The excitement, the challenge... it is now upon us. As I have said before, this time of year is like Christmas to me. Each week I get a new present of a Workout to enjoy and share with everyone. More importantly this is a chance for YOU to push yourself harder and farther than usual. That is how we live our lives to the fullest, that is how we find out who we truly are. For the best realizations are those that come when we reveal our deeper selves to each other!
2016 is going to be an amazing year of discovery, first times and lots of fun. I will be watching the open announcement show every Thursday at 3 pm so please feel free to come and join in .
Agility Warm Up/ Squat Flow
Skill Competency:
EMOM 12:
ODD: 7 Pausing Back Squats @ 40% (1,2,1)
EVEN: 50 Double Unders
3 Rounds for Time
400m Run
20 Box Jumps 24/20"
Rest 1:00 Between Rounds