131216 "Saturated Fat and what you should know"

Many years ago to have the big round belly represented wealth and good health. Around the turn of the century diets that were rich in animal proteins were very common. I once heard that the societal shift away from eating so much saturated fats came about when politicians began dying at alarming rates from heart disease. This has since spurred the cautionary stigma that we still have against these fats to this day. 

Saturated fats are 'saturated' with hydrogen molecules and do not have the double chemical bonds that other fats like nuts and fish have. Because of this fact, Saturated fats earn the label of being LDL (low density lipoproteins) and boost the cholesterol level in our blood; But we should not cut Saturated fats out of our diet all together.

Inside the body, saturated fats do more than just clog the blood vessels. We need these fats to synthesize vitamins and minerals like calcium and magnesium, they help boost the immune system,  keep the liver free of environmental poisons and obviously feed the brain! So, the importance cannot be impressed enough. 

But how much should you consume each day? 

There are conflicting views from the USDA and the American Heart Association but they both agree that you should consume no more than 10% of your daily calories through saturated fats. So if you are consuming 1800-2200 calories per day you get to indulge in somewhere in the area of 180-200 calories or 18-25 grams. I give ranges because each person is different. Activity levels and your dietary needs are very unique. 

Not all fats are created equal. 

Saturated fats are primarily from beef, pork, lamb, butter and dairy so I will encourage you to source your saturated fats from the cleanest possible places. Organic, grass-fed, Non-GMO and local will ensure that the nutrient profiles of the foods are high as well as the fats are the best they can be. 

Eating good fats like monounsaturated and polyunsaturated can fill the gap. 

Nuts, seeds, poultry, fish and whole grains provide these types of fats that increase your HDL (high Density Lipo-protein) and decrease the cholesterol levels in the blood. Additionally you should stay away from other organ damaging and blood poisoning substances that contain sugar. 

Fat is so very essential to maintaining a healthy body and mind. From inflammation to how you do fractions, we need it and should not be afraid of getting it in our diets. Choosing wisely and understanding the differences in fats is important to outlining your nutrition plan. Keep your eyes open and even though you feel like you can eat a pound of bacon, it probably isn't such a good idea...

Lat band Mobility
Banded Hamstring Stretch
Pitchers Stretch

30min EMOM
Against a 3 minute clock, complete the following work;

400m Run or 400m Row
9 Ring Dips
15 Kettlebell Swing 70/53

Repeat for 10 Rounds