300816 "Men! Take Warning !"

It is not just Skinny jeans that is taking away the manhood of many american men. Without sounding all doom and gloom, our food is tainted with chemicals that boost our estrogen hormones, our food is devoid of vitamins and minerals that limit our testosterone production, and most men could stand to lose 20 pounds..

I have brought up enough points for 5 blog posts so I'll stick to one that e can have direct control over, Supplementing our nutrition . In particular I want to talk about ZINC. 

Zinc is essential for a host of metabolic aspects including boosting your immune system ( think zinc lozenges), keeping your thyroid dumping the right hormones and a very important aspect to our training is testosterone production. 

Zinc and magnesium are frequently paired together as they complement the recovery process in the body especially while you are sleeping. Testosterone is essential for muscle growth and during your sleeping hours is when it it overwhelmingly produced. 

If you are eating organic, meats, eggs, beans and yogurt then you are probably getting ample amounts of zinc although that probably doesn't happen. Conventional farming and animal production is like bleaching all food of their nutrients in the same way that overcooking foods can do. 

So men! Lets keep it organic, eh! Source your food from the most pure sources possible. Supplementation is also essential. There are lots of products that include zinc. What you want to aim to consume is up to 40mg of zinc per day.  Do this and your testosterone and performance will reward you!


Musical Med Balls W/ Jump Lunge Penalty

Med ball Warm Up

Skill Development:

Gymnasty 10
Linear Bounding
3X Forward Rolls
:15 Handstand Hold
5X Ring Dip Negatives

3 Rounds for total reps
:60 at each station
KB Snatch 53/35
Box Jump
Wall Ball
OH Plate Lunges 45/25