down. Saturated fats tend to be a bit slower than the unsaturated kinds, BTW. 

So don't be afraid to adorn your dinner table with a mound of the golden deliciousness. The years of Grass Fed butter being a pariah and heart attack maker are grossly overstated. There should be no more canola oils or processed oils in your pantry anymore. There are so many great options that will keep you healthy and give you energy. Good Luck and Go milk a cow!

Spend 2:00 with Samson Lunge and Elbow TO Instep lunge. Static Mobility

Hip Activation Drill; Lateral Steps, banded Squats (optional)

W/ Partner
20m Bear Crawl
15X Banded Jump lunges
 (partner 1 is banded up around waist, partner 2 sits on the ground behind them and holds tension on band as they jump.) 
6X Rounds total between both partners

10X Divebombers
10X Reverse Lunges
10 X Sit Up
10X V ups

W/ Empty Barbell
Shrug High Pull
Muscle Clean + 2 Press
Hang Power Clean + 2 Push Press
Hang Below Knee Power Clean + 2 Push Jerks
Squat Clean + 2 Split Jerks (alt. Legs)

Pistol Squat Progression; Reverse lunge, reverse lunge+ , heel elevated pistol, box assisted pistol squat

Toes To Bar
Hang Power Clean and Jerk 115/75
Pistol Squat (scale to reverse lunge for best result on form)


Lacrosse ball shoulder mob for 3-5 mins. Make sure the chest gets some love as well. …Test and re-test the athletes ROM by having them do wall presses. 

Marching High Kicks
High Knees
Butt Kickers
Side shuffle
Inchworm W/ Push Up
Bear Crawl
Crab Walk
(this should be a couple passes each, totaling 10 minutes)

Review handstand Push Up; Piked HSPU, Box HSPU, Kipping HSPU
Review Ring Dip; Ring Support Top, Ring Support Bottom, Banded Ring Dip
Review DB Floor Press; flat back, placing weights on knees and kicking them to shoulder so as to not blow shoulder out!!

***Have all athletes try each movement for at tleast 10 reps.

Review Rowing form. 

For Time
500m Row
30 handstand Push Ups
500m Row
30 Ring Dips
500m Row
30 DB Floor Press 70/53

Benchmark Day!

3 Minutes Jump Rope Freestyle
2 mins High Knee rope skips
1 Min Double unders

Pull Up Review: Active shoulders, Push/ Pull, Hip Flexion (skip), bridge hips
**have athletes mess around on bars. Get shoulders loose!


3 Rounds for Time
400m Run
21 Kb Swing 53/35
12 Pull Ups

Cash Out:
Double Tabata
Hip Touches